60 | Intruders

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Diana De Angelais

"Te amo"

I stared into his green eyes, saying the words even though I knew he didn't know what they meant.

I loved him.

I was a hundred percent sure of it.

I loved him so fucking much.

"Mi niño guapo" I pressed a kiss to the top of his head, stroking my fingers as he lay on my chest, curled up on me. "Te amo tanto"

Donut let out a squeaky "Meow", his tail curled up before he closed his eyes, returning to the half sleep he had been in for the past hour.

Sarah didn't lie when she said he liked napping and eating, all he's done was sleep since we brought him back.

I basically hadn't moved from this position since we got home a few days ago.

As soon as we got home, I helped Harry organise Donut's things. And Harry, he wasn't exactly sure what cats liked, or what they needed, so his solution to the problem was to just buy as much as possible. So now we had one of each scent of cat litter, a million different toys for him and about six beds, because he was scared he would get the wrong one and Donut wouldn't find it comfortable enough.

There was a whole different feel to the apartment, because for the past few days since Harry had asked me to move in, despite my clothes being in my wardrobe and random things of mine being everywhere -he even let me put ferb on the coffee table- I always still felt like it was Harry's apartment that I was just staying at, but the moment we bought Donut back, it felt like home.

Donuts favourite resting place was my stomach, every time I lay down, he would somehow find his way onto his new pillow, which I had apparently become.

My legs were across Harry's lap, I was laying back across the couch and he was sitting up, watching a random movie that I was paying no attention to. I could only feel two things, Harrys hands on my legs, drawing small patterns, and the ball of fluff on my stomach, and the subtle vibration of whenever he purred.

We were watching a movie, just the two of us. We just relaxed in each other's presence. It was so comforting just being around him. It was later in the night and Harry had opened a bottle of red wine, pouring us both a small glass so we could just have a little date night without having to go anywhere.

"Really, I just told you I loved you and all I got was a meow?" I mumbled in offence, I had been telling him how much I loved him for the past hour, and all I got was a meow back, I was hoping that was his way of telling me he loved me too.

I stroked the soft fur between his ears, "Te amo mi chico lindo."

Harry double glanced at me, his eyebrows furrowed. "Diana, why are you teaching the cat Spanish?"

"Cállate" I squinted my eyes in fake offence.

Harry just stared at me blankly, "I have no idea what that means"

"It means shut up" I smiled sarcastically at him, before my gaze returned to the adorable fluff in front of me.

"You shut up" He fired back with a huff, squeezing my legs that were resting on his lap.

His jaw clenched slightly, and I could see the crease between his eyebrows, and I rolled my lips into my mouth to stop myself from laughing when I finally came to the conclusion inside my head.

"Estas celoso?" I teased with a smile.

There was no doubt that Harry was always used to getting my undivided attention all day every day. And the only attention I had given him today was our usual morning cuddle in bed that lasted an hour, and then when we had breakfast and lunch, but besides that, all of my attention was focused on Donut.

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