King Samauel Cobra

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Its been an uneventful day later, and Your brother just dropped you off at the pizzplex you now kind of worked at. Stepping through the entrance you found it eerie how empty this building was. It was much different when it wasn't full of people. This would probably be a decent shift to work from now on then beings, you wouldn't have to deal with people.

Nothing against people, yoh just weren't the social type and preferred to be alone. It made your situation easier being alone. Your brother was the only one that was close but even then... you still kept him at a distance.

You stood there at the entrance, You weren't sure where to go next now. Your friends mom didn't exactly leave you any instructions on where to go.

"Ah you're here rather early, didn't sunshine tell you 11:30?" You rolled your eyes.

His voice wasn't hard to miss.

Turning around you came face to...well chest with the gator known as Monty.

"It looks more professional to be early. Plus it's only thirty minutes early," you retorted to him crossing your arms.

Truthfully you would of been here later, but with your brother as your taxie from now on, he wanted you to be early.

The gator cocked his head to the side peering down at you curiously. He got the feeling you didn't like him much. Which didn't make sense because who wouldn't love him?

Observing you he noted You were incredibly small, not just height wise but... your figure and frame looked smaller than it should. He wondered why you were so small. If he hugged you he'd crush you.

"Hmm. Good point I suppose... Sunshine told me to bring you to her when you get here so... i guess just follow me."

Why did they send him? Why not Roxy or Chica?

Silently the alligator led you through the darkened complex. Though, you could feel his gaze from behind the dorky star shaped shades he wore. But thankfully the walk wasn't long as you came to a big room with a big ass stage, and he stopped looking at you.

The other animatronics and the general manager were all sitting there chatting and waiting, no doubt for you.

Glancing over to you and Monty her eyes lit up, "yn! Welcome! I hope Monty wasn't too much of a hassle?"

You caught the small and quick movement of the older woman pulling her hand from Freddy's.

Weird... maybe you were seeing things.

"Hey!" The gator yelled, feeling offended.

You peeked at him, he had pulled his shades down to glare at the other woman.

Wow, his eyes were red? That's kinda cool...

Er wait....

You snapped your focus back to the woman, "uhm he wasn't a bother or anything."

You still dont like him though.

"Ha see! She's fine, I barely said anything to the munchkin" he puffed his chest up defensively.

Wait what? He just call you Munchkin? That bitch.

The older woman shook her head and smiled at Monty, "Okay Casanova..." she turned her focus to you "so, you ready to get started then yn?"

Having all their eyes suddenly on you made you a tad bit uneasy.

"I mean... I guess..." and you were ready... You were just also incredibly anxious all now.

"Good" your new boss hopped off the big stage and got closer to you.

From your peripherals you could see Monty approach the other animatronics and they all walked away talking things you didn't really care about.

Don't Wanna Be Another Sad Story (Montgomery Gator X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang