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5 months earlier...

"You've had a miscarriage." He quietly says and I look at him in shock. "A what now?" Niall and I mumble together. "The bleeding and pain is due to your baby being unable to survive. It looks like there wasn't any place for the baby to survive and wasn't able to get what was needed. Did you by any chance take any medication that would harm the baby?" I shake my head, still in shock.

"You were pregnant?" Niall asks, turning to me in shock. "I was?" I say in confusion. "Ours?" Niall asks, a bit of fear clouding his eyes. I slowly shake my head and look down. "Who's?" He asks, his voice cracking. "Harry's." I whisper and Niall lets go of my hand. I look up and see Niall trying to hold back tears. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Panny. I was only joking." I say, grabbing his face and kissing him before wrapping my arms around him.

"You're really mean." He mumbles, hugging me tighter. "The opportunity was there so I went along." I say, letting out a small laugh before Niall joins in. "I hate to break up this beautiful moment but I've just found something I think you would like to know." The doctor says, causing me and Niall to pull apart. "Baby number 2 seems to be awakening and moving around a little bit." The doctor says and I turn to Niall in shock.

"Two?" I ask, turning back to the doctor. "Yes, you were carrying twins. That explains why there wasn't enough room. Baby number 1 probably covered baby 2 and was able to save them by unfortunately being hit by whatever caused the miscarriage." The doctor explains and I slowly nod.

"You see this white image right here." He says, zooming in and pointing on the screen while I nod. "This is your baby. They're a bit malnourished and were very tightly cornered deep within the womb which is probably why they weren't visible." The doctor says and I stare at the screen. "Would you like to hear her heartbeat?" The doctor says and my mouth drops open.

"Her?" I ask, my mouth opening a bit in shock. The doctor nods with a smile and I turn back to the screen. "Yes please." Niall says as I lay down and he leans in closer to me. The doctor clicks a few things, moving the stick on my stomach around before a loud and rapid thumping sound fills the room. "That's our daughter." I say to Niall with tears rolling down my face. Niall smiles with teary eyes and leans in, kissing me passionately.

"Would you like a picture to take home?" The doctor asks and I nod, reaching up to touch the screen. The doctor leaves the room and I turn to Niall with a smile. "We're having a baby?" He asks, his voice quiet and shaky. "We're having a baby." I say with a small smile. He looks down at my stomach and then at the screen.

The doctor walks in and hands us a piece of paper. The images of my son make me smile. "How far along is she?" Niall asks, looking at the pictures. "A little over 4 months. I think it would be best to just rest a lot and try your best to do whatever you can to help the baby. Now that she has the womb to herself, she'll be able to grow easier and it will be easier for you as well." I nod and thank the doctor as he starts to gather things from a file in his hand.

Niall paces back and forth as the doctor hands me a list of things to do to recover from the miscarriage and to help ensure my baby is okay and can survive. I thank him and he hands me some hospital clothes so I don't have to walk out in bloody torn up trousers. As I change, I watch Niall process what's happened.

"You must have gotten pregnant before I got in the coma, but we've always used protection every time." Niall says, stopping and looking at me. "There must have been a time where we didn't or the condom must have broke or something." I mumble, fixing my hair. "I always tie it up and leave it on the table because it annoys you." He says and I let out a small laugh. "You do, except the times you threw it out in a field." Niall sends me a grin and fixes the chairs.

"Oh fuck." Niall says as he stops what he was doing and realisation crosses his face. "What?" I ask, wiping off the gel on my stomach. "The bathroom." He says and my mouth falls open. "Did you not use protection?" I ask, fixing up the clothes. "It was the heat of the moment, I guess I forgot." He says, running a hand through his hair. "I'm so sorry." He says, letting out a frustrated sigh. "It's okay. What's done is done. We're gonna have to figure out what we're gonna do." I say, walking up to him and hugging him.

"Please keep her." Niall says and I pull away. "You want the baby?" I ask and he nods, reaching down to touch my stomach. "It's gonna be fine, we can figure something out and we'll learn how to be parents." He says, rubbing his hand all over my stomach. "Are you sure?" I ask, resting my hand on top of his. "No, but we're in this together so how bad can it be." He says and I smile, pecking his lips. "I guess we're parents now." Niall grins, pulling me closer to him.

"We lost one though." I say, tears clouding my vision. "I never thought it could hurt this much to lose something you didn't even know existed before you found out it was gone." Niall mumbles, hugging me tight. "At least we have one." I say, rubbing my stomach. "We can do this and our little girl is gonna be healthy and happy." Niall says with a grin. "I can't go on tour." I say, reading through the list. "It says no travelling."

Niall grabs the paper and reads it. "When is it most dangerous?" Niall asks and I go through it again. "It doesn't say but I assume maybe the third trimester considering I'm already in the second." He nods and grabs my hand. "I have to tell you something." Niall says, helping me out of the hospital. "What is it?" I ask as we walk towards the car. "I can't tell you here." He says, helping me in the car before going to his side. He stares at me for a second before turning to face the front. He gives me clothes from the backseat and I change in the seat as Niall puts on his seatbelt. 

"Trust me." He says and I look at him in confusion. "Are you feeling better?" He asks me and I slowly nod. "The doctor says you need to drink water so you can flush out any more of the bacteria inside. Wanna go to the shops?" He asks, his hand going to my thigh. "Sure?" I say and he smiles, squeezing my thigh. 

We make our way to the nearest shop and I get out of the car while Niall pull out his keys from the ignition and meets me at my side. "Can I have your phone?" He asks and I hand it to him. He opens the door and throws both our phones inside before locking the car and grabbing my hand. 

"Abbadon is not stupid. He adds listening devices and tracking devices into all our phones." Niall whispers in my ear as we walk to get a trolley. "That way he can make sure that none of us our doing anything we aren't supposed to. Although, he's learnt that whenever we go to hook up with someone, our phones are usually powered off or thrown away and forgotten within our trousers." He grabs a few things and puts them in the trolley. 

"I'm hoping he's too busy to care about our phones but just for safe measures, I kept them in the car." I nod and grab some water bottles. "Now, I have a feeling the miscarriage wasn't an accident. I think it might have some connection to him. I don't know for sure, so I'll have to get a burner phone and make some calls to figure it out." He says as we walk towards the cashier. "No matter what, nobody can know about baby number 2." He whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek and continuing what he was doing. 

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