Fixing Up Monty

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After informing everyone of Montys return, which had led to a big group hug of "are you ok!" And "we were so worried" and you insisting he could talk after you fixed him, you took Monty down to parts and Service. This dude should not of been awake still but you were glad he was okay.

After a good few hours...

Monty was nearly good as new, it had been a long and painful process of fixing his vocal cords and voice box, as well as the dents and scratches all over his body, then fixing his fans and then reconnecting him to his communications and internet, so at this point all you had left to do was fix the wiring.

You saved the hardest part for last honestly because the amount of damaged wires you'd have to fix or replace was unbelievable.

Sam really went at it on Monty. You frowned.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through this Monty.." you pulled out another damaged wire.

Monty grunted, "Its nuthin... im okay Darlin."

You glanced up at him and shook your head. You've noticed that anytime he gets hurt, he brushes it off. Each and every time. Why does this gator, always put up a tough act.

Sure, he's flirty and cocky, but he's also...guarded. even in his soft moments around you, he still has his gaurd up. Almost like you, with your walls to keep people at a distance. Why though?

You let yours down for him, why is he keeping his up?

"Whats up with you?" You wanted Monty, the version of him that wasn't so guarded.

He tilted his head questioning, "what do you mean Darlin?"

"You're just... you seem really guarded. And everytime you've gotten hurt you brush it off like it's nothing. Your tough, but you're allowed to show weakness too Monty."

Monty stared at you. Did you really think he was guarded? Was he?

He never thought much of it.

But perhaps you had a point.

"I... don't do it purposely" he answered after a couple moments of silence.

"The multiple damages you've endured aren't nothing Montgomery. If your as human as you act, this type of damage can be traumatic... I feel like your anger has a lot to do with you being guarded and not expressing yourself a whole lot. As well as trauma."

Monty narrowed his eyes, "are you assessing me Darlin?"

"Lil bit."

"Hmm. Well... I dunno." He shrugged, "I guess... it's just something expected of me, to be tough and whatnot. So I've just played that role. Plus, I don't see a point to step out of that role when I'm already under the shadow of Bonnie."

"Bonnie?" You've never heard of him.

"Mhm, he was the animatronic that was here before me. And he was also the bass player before I was. But... some things happened and he got decommission. Which was blamed on me." He grinned though you could tell it was a more... sarcastic grin.

"Well... for one, you don't gotta play that role with me. If we're gonna be together I want you to be you. As for the Bonnie guy, why are you blamed for his decommission?"

"Monty golf was the the last place he went to. So automatically I'm suspicious. But..." Monty shifted a bit, "I've told sunshine a bit, but ive never told anyone this. Bonnie actually attacked me, and For the sake of Freddy and Chica though I left that to myself. He got decommission for his violence, sure im pretty violent too... but not as much as he was. But either way he was very popular and loved, so me taking his place? Not a lot of people liked that" he shrugged.

"Why would he attack you?" Why was everyone seemingly against him?

"No clue. We were cool for a bit. But he started to get very aggressive out of the blue."

"Oh... well. If you must play this little act i understand. But at least be yourself with me."

Monty squinted at you, shifting in his seat he moved closer, putting his hand under you jaw and pulling you closer so your faces were inches apart, "I'll do my best Darlin. For you~" He kissed you softly.

You smiled into the kiss.

You hoped that in time, he would be open with more than just you. But baby steps for now.

"Well well well. Took yall long enough" the voice of your boss startled you both and you pulled away from Monty.

"Dammit Sunshine. You're interupting..." Monty glared at the woman not embarrassed in the slightest.

You however were red as fuck.

"Well, I had to come check on you guys. You've been down here a while. Wanted to make sure everything was okay."

"Well you've checked. Now shoo!" Monty waved his hand at her.

"Pff. Nah, you teased me and Freddy. It's my turn" she grinned, "so how long have you two been a thang~"

"Like a few hours" he glared at Sunshine.

"Awww how cute."

"Sunshine I will cut you."

"No you won't. Oh! Hey remember that thing you asked me... what was it... oh yes, Have you two fucked yet?"

You prayed for whatever God there was to kill you now.

"Sadly, no" Monty pouted.

You glared at him.

Sunshine laughed, "Jeez don't scare her away Monty."

"Nah, I'd get her addicted" he smirked pulling you to him nipping at your neck. He didn't give a single fuck that sunshine was here.

"Monty!" You yelped.

He chuckled. "Sunshine I suggest you leave before clothes start coming off..."

She blushed. "Er... oh. Uhm" she probably should've expected that Monty can't get as flustered as she and Freddy did, "well just... don't take to long. It's 5am now" and with that she left.

Monty released you, "Anyways. Hurry up with these wires Darlin. I wanna get out of this chair."

You huffed and got back to work on his wires. You thought there would be no more intimate moments for the remainder of your time, but then...

Monty growled as you put in a few wires.

"Darlin... didn't we have a talk about being careful with the wires?"

"I... but... Monty I have to do this..."

He clenched his jaw, "can you not be careful?"

"I am being careful. I always am now that I know you can... feel stuff."

He looked away, sure he enjoyed the feeling.

But it'd take a lot to resist the urge to make you feel the same.

Plus, it's not like you were doing it to have fun with him. So it wasn't as, in the mood. If you did this to your own accord with intention to please him, he'd be all in.

But you werent. So it made him feel awkward.

"Just... Hurry then."

You looked from Monty to the wires then back at him.


You smirked. You were gonna ruin this man's whole career.

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