54 | Boogeyman

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May 7

Harry spent half an hour yesterday morning pacing back and forth across his bedroom, and he ran his fingers through his hair so many times I'm surprised he still has hair.

It seemed to finally click inside his head, that having sex without a condom could result in disaster.

It was honestly the most I think I've ever heard him speak, and the fastest he had ever spoken too.

He even started apologising to me at one point, and to be honest I didn't even know why. I kind of just tuned him out after about ten minutes of his pacing and ranting.

It took me about twenty minutes to even get a word in.

When I finally got him to shut up - by literally having to put my hand over his mouth - I explained that I had an IUD, he was clean, I was clean and he didn't have to worry about anything.

I basically had to give him the birds and the bees talk.

I did feel bad when I started cackling at the way his face dropped when I explained what it was. And then when he asked if it hurt when I got it done, he looked like he went through the five stages of grief in one second.

I genuinely don't think I had ever seen anyone look so confused, hurt and terrified before.

And then he asked me how the fuck they got it up there, and I just left that up to his imagination, he had been traumatised and bombarded with enough information for a Saturday morning.

It was Sunday night now, and I was sitting on the couch, watching shitty reality TV and eating ice cream while waiting for Harry to get back from work.

I'd been staying at Harry's for about two weeks, and honestly it felt like I was having a little vacation. I just felt really happy, and even though we didn't really do much besides argue over who was better at Mario Kart, I was having so much fun.

"Guess who" Two large hands covered my eyes, the familiar scent of Harry filled my nostrils.

I smiled, tilting my head back, knowing he was standing over the couch behind me, "Louis?"

"What? No" He pulled his hands away instantly, his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked genuinely offended and confused, "Why would you think-"

"I was kidding, I knew it was you" I cut him off with a laugh, looking up at him standing over me. His face softened in relief as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Nobody else wears these rings"

He bent down over the back of the couch, pecking my lips once upside down. I brought my hands up to hold his hands on my shoulders. I toyed with the rings on his fingers, twisting them around.

"How was work?" I asked, hoping one day he would tell me more about it, it sounded so interesting. "All your secret spy and sort of private investigator stuff"

"Boring" He shrugged, moving from the back of the couch to sit down next to me,

He glanced down at the horrible assortment of foods I had in front of me, keeping me fed and entertained as I watched boringly entertaining tv when he was gone.

"Is this what you made yourself for dinner, popcorn dipped in ice cream?" He looked half disgusted and half amused.

"Yeah, its nice, nice and nutritious" I smiled, picking up another piece of the microwave popcorn into the ice cream, before plopping it in my mouth and chewing with an exaggerated hum.

"I'm sure it is" He scrunched up his face a bit.

"Try it" I dipped another piece of popcorn in the ice cream and held it out for him.

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