Little Inconveniences

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Sunshine gave you the next couple of days off for you to adjust to your chemo treatment, since the surgery would've taken too long. Your absence would be fine, she assured, everyone understood and could go a few days without check ups.

he was happy to know you were working towards getting better, but Monty really missed you. Like a lot. But he'd live.

Sam however? He may not. It took a lot of self control for Monty not to beat his ass into yesterday. Honestly Monty wasn't sure how much more of Sam's bullshit he could take.

Reason for that? Over and over he took any chance he could to do little actions of sabatoge against Monty.

Pushing into him when they were at birthday parties.

Dropping the cakes.

hiding his golf clubs.

fucking with his bass.

Tripping him whenever they walked somewhere.

The list went on of Just small little incoviences that irked Monty.

And for absolutely no reason! You weren't even here. So what was he trying to prove?

It was so incredibly irritating.

This went on for three days. Three whole days of Sam just doing anything he could to piss off Monty while you were away.

Monty never confronted him though. Refused to even. He'd freak out sometimes and storm off but he wouldn't actually go near Sam. He didn't want to, if he did... well he and Sam would be removed from the pizzaplex.

So he had to keep his cool, he wasn't really trying to get discontinued.

Today you showed up during a performance, your brother accompanied you but he went off to eat pizza. He wasnt really intrested in singing robots.

It was also a day that Sam would do something to Fuck Montys performance up, by tripping Monty off the stage when Monty and Freddy were dancing around it.

How you may ask? Considering Sam plays the drums and cant really move? Well, with his tail.

Monty had gotten too close to Sam unfortunately and Sam took that opportunity to use his tail to make him fall hard off the stage. Luckily he didn't fall on anyone, nor did he take any damage.

His bandmates, besides Sam obviously, looked to him with concern but couldn't stop playing to help him.

He stood up and apologized to anyone around him before grabbing his bass and climbing back up onto the stage. He gave Sam the deadliest glare he could muster, but remained calm and continued on his performance like nothing happened.

Sam was annoyed. You were here, he saw you and He wanted Monty to freak out. To show you how dangerous he was.

Monty didn't go near Sam after that, and he himself had eventually noticed your arrival as they finished their song.

You had seen Monty fall. Though you weren't aware that Sam made him fall. You thought it was pretty amusing and You'd have to tease him for it later, but you were proud of him for keeping his cool.

You missed him. You were really tired from the appointments but you'd be able to return tonight and you had come to tell your boss, sunshine as Monty calls her, this news which you had done before coming to watch them play.

You'd also been thinking really hard the past few days about what was going on between you and Monty and if you wanted to initiate a relationship with him. You'd gone over all the pros and cons and the things you'd have to sacrifice if you be with him. You went over every possible thing you could, not leaving out even the smallest of details.

You finally had come to a decision.

You'd talk to him about it tonight...

You'd also try and find time to talk to Sam. You hadn't forgotten the peice of cloth, which you had confirmed was blood. You were a little shaken at first but... thinking about it, you found it hard to believe Samauel was doing anything bad... sure he was weird but. Was he really evil?

And if he had anything to do with the missing children... why? What could possibly be his motive? It didn't make any sense. It was weird. So as dumb as it may sound, you still intended to talk to him. You didn't want to make empty accusations... maybe finding the cloth was just a coincidence. Plus if something was wrong with him... maybe you could fix him?

On another note, Will had not stopped bugging you, trying to hangout. But you told him you were swamped with appointments, school and work.

Perhaps you should've just ignored him the night he first messaged you.

Now you weren't sure what to do with him.

You sat at a table waiting for the crowd to disperse now that the performance was done and the animatronics would be wandering around shortly. Once there was enough space to move around you stood up to go find your brother.

"Long time no see darlin!" A familiar rough voice called from behind you.

You slowly spun around smirking up at the big gator you'd missed so much the past three days.

"Oh hey. Almost forgot you existed" you teased.

To which he gasped "lies. You know you missed me."

"Yes, whatever fine I actually missed my oopid gatorade."

"I missed my Stale hot cheeto too" he winked, only now did you process he had a new pair of star shaped shades.

"Hey! Glad to see you got youre shades back... But what the fuck? Stale!? You've hurt me Montgomery" you crossed your arms pretending to pout.

"Oh these? Yeah Sunshine fixed em." He pulled them down a bit to see you, "And calm down darlin youll be fine." He chuckled taking a step closer to you "however...I really don't like my full name, which you are aware of but... the way you said it... Say it again."

It was a demand To which you followed.

"Montgomery" you murmured.

His tail flicked.

"I wonder if I'd like it, if you were screaming it" he licked his lips, "anywho though. How has treatment gone?"

He forced himself to stop his flirtatious comments, now was not the time for them.

"Good so far actually. My hairs falling out though so that's fantastic." You hissed sarcastically. Though it was going good overall, you just didn't care for the annoying side affects.

"It'll grow back. And... you will still look beautiful without it" Monty assured, not doubting his words in the slightest.

You were surprised you and Monty could talk so freely. Sure the crowd around here wasn't as big as before but people were still around, and you were having a full on conversation with one of the animatronics.

"Thank you Gatorade.." you blushed.

"Mhm, are you coming to work tonight?" He tilted his head, his tail swaying behind him.

"Yes actually. I already informed Sunshine."

"Perfect. I have a gift for you.."

"Oh? Well I don't have a gift but I do have to talk to you."

"What about?"

"You'll see!" You patted his nose, "but for now I gotta go. My brother's probably bored out of his mind. I'll see you later gator!"

You didn't give him a chance to reply before rushing off to find your brother.

You were nervous and excited about tonight.

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