63 | Trust

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I updated on Wednesday so make sure you read chapter 62 before this one !!!


Diana De Angelais

Harry hasn't said a single word.

We'd  just been driving in complete silence, besides the faint humming of the engine, it was so quiet.

Before we got into the car, before taking the painfully silent elevator ride down to the parking area, Harry had gone back to the bedroom and had got Donut. He didn't say anything about it, he just kind of handed him to me with a broken fake smile.

We've only had Donut for about a week, but somehow he was already acting as a little fluffy white therapist.

He was laying on my lap with his arms up above his head, and I had my fingers running through the fur on his stomach. He liked to try and grab my hair with his paws and chew on it like it was some sort of toy. It was cute, I didn't really mind it.

Something about having him and feeling like I could protect him stopped me from breaking down completely.

I was trying so hard- trying and failing to process everything.

I didn't even know what I was supposed to do in this situation, I didn't know what to think, how to react or what to do with myself. How was I supposed to react to the fact my brother broke into my home and tried to kill everyone I cared about, only to find out about Harry and his job, then to find out that my biological father is very much alive, and also that Harry killed my dad?

And those girls from the club; I had always heard about human trafficking, I knew it was a thing that existed, but I never knew how common it actually was, how many women, children and men are bought and sold across the world.

Seeing the numbers was heartbreaking, the hundreds of thousands of people each year being sold like they're nothing.

But seeing the numbers was nothing compared to putting a name to them.

It made it real, so fucking real that eight out of the hundreds of thousands of people, eight of them I knew, and I considered friends.

My hands were pressed tightly between my thighs, I couldn't stop shaking.

I was only wearing what I wore to bed a few hours ago, a pair of cotton pyjama shorts and one of Harry's oversized shirts.

I could feel the stress radiating from both of us, it was filling the car and making it almost unbreathable in here. Neither of us said a single word, or even made a sound. Everything felt too fragile.

He was taking me to Jades and I hadn't really planned what I was going to say, especially since I was just showing up at her door in the middle of the night.

It hurt, seeing the way he reacted tonight. I wasn't lying to myself anymore, I knew Harry had killed people, but knowing about it was completely different to being told it had happened. But his face when I found out, and then when I panicked, and he held me so tightly when he thought I was going for good, it somehow managed to break my heart even more.

I could tell he thought I was looking at him like he was a monster.

But that's what was confusing me - despite everything, I didn't see Harry as a bad person.

I was scared, yes. I was scared of Harry and I was more scared of Kieran. But the longer we sat in the car, I was realising that maybe it wasn't Harry I was scared of, because there was a part of me that regretted ever asking to leave in the first place. I knew I had to, even just for a night or two. I needed a place where I could clear my head, and I couldn't do that at home. I just needed to talk to someone who wasn't Harry.

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