58 | Passion

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(2/2 of the double update!!)

May 9

I woke up, feeling Harry's soft lip peppering small lazy kisses all over my face.

We were both lying on our sides, our bare chests pressed against each other. His arms were tight around the bottom of my back and my shoulders, while my arm was slumped over him.

I was sure he didn't know I was awake.

His hand ran slow patterns down my back to my thighs, drawing small circles before he ran his hand back up to my stomach, stroking his thumb on the sides of my ribs.

His hands were all over me, exploring my body and trying to touch every inch he could, but there was nothing sexual about the way he was touching me, he wasn't groping me or grabbing me, he was soft and delicate about it, like he didn't want to wake me up but wanted to be close to me.

I forgot that I was completely naked, until his hand moved from my side and his fingers grazed over my breast, before his hand was cupping my jaw and he was pressing more slow lazy kisses to my cheeks.

I tried my hardest not to smile and keep my breathing slow, I knew he could tell when I was awake, but I think right now he didn't have a clue I was awake.

I was his girlfriend, and this was now our home. Just thinking about it I felt like my heart was being strangled in the best way possible. My lungs had almost given out when I first heard him say the word, and I was sure I was still dreaming up until this very moment.

He pulled his lips back from my cheek, blowing out a long heavy breath before he was bringing his fingers up to feather them over my face.

I wanted to open my eyes so I could see his face, he had the most beautiful face I had ever seen and I could spend hours looking at him.

His eyes were still my favourite though, it sounded cliche but I actually felt like I got lost in them.

I used to not be able to read him at all, I could never understand what he was thinking about or how he was feeling, because he never expressed it through his words or actions. But the more I got to know him and understand him, I realised that I could tell how he was feeling through his eyes.

Whether he was, happy, or sad, or tired, worried, or horny - which was most of the time- I could always tell by the way his eyes looked, a mirage of blended greens that told so many stories and feelings, I knew there were things I didn't know about him yet, but I'd never get tired of looking in his eyes and trying to figure it out.

He ghosted his fingers across my cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind my hair before he was brushing his thumb across my bottom lip.

But I had given up on pretending to sleep, I smiled lazily and pouted my lips against him, kissing the pad of his thumb.

I felt him quickly pull his thumb away, like he was embarrassed that he had just been caught doing that.

I opened my eyes, seeing him with an embarrassed expression on his face and I could help the adoring smile that took over my face."Were you watching me sleep?"

He sighed, bringing his hand back up to my face and he cupped my cheek, "Maybe"

"Creep" I joked, stretching my arms above my head to try and pull me out of my sleep.

"I do it every morning" He whispered, his other hand on my back pulled me closer until our bodies were pressed tightly together.

I buried my face into his bare chest, breathing in the scent that I was so excited to be able to wake up with every morning.

Vigilante | H.S.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora