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Fog begins filling the area as Niall slowly plays the notes of the song's intro. The notes are played slower than what was played during rehearsal making me a bit confused. The arena is silent and Niall's guitar is the only sound echoing through the arena. As soon as Louis hits the first beat on the drums, the light flashes revealing the boys for a second before it's dark once again.

The arena is dark but the boys are still visible if you're close enough to the stage. Water bottles are scattered around the stage and the boys are definitely sweating now. The air is a bit thick due to the amount of people in this closed space and the amount of smoke being spread around isn't helping either.

Liam joins in a little, playing a chord or two as Niall plays the main tune while his hair begins falling in front of his face. I notice Harry is holding his hand up next to where the mic is and snaps into it, making me laugh a bit. Louis hits a beat in the back as the lights flash according to each time he hits the drums.

Niall gets close to the mic and sucks in a breath to make a cool sound effect, adding to the music being played. There's a pause where there's nothing but silence. Louis hits one of the cymbals of his drum set, a bell ringing noise echoing through the arena. Red lights are turned on as soon as Harry begins singing and Louis hits his drums.

"Girl!" Harry sings deep from the back of his throat, his curly brown hair falling over his face, adding a breath at the end with his eyes closed. "Tell me what you're doing on the other side." He slowly sings as the boys slowly play the instruments according to the pace Harry is singing at.

Louis throws his head back as he hits his drums before Harry begins his singing again. "And tell!" He breathily says as he rolls his head back and closes his eyes. His shoulders hunching forward as he ends off the breath. "Just tell me what you're doing with that other guy." He sings out slowly as the boys add in a few background vocals to harmonise with Harry.

"Cos I ain't got patience to slow down the bass all your girlfriends are wasted they need it they chase it! " Liam takes over singing it faster and all in one breath, holding a few notes longer than others. He sucks in a breath near the mic, which ends up making the song better.

"Face it you want it you crave it believe when I say that you'll know once you taste it!" His voice remains deep and breathy, although it remains steady and smooth all throughout. He rolls his head back and leans away from the mic before quickly playing his guitar and singing into the mic as the red lights start flashing.

"All of your friends have been here for too long!" The boys sing slowly and breathily and the audience screams the lyrics at the same time as them. "They must be waiting for you to move on!" The lights flash according to the beats of the song making the whole scene even more unreal.

"Woo!" Niall screams into the mic and I laugh, shaking my head. "Girl, I'm not with it, I'm way too far gone!" It amazes me how they all blend their voices together really well and how they all manage to make such a slow and breathy song sound so amazing.

"I'm not ready, eyes heavy now!" Liam, Louis and Harry sing together, all of them simultaneously throwing their heads back. "Woo!" Niall screams again and I smile as I watch him. "Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved!"

Fog begins filling the arena once again as the lights continue flashing. "Running in circles, now look what you've done" The boys sing as Niall shouts his 'woo' once again. "Give you my word as you take it and run, wish you'd let me stay, I'm ready now!" Their voices echo through the arena, just barely overpowering the audience.

The lights are once again turned off and a spotlight is put on Louis. His voice comes out muffled through the speaker as he sings his lyrics. His voice quiet and low. "Just give me some time and space to realise that you were busy lying, sleeping 'round with other guys!"

"And what the hell were we? Tell me we weren't just friends this doesn't make much sense, no but I'm not hurt, I'm tense cos I'll be fine without you, babe!" He sings into the mic, spotlight still on him. "Woo!" Niall screams and the lights are turned off.

"All of your friends have been here for too long, they must be waiting for you to move on!" The boys all sing as the flashing red lights are turned on once again. "Woo!" Niall screams into the mic once again and jumps.

"Girl, I'm not with it, I'm way too far gone, I'm not ready, eyes heavy now!" The audience screams the lyrics and Harry smirks. "Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved, running in circles, now look what you've done!"

Niall screams his 'woo' once again and my smile only grows. "Give you my word as you take it and run, wish you'd let me stay. I'm ready now!" Niall adds in his 'woo' at the end as usual and the lights are turned off.

The backing track plays a few sound effects before a red spotlight is set on Niall, who's hair now looks wet and stuck to his forehead. His muscles flexed as he played the guitar. Niall sings a few notes into the mic quietly to add an effect to the song. "Wish you'd let me stay, I'm ready now, I'm not ready, eyes heavy now!" The backing track plays a sound similar to a plane, which adds emphasis on the fact that a great beat drop is about to happen.

The red lights begin flashing again as the boys scream the lyrics into the mic and the audience yells them back. "All of your friends have been here for too long, they must be waiting for you to move on!"

"Girl, I'm not with it I'm way too far gone I'm not ready, eyes heavy now!" Everything becomes so intense as soon as this final chorus is sung. "Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved running in circles, now look what you've done, give you my word as you take it and run, wish you'd let me stay, I'm ready now!"

The spotlight is set on Niall as he plays a guitar riff. Liam sings a few notes in the back quietly like Niall did before as Niall and Louis play their instruments. "I'm not ready, eyes heavy now, wish you'd let me stay, I'm ready now I'm not ready, eyes heavy now wish you'd let me stay, I'm ready now!"

Niall screams his final 'woo' and the lights are turned off as the music slowly comes to a stop. With that, the boys leave the stage and the lights are turned back on. Everyone begins leaving the arena and I grab my things before walking to the dressing room. As soon as I walk in, I look at the boys scattered around the room. "That was fucking sick!"

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