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beautiful: pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.

ugly: involving or likely to involve violence or other unpleasantness

I've always been fascinated with such strong words. These two simple words, each less than 10 letters, hold so much meaning. We only truly discover the meanings of each word when we experience the world. For some, the world is beautiful. For others, it's ugly. Yet for some, it just is.

I've always tried to see the beauty in life. The bright sky, the pretty flowers, the shining sun. Everything was made beautiful. Sometimes, we lose that beauty. It's like a lamp. Sometimes the lightbulb fuses. We lose the brightness and things get incredibly dull. Although, when you change the lightbulb and put in a new one, the brightness returns.

My lightbulb fused a long time ago. Until, I found a new lightbulb.

I look up, my chin gently resting on Niall's chest, and smile as I watch him sleep. I slowly take my hand and run it through his hair. His mouth slightly open, quiet snores coming out. My finger travels down to his cheekbones and lightly brushes over his cheeks. Slowly making its way down, my finger reaches his lips. His beautiful pink addicting lips.

Niall's eyes slowly open and he looks down at me. "Hi." I whisper with a cheeky smile. "Hi." His laugh echoes through the car. "How'd you sleep?" He asks as he wipes his eyes. I notice they're puffy, indicating that he in fact had a good night's sleep.

"I slept alright, you?" I ask as his hands find their way to my back. "Good." He mumbles, his eyes closing and I smile. "We have to get back to the hotel." I say and he groans, shaking his head. "No." He mumbles, turning his head.

"Yes." I laugh and sit up, the blanket falling off my back. "No, come back." Niall whines, reaching out blindly to grab me. I shake my head and reach over the seat to grab my phone. "Fuck." I curse as I see it's already 3 pm. "Niall, it's already 3. We have to be at the stadium at 5 for rehearsals." I say as I hit his chest.

His eyes slowly open and his eyes instantly travel to my chest. I look down and realise that I am still naked. "My eyes are up here." I say, causing Niall to quickly look back up at my eyes. "We have to go." I say as I grab my clothes. "No." Niall protests as I put on my bra. "Niall, get up and put your clothes on." I sternly say and he sighs, sitting up to grab his clothes.

"Good boy." I say with a smile, causing Niall to roll his eyes. We quickly put on our clothes before I jump into the passenger's seat. Niall climbs into the driver's and sits down with a sigh. "Seatbelt." I say as Niall starts the car. "Every fucking time." He mumbles as he puts on his seatbelt.

"We can stop off to grab a quick bite to eat but if we do then we need to go straight to the stadium." I say as Niall reaches a more crowded area. "McDonald's?" Niall asks and my face twists to one of disgust. "We've eaten that every day. Maybe let's get some sandwiches at a small cafe or something." I say and he nods, his hand finding my thigh.

"What's your ideal date?" Niall's voice breaks the silence. "Probably something really simple." I say and he quickly glances at me before looking back at the road. "Like?" I sigh and trace patterns on the hand on my thigh. "I've always wanted to go to Musee d'Orsay. It's an art gallery in France. I think it could be a really nice date." I say and he nods, leaning back in his seat. "What about you?" I ask and he looks at me in confusion. "What's your ideal date?" I ask him and he shrugs. "I don't date." He says and I slowly nod.

"We're here." He says as he pulls up to a small cafe. We get out and Niall grabs my hand, pulling me into the cafe. We walk up to the place you order and I laugh as he eagerly looks at the menu. "Hi, what can I get you?" One of the workers says, sending Niall a flirtatious smile. Her face is covered in makeup and her shirt is unbuttoned at the top, revealing her cleavage. "What do you recommend?" Niall asks as he moves to stand behind me and I resist the urge to slap her when she tries to seductively bite your lip.

"The cheese and tomato sandwich. It's really healthy and I like to keep up my great shape." She says, pulling her shirt down a bit to reveal more of her breasts. "What do you want, Bunny?" Niall asks me, his hand reaching down to my thigh. "I want a cheese sandwich." I say as Niall's hand travels up to the hem of my shirt. "2 cheese sandwiches, 2 turkey and cheese sandwiches, and 1 ham and cheese sandwich." He orders and I turn to my head to look at him. "You're gonna eat that much?" I ask and he laughs, shaking his head.

"It's for the boys too." He says and I nod before turning back to face the worker. "You didn't order the cheese and tomato sandwich." She says with a pout and I resist the urge to vomit. "I don't want it." He says and she pouts even more while I try to hold in my laugh. "But you asked me what you should order." She says and he nods. "Yeah, so I knew what to NOT order." He says and I burst out laughing.

She scoffs and quickly taps the screen. "20 pounds." She mumbles and Niall hands her the money. He grabs my waist and pulls me to the waiting area with him. "You are a cheeky bastard." I say as I wrap my arms around his neck. "I know." He says with a smirk before leaning down and capturing my lips with his.

"I love your lips." He says as he squeezes my bum. "I can tell." I laugh as he rolls his eyes. "I love yours too." I whisper and he smirks, pulling me closer to him. "I can tell." He says with a smirk as I roll my eyes. "Shut up." I mumble as I pull away from him. "No, come back." He grabs my waist and pulls me back to him. "Clingy much?" I say with a smirk and he rolls his eyes. "Shut up." I look up at him and smirk. "Make me." I whisper in his ear and he tightens his hold on my waist.

"Be careful what you wish for." He says, pinching my bum. "Order #207." A man who looks to be in his late teens hands us our food. I give him a smile as Niall picks up the bag, his arm around me.

Niall pulls me out of the cafe and opens the door for me. "Why thank you kind sir." I say and he nods. "You're very welcome m'lady." He says as he places the bag on my lap and closes the door. He quickly runs to his side and gets in. "Seatbelt." I say as he starts the car and he quickly reaches for the seatbelt.

"Here we are, on the road again." I say and he rolls his eyes, grabbing my thigh. "I would have rather stayed where we were. Alone, in the car...naked." He says, squeezing my thigh. "Yeah yeah, just get us to the stadium safely." I say, turning to look out the window. "You should know by now, Bunny. 'Safe' means nothing to me." I shake my head and turn up the radio to tune out the obnoxious pop star. 


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