Some Time With Sam

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"Thank you for the help Sam.." you gave the animatronic a kind smile.

The big snake lifted up Montys unconscious form with ease. For some reason you thought that if he had been awake, Monty probably would hate this. He didnt seem like the type to like help.

Not gonna lie though, you had initially tried to drag the green bean yourself but, he was way to heavy and you only made it to the doors. Plus it put too much pressure on your lungs so you had to stop.

But after you had finished his repairs, struggled for a few minutes, you went all the way up to find Sam and asked him to help take Monty to his charging station.

"Not a problem love" the snake hummed happily and followed you to Montys room.

You opened his door and you noticed the gators room was a mess once again.

Ugh. Damn him.

But you ignored it for now and had Sam put him in his charging station.

After the door closed you gave Monty one last look, smiling softly, before following Sam out.

"So now what?" Sam asked his purple eyes meeting yours.

"Well..." you checked the time. It was already 2am. Fixing Monty had taken awhile, "I guess I just do the other things on my list and you can join me like you wanted earlier" you shrugged.

"Perfect!" He he chirped excitedly.

You headed to the security office with Sam in tow. You got a strange energy from the dude, he was polite and gave off gentlemen vibes. But then, you felt something lurking behind that. Wether it was good or bad you couldn't tell.

"So miss, have you been working here long?" The snake prodded.

"Eh not really. It's only like my second day."

You grabbed the tablet and began your scans.

"Ah, I see. Well, do you like it so far?"

"I mean it's alright. Montys been pretty cool, Roxy too actually. You seem alright so far" you were being honest.

"Ah yes, I have seen you and Monty together quite a bit. Do you fancy him?"

What? "What? Erm no... he's just..a friend. Possibly" you weren't sure yet.

"Possibly? Why possibly?"

"...Its complicated Sam."

Sam's hand was suddenly on your shoulder, "No worries. I understand. But perhaps I could help?"

"Thanks. But... I'd prefer to just keep my issues to myself."

"If thats what you want. But I'd say... if you want to be his friend, then do it. If you want to be friends with any of us, do it. You only live once. Make the most of it."

You frowned, his words weren't exactly wrong. But it just wasn't that easy for you.

You finished your bott scans with Sam, just chatting with him. It wasn't how you and Monty talked to each other, with Sam it was more chill and he wasn't as Cocky. Honestly you kinda liked Sam, he was easy-going and interesting.

Now you had him down in Parts and service doing a checkup, beings it was apart of what you had to do with everyone. You had gotten the others down by sending your manager a text.

After that was all done Sam had said goodbye telling you he enjoyed hanging out with you.

Next you had to clean all their rooms, but other than Chicas room and obviously Montys, they were all clean.

Currently you were cleaning Montys, when You heard the opening of a door. You smiled knowing it was the door that Led to Montys charging station so there for it could only be Gatorade.

"Ah, what a pleasant surprise to see you again Hot Cheeto" he exlaimed.

You had been sitting on the ground throwing stuff into a trash bag. You set it down and turned your body to look at the gator.

"Mm I suppose it is for you, but here I am cleaning up after you."

"If it keeps you in my room longer, perhaps I'll make sure to trash my room every night" he smirked sitting next to you.

"Oh god please don't Gatorade" you whined.

"Fine fine. But at least spend a little longer in my room and keep me company?" He wiggled his eyebrows at you getting very close to your face with his.

You rolled your eyes and pushed him away, "sure thing bud, but keep your stinky breath away from my face."

"My breath doesn't stink" he glared at you.

"My nostrils would say otherwise."

"Yeah well..well... your hair is crusty" he retorted.

You gave him a sad face.

Cute, he thought.

"My hair isn't crusty your just butthurt!"

He smiled at you. "Whatever you say Hot Cheeto."

Monty helped you clean the rest of his room and you made him promise to keep the messes to a minimum from now on. Amd he agreed as long as you spent time with him.

Which you agreed to reluctantly. Not because you didn't want to... its just... well you didn't want to get to close to him.

But in all honesty spending more time with him sounded fun. You looked forward to it.

"Alright Gatorade. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

Monty didn't respond, just looked at you from behind his shades, a small smile placed on his snout.

Suddenly he hugged you "see you tomorrow Starshine."

You blushed at the new nickname.



Monty watched you walk away. A warm feeling in his chest, one he couldn't recognize.

He only just met you, but he really liked you. You were fun.

His friendship with sunshine was borderline an almost sibling relationship. The one with you, well he hoped the two of you were friends, but he hoped it coukd turn into a really good friendship.

Many other employees here didn't really give them the time of day. They kinda just ignored him and the others. They didn't interact with them much.

Not the way sunshine had at least. But you? You actually talked, you didn't treat them like they were just machines. Sunshine gave you jobs that revolved specifically around them and you took it seriously but still were very friendly. And fun. And amusing.

He looked forward to having you around.

(Idk how I feel about this chapter. I may take tomorrow to collect where I'm going with this story)

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