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"Truth or dare?" Harry asks Niall as we sit in a circle on the stage. "Dare." Niall replies, taking some french fries from my box. I playfully glare at him and push my box away from him. We were now in Belfast. Everything from our last day in Manchester is a blur except for the library.

"I dare you to go make out with oompa loompa over there for 5 seconds." Harry smirks, taking a sip from his drink. We all look over to where Harry pointed. Sitting on one of the chairs backstage was Jacqueline. She wore a tight mini skirt and a long sleeved crop top.

Niall groaned and turned towards Harry. "Do I have to?" Niall says, scrunching his nose in disgust. Harry nods with a smirk. "Unless you're too much of a chicken." Harry says, making Niall roll his eyes. Niall turns to me sending an apologetic smile to which I reply with a smile and nod.

Niall stands up and walks over to Jacqueline. She looks up and smiles as Niall grabs her chin and kisses her lips. Immediately, she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses back. I grimace and look away.

Once the 5 seconds are up, Niall pulls away and walks back to us. He sits down in his previous spot and wipes his lips. "She tastes like a fucking onion and vinegar smoothie with fish." Niall mumbles and grabs my drink. "So you didn't enjoy it?" Harry asks in amusement. 

Niall glares at him and shakes his head. "I'd rather kiss a fucking toilet seat than that." Niall says, pointing towards Jacqueline. We all laugh as Niall rolls his eyes. "Glad you're all finding this amusing." He mumbles and takes a bite of his food.

"Okay Bells, truth or dare?" Niall asks and all eyes are turned to me. "Truth." I say and put down my burger. Harry smirks and whispers something in Niall's ear. Niall nods and turns towards me. "Best sex story."

I sigh and look up as I think of an answer. "To be honest, no one was really that good." I shrug and take a sip from my drink. "So you've never gotten any good dick?" Harry asks with confusion.

"Not really. First guy wasn't that good and we only had sex like 3 times before shit hit the fan. Second guy had a tiny tiny dick. Third guy was too quick." I explain and take the last bite of my food.

"Damn." Harry mumbles before finishing his food. "Harry, truth or dare?" I smirk and lean back on my hands as I look at him. "Dare." Harry says, wiping his hands with a tissue. "I dare you to make out with Louis for 10 seconds." Harry shrugs and grabs Louis by the collar of his shirt.

They make out for 10 seconds before pulling away and fixing their clothes. "You guys made out before didn't you?" I say as they nod and turn to Liam to ask him the question. "So you've never cum?" Niall whispers in my ear quiet enough for only me to hear.

"Nope." I mumble and turn to the boys. "3 people and yet you've never cum?" Niall asks in disbelief. I shake my head and shrug. "Only faked it 2 times but never came the other times." Niall shakes his head and exhales a long breath. "That must suck." I nod and turn my attention back to the game.

We played for a while until the boys had to get ready for the show. Harry, Liam and I decided to play a game of cards as we waited for Louis and Niall to get ready. Liam sat on 1 end of the sofa with Harry on the other end. I sat on the sofa opposite of them with a glass table in the middle of us.

I turned my body so my legs were on the sofa with my back against the arm of the sofa. In the middle of our 3rd game, Niall came into the room and walked over to the sofa I was sat on. He picked up my legs and sat down on the sofa, placing my feet on his lap.

"Hey." I smiled and placed down my cards. "Damn it. Why do you always win?!" Harry says, throwing down his cards. "I'm just that good." I smirk and grab a bottle on the table. As I took a sip, the bottle was snatched away from my hand and I was thrown over a shoulder.

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