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The music blasted through the walls and the smell of smoke filled the air. Lights were flashing and people were dancing. I'd be lying if I said their music was bad, it's just not what I'm used to. Harry was the lead singer so he was up front. All the girls around me started talking about how hot he looked singing. I've only just met him, but I can tell that he doesn't seem like the relationship type of guy. Louis was on the left of him while Liam was on the drums at the back. To the right, unfortunately where I was placed when the security guard brought me out to the pit, was low and behold, Niall fucking Horan. His blonde hair stuck to his sweaty forehead and his fingers strummed the guitar without sparing the instrument a glance.

When Niall told me who he was, the memories had come flashing back. The party was a big mistake and I hate that Sophia dragged me to that stupid party. As I was going through the memories and a million thoughts filled my head, the music stopped. People started cheering and the lights dimmed. People started clearing out of the building, so I assumed the gig was over. I went backstage to congratulate the boys on their wonderful performance. It took me a few minutes to find the dressing room since the venue was really big. Once I finally found it, I knocked and waited till I heard a faint 'come in' from inside the room.

Smoke. That was the first thing I smelled when I opened the door. Empty wrappers were thrown on the floor and clothes were scattered around the room. When the smoke finally cleared out and my vision was back, I looked around the room to notice only one person in the room. Niall. Of all the people in this huge fucking building, why on earth did it have to be this wanker?!

"Well look what the cat dragged in" A smirk was plastered on Niall's face. "Miss me?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "In your dreams" Niall rolled his eyes and brought a bottle to his lips. His blonde hair was still as messy as could be, but at least the sweat was gone. The previous black shirt that clung to his body was not gone and replaced by a gray jumper. After taking a swig, he looked back at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I scoffed and walked over to sit on the sofa opposite to him. "Where are the others?" I looked down at the coffee table to see an ashtray with some empty bottles and a half empty pack of cigarettes. "Probably on the bus. We usually have to be on the bus like 2 minutes after a gig ends and we exit the stage." My eyes widened. "WHAT?! What the hell are we doing here then?! We need to get to the bus!" I jumped off the sofa and began heading to the door.

As I grabbed the handle, I turned back to look at Niall. He stared down at the bottle in his hands. "You coming?" My voice was much calmer now. "Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes." I nodded and walked out the door, closing it behind me. When I first walked into the room and noticed he was there, I just wanted to yell at him to get out my anger from before but something about him made it feel like he was a different person at the moment. I decided to bite my tongue and not spark up a useless conversation.

The walk to the bus was filled with a bunch of questions going through my head. When I finally reached the door of the tour bus, I had more questions in my mind than I did during my school years. As soon as I swung open the door to the bus, the sound of heavy footsteps filled my ears. 2 boys came running up to me and a look of relief washed over them. "Didn't think you'd miss me that much" My remark was ignored and the boys pulled me into the bus.

"Yes...About five minutes ago...oh my god I TOLD YOU SHE'S SAFE!!" Liam has been on the phone for about two minutes and the conversation seems to be getting on his nerves. Apparently, I freaked everyone out because I was gone for so long. "So who's he talking to?" I asked Louis who sat beside me on the big red sofa in the corner of the tour bus. "Niall" Confusion took over me. "Why would he call Niall?" Louis cleared his throat and looked at his lap. "Well, Niall came to the bus about 20 minutes after the concert ended. He asked where you were and we said you never showed. He freaked out and said you were supposed to be on the bus 10 minutes before he did. We waited for about half an hour and then Niall freaked and ran out the bus to go look for you." My mouth hangs open with shock.

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