18 | Fear

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"Take my mind
And take my pain"

Tw: violence.


"I'm going to have to punish you" His eyes seemed to darken, a look of pure hatred and anger that I had never seen him have before.

I already felt like I was going to throw up from how scared I was, taking a few steps back and feeling the tears in my eyes.

I shook my head, feeling a single tear falling down my cheek "Please don't hurt me"

He laughed, he actually laughed out loud, throwing his head back like I had just said the dumbest thing ever.

I was stupid though, I knew what I had done was terrible, I had kissed Harry when I was drunk and then shared a bed with him. Even if I had just tried to break up with him, it was still wrong.

I deserved this; I had to deserve it, there was no other reason that this was happening.

His jaw tensed and he clenched his teeth "Stop making me out to be the bad guy here"

I was the one who was ruining our relationship, I was a whore that got involved with someone else. This was my fault, he was right to be mad at me. That had to be the reason 

The tears started streaming down my cheeks as I started to mentally prepare myself for whatever he was going to do to me. I'd never seen him look so mad before, I was probably going to need to go to the hospital again.

"Here we go again with the fucking tears" He snapped, clenching his fists at his side and taking a small step forward. "You're fucking pathetic"

My heart was beating a million miles an hour and I could feel my pulse in my throat alongside a burning pain. The fear was coursing through me and I could feel it all throughout my body, but I stayed calm besides the silent tears, I was used to this.

"Please don't do this" I whispered cautiously even though I knew it was useless.

His eyebrows narrowed and he took another step closer, towering over me and I could feel the anger radiating off of him. He was so close that we were almost touching, but I had my hands out in front of me to stop him from getting any closer.

His hands gripped my bare shoulders and before I could even realise what was happening he shoved me back with so much force that I slammed my back against the wall and fell to the ground, instantly feeling a burning feeling all over my body where the exposed bricks had scratched me up.

My head was pounding and I hardly noticed him climb on top of me, with his knees on either side of my hips. His hands wrapped around my neck, applying a slight pressure that was enough to make me feel light headed.

"Look what you've done" He stares down at me with his eyes so dark I swore they eye black, he looked at me with so much disgust. "I'm doing this because I love you"

He doesn't love me, this isn't what love feels like.

All I've ever wanted was to be enough for him.

"Fuck you" I choked out, digging my nails into his wrist around my neck.

As soon as he heard what I said, he tightened his grip so hard it was like he actually wanted to kill me. My legs were thrashing around underneath him, trying in anyway to get him off of me.

I needed someone, I just wanted Harry.

Without even realising what I was doing, I released my hands from his wrist and clenched them by my side. And then I brought my fist up to collide with his jaw, using as much force as I could and knocking him completely off me.

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