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"-Bells you obviously now know that we are in fact not just a band, correct?" Harry says and I nod. "Well, you weren't supposed to know that." He says, looking at Niall who shrugs with a smile. "I did what I had to." Niall mumbles and squeezes me.

"Clearly." Louis mumbles, rolling his eyes. "Nobody can know that you have knowledge of anything to do with us and the mafia." Harry explains and Liam gets up. "Due to us being part of the biggest mafia in the world, we have rivals. Some more brutal than others but none are sweet and caring people." Liam explains as he places a few photos on the bed.

"This is the Gonzalez family, the leaders of the Latin Mafia. There's 2 daughters and 6 sons" Harry says, pointing at one of the photos. "This is the Khan family, the leaders of the Asian Mafia. There's 3 daughters and 2 sons." Louis says, pointing at another photo. "This one here is the Green family, the leaders of the American mafia. There's 5 sons." Liam says and picks up one of the photos under a pile. "This one is the Gio family, the leaders of the Italian mafia. There's 9 sons and 1 daughter. They are also our biggest rivals." Harry explains and hands Niall a photo.

"This is the photo of the Grant family, leaders of the European mafia. We happen to be a part of it." Niall explains and shows me the picture. "There's only 1 person and they're wearing a mask." I say as I look at the picture. "Yeah. That right there is Abbadon." Niall mumbles and I widen my eyes.

"Why is he alone?" I ask as Niall places the photo down. "He had a wife but she was killed during one of the wars he had with the Gio family. She was murdered by them about 20 years ago. There's a rumour that he had a child but they were killed too." Harry explains and I stare at the picture.

"There's no way Abbadon has ever had a family. He's evil and once the missus died he completely lost it." Louis says and walks over to the window. "Who cares anyway?" Liam mumbles and walks over to Louis. They begin talking about something before Harry joins them.

"Have you ever met Abbadon?" I ask Niall as I hug him. "No, only one of us who has ever gotten close to meeting Abbadon was Harry. He doesn't like people knowing who he is or what he looks like hence the mask." Niall explains and I nod.

"So what do you feel like doing today?" Niall smirks and plays with a few strands of my hair. "You boys have a show at 8 which means rehearsals at 6. It's currently 11 so why don't we go to a park or something?" Niall looks like he's in thought before shaking his head.

"Maybe we can just watch a few films and then after the show go to a party or something." He suggests and I nod. "Yeah that sounds good." I say and smile at him. "Pub or house party?" He asks as he pulls out his phone.

"Pub." I say and he nods before he begins typing something on his phone. "A VIP room at the best pub in this area has been booked." He smirks and wraps his arms around me. "Oi lads, we're going to the pub after the show!" Niall says and I turn to look at them.

"We're gonna watch a few films while we wait for rehearsals, wanna join?" I ask and they nod before coming and sitting down around the room. "I'll order some popcorn and stuff." I say and grab the phone on the table beside the bed.

Once I've ordered everything, I sit back in my spot as the boys flip through the options. "Let's watch Twilight." I say with a smirk and they turn towards me with a look of disgust. "No way in hell are we watching that." Harry says and I laugh. "I was only joking, don't get your panties in a twist." I mumble causing a glare to be sent my way.

"How about Back To The Future?" Louis suggests and a few nods and hums of agreement are passed around the room. Louis and Harry sit on the floor in front of the bed with a few pillows from the sofa. Liam lays down on the sofa while Niall and I lay together on the bed.

As the film begins, a knock at the door catches our attention. Liam gets up, after a few complaints and disagreements, and brings in all the snacks. We turn off the lights and the film finally begins properly.


"So his mum now has a crush on him but he's not real?" I ask Niall who turns to me with a sigh. "Bunny, we've been over this multiple times. He went to the past where his mum was the same age as him. He is real, he just time traveled." Niall explains and I nod.

"Okay but like he hooked up with his mum so was he real then?" I ask, causing Niall to groan. "Yes he is real Bunny and no he did not hook up with his mother." He quickly explains and I nod my head. "But why did she kiss him?! He's her son!" I ask and he covers his face with his hands.

The film ended about 2 hours ago and the boys left an hour ago. I guess they didn't wanna hear Niall and I argue about the film any longer. To be fair it has been the same argument with the same questions and same points for 2 hours so I would leave to.

"She didn't know it was her son! HE TIME TRAVELED!" Niall yells and groans while I shake my head. "But he looks exactly the same so she should have recognised him." I say, crossing my arms.

"HE TIME TRAVELED TO A TIME WHERE HE WAS NOWHERE NEAR EXISTENCE!" Niall yells, getting off the bed. "Jeez no need to yell, I was just pointing out a sin in that film. Incest is not the best, it is in fact the worst and should never happen." I cross my arms and look up at Niall.

"Oh my god. I had sex with a fucking loony." Niall mumbles with wide eyes. "I am not a loony! And it wasn't that good either. I only did it cos I felt bad for you." Niall laughs and I glare at him. "Oh yeah it was absolutely horrible. The absolute worst. That's why you came for the first time in your life not only once but TWICE!" Niall smirks and I throw a pillow at him.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yell at him and he smirks walking towards me. "Sensitive spot?" He says as he plays with a strand of my hair. "Fuck you!" I snarl in his face and he smiles. "That's what you're here for, silly." He smiles and I glare at him.

"You are a sick son of a bitch!" I mumble under my breath, hitting him as I say each word. "Woah Bunny, calm down!" Niall yells, grabbing my wrists and pinning them down as he pushes me on my back.

"Don't tell me what to do." I say, my voice laced with anger. "Bunny, you better watch that pretty little mouth of yours." Niall whispers, his lips brushing against mine. "Or what?" I whisper and look Niall in the eyes.

"Simmer down with the attitude." He mumbles, tightening his grip on me. "Make me." I whisper with a smirk. "Fine." He says and stands up. He pulls my legs up and pushes me up the bed. He spreads my legs and looks at my clothed crotch.

"Being a brat isn't good, you know." He mumbles as he runs his fingers along my thighs. "I know." I whisper and he slaps my thigh. "Then why are you being a brat?" He asks and I smirk. "Gets on your nerves doesn't it?" Niall shakes his head and crawls up so his face is in front of mine.

"It does indeed get on my nerves-" I scream in pain and a bit of pleasure, grabbing onto Niall's hair. "-that isn't somewhere you wanna be." He whispers in my ear before massaging my clothed pussy he just roughly slapped. "Did you really have to slap it?" I whisper and Niall gives me a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking." He says and kisses my head as he pulls his hand away from me. "Let's get to rehearsals then shall we." 


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