First and Last Date

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You showed up a little late to work, getting out of bed was a struggle. Then trying to hide the fact that you could barely walk was another struggle. You really didn't want your brother to question you, because what would you say?

'Oh don't worry brosky, I just got railed by my animatronic boyfriend. Anyways how are you?'

Nah, he'd freak out probably.

You weren't sure if you'd ever tell him about Monty honestly.

You'd like too...

And it's not like he'd make you stop. Youre an adult, you make your own decisions.

But he'd definitely think it to be weird. Maybe you could have him come to work with you sometime though, let him actually meet the animatronics. It could help if he knew them first and saw how human they were.

Oh and let's not forget the hickeys. Yeah you spent about two hours trying to cover this shit with makeup only to end up wearing a black turtleneck under your work shirt.

But Monty was still waiting for you at the entrance.

"Hello Darlin!" He pulled you into a hug kissing you.

"Mm, hello" you smiled up at him.

"Come on! Let's hurry up with your work, er I'd suggest we do the check ups first though.. ehem I need my shit fixed" he smirked.

Oh yeah, you still hadn't fixed the wires from your guys activities the other night. Poor guy, at least they were untangled and he wasn't in a constant state of arousal.

"Oop Yes, let's go then. Why the rush though?" Hand in his you made way to the lift.

Montys tail wagged, unable to contain his excitement, "I have a surprise for you.."

"Ooh what is it?"

"What part of surprise means I'm gonna tell you? You'll have to wait and see my pretty girl."

His compliment brought a blush to your cheeks.

Monty sent message for everyone to come down to part and service, and as usual he went last.

And once again you had to endure teasing from everyone about last night.

As did Monty. Except this time he actually responded, boasting proudly about it of course. Telling Freddy he probably did a better job then him with Sunshine.

Finally though you got everyone done and now it was Montys turn. You put his wires back in place and fixed his arm where he had bit himself. Then you sat on his lap and fixed his hair while he left little butterfly kisses over your neck.

What was up with him? Last night he was so upset and now he was very affectionate and upbeat.

"Alright! All done goofy" you giggled pushing his snout away from your neck.

He pouted but only for a second before standing up with you in his arms.

"Good let's go get the scanning tablet thingy."

Monty carried you the office, only setting you down once there. He was obviously in a rush to get this done.

So you did your best to hurry through the bot Scans.

To Montys relief it didn't take long.

"Hmph finally! Let's go." He grabbed youre hand.

He ended up taking you to the dance floor, where a single table was set and the dj man danced to whatever song played in his headphones.

"Uhm?" You looked to Monty.

"So Darlin, I know our relationship can't really be normal, and I can't leave this building... but I still want to do what any decent male human would do... so." He chuckled, "I've decided to set up a little date for us..."

"A date?" You couldn't wipe the shit earing grin on your face.

What a sweetheart.

"Monty... You're so sweet!"

His tail wagged and he pulled you closer to the table, pulling out the chair for you to sit.

He's a gentleman too.

You kept learning more and more about him. He was such a hard ass and cocky, but under that he was sweet. He could be uh...rough as well as gentle.

The dj man had taken off his headphones now watching you both.

Why would he choose the dance floor to do this.

"Ayo dj you got the songs I sent you?"

"YES." His deep voice seemed to echo through the room.

You didn't know he could talk.

"Aight play it then man."

The Dj chuckled "OKAY LOVERBOY."

Monty growled but turned back to you as music began to play.

"Now, I would've done this on the roof, but it might rain and I didn't wanna risk it. So I... well I looked up some date ideas. Love songs and food are things that I thought you'd like... so I just pulled this together. Wait here okay? Imma go get the food" he was excited for this.

Your heart swelled for him. This was probably the sweetest thing ever done for you. You waited patiently listening to the song that played. It was one he had sang for you already.

Soon Monty ce back with a cart full of food.

"Food here isn't exactly that great but I made all if it fresh." He told you as he set a plate of pasta in front of you.

"Monty I love this, but what's up with you?" You had to make sure he wasn't having a system breakdown.

He paused and his red eyes flicked to you, "Well. I just really like you yn. I'm just happy to be with you I guess and I want to make you happy and give you the best of what I have to offer..." he was holding back in his confession a bit.

He wasn't sure if he should say those words yet.

But the rest was still true.

Monty sat across from you and the two of you had your little date.

Romantic and sweet.

It was a good night.


It'd be your last.

(Aight. We reaching the final everyone. Hope your ready for heartbreak hehe)

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