30 | Distraction

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March 23

Diana De Angelais

It was the muffled whimpering that woke me up.

Something was wrong, I just didn't know what.

Harry fell asleep really quickly last night, I could tell there was something bothering him after that phone call. He seemed on edge, agitated.

I was curious to know what was wrong, even though I knew there was nothing I could do. But he seemed hesitant to tell me, and I didnt want to make anything worse by pushing him to tell me, so I left it.

I knew he wasn't 'just tired' but it was an excuse I knew too well, and I knew it meant he didn't want to talk about it.

I wasn't even planning on telling him my name, I just kind of blurted it out in the moment. But I didn't regret it, I liked that he knew my name now.

I fell asleep not long after he did. He held onto me so tightly that he was almost squeezing the oxygen out of my lungs. I lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and steady breathing as I drifted off.

I sat up, still slightly foggy from being asleep and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to being open.

Harry was still making weird noises, his face kept scrunching up and he was moving about uncomfortably. He told me the other night that he had bad dreams and I had no idea what to do.

"Harry?" I placed my hand on his cheek trying to stop his head from thrashing around, but it didn't help.

His hands were shaking and he was covered in sweat, his body was hot to touch and he was starting to scare me. He gripped the sheets tightly, his body stopped thrashing around but his head kept jolting from side to side.

"Harry" I said louder, shaking his arm a bit in an effort to wake him up from the nightmare he seemed to be having. Did this have something to do with that call? I knew there was something off about him after it.

He shot up suddenly, murmuring things under his breath, making me sit back since I was hovering over him.

His eyes stayed squeezed shut as he brought his knees up and hunched over so he was sitting in a ball. His hands tangled into his long messy hair harshly tugging at it and he started to mutter things under his breath.

I placed my hand onto his arm, feeling how hot his skin was but he didn't react to my touch at all, it was like he didn't even know I was here.

"Harry, I'm here, you're okay" I tried to push the hair that was falling onto his face back but it was sticking to his forehead from the sweat.

"Daisy?" His eyes suddenly opened and his head snapped to me, his green eyes seemed darker than normal and he was breathing heavily.

He grabbed my arms and lifted them up, searching his eyes over my body like he was looking for something "No no no no"

"Are you okay?" I pulled my arms out of his grip and held his hands instead, feeling that they were trembling and clammy.

"You're not hurt" He said like he was relieved, looking up at me with worried eyes.

I frowned slightly, confused why he thought I would be hurt "Of course I'm not hurt"

"Are you sure?" He held my hands tighter and I saw him look over my body again like he was expecting to see me covered in bruises or something. "I can't let you take her place" he whispered so quietly under his breath that I was sure I wasn't supposed to hear it.

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