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March 12

It's been over a month.

Over a month since Harry found me in my apartment and took me to his.

Over a month since we kissed.

And over a month since I've seen him, or even heard from him. 

It just hurt, it hurt knowing I wasn't as important to him as I thought I could be, or as important as he was to me.

Thirty nine days-yes, I knew I was fucking mental for keeping track- But it was the only thing that helped me keep track of the vicious endless cycle of days that were all the same.

He took me to Jades when we left his, saying that he didn't want me going to stay at my place in case James came back.

I also hadn't seen James since that night.

He took so much from me that night, he completely destroyed me on the inside and the outside.

I stayed with Jade for just over a week. I basically showed up at her door at ten in the morning and Liam answered the door. I could tell he was confused as to why I had just shown up at their home, and why Harry was standing behind me, demanding that I stayed with them.

Liam immediately questioned why I was with Harry, since the only other time he had seen him was when he had his hands all over me in the club, and Liam told me that I shouldn't let him.

To which Harry responded telling him to fuck off and mind his own business.

I stood silently the whole time, refusing to look anywhere except the floor, for some reason I was embarrassed to look at anybody. I was embarrassed of the things that had happened to me, embarrassed that I let them happen for so long.

Of course Liam and Jade were very welcoming to me, they didn't ask any other questions until Harry left.

He had taken me to my apartment and let me have the most painful shower of my life and get dressed into something else. I accidentally forgot to give him his sweater back, but he never asked either, I also realised that I still had his sunglasses from when he took me to the gallery.

After Harry left I was drowned in hundreds of questions from both Liam and Jade.

I explained to them what had happened, leaving out some details though. I told them that James and I had a fight and it got violent. The look of pure rage and hurt in their faces when I lifted up the shirt I was wearing to show them my beaten up body was horrible.

I never actually told them what happened, I physically couldn't. I only said that he hurt me.

Jade was so helpful, I begged her not to take me to a hospital, I didn't want anyone asking questions and I genuinely didn't think I could do it. And luckily since she was studying to be a nurse she checked the wound on the back of my head, and helped me take care of the damage done to my body.

She assured me that if she 'ever saw the ginger cunt again' she'd 'castrate him, blend his broken shrimp dick and spoon feed him it'

I was both surprised by her creative technique of torture, and appreciative of how angry she got.

Liam took a much less violent approach, he just pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my cheek, telling me how sorry he was and that he would help hide the body when Jade finally got to him.

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