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For a while, the two of you silently cuddled. Monty wanting you to relax before doing anything else. Every now and then he gave you light, loving kisses and massaged your shoulders.

After the events that occurred not to long ago, he wanted to provide you with some serious aftercare.

"How are you feeling Hun?" He asked resting his jaw on your head. His fans were still in overdrive, he was struggling to cool off.

"I don't know..." you felt a mixture of things.

You were sore. Happy. Scared. Why were you scared though?

Monty seemed to sense that you were troubled, "you're okay Darlin. You did amazing."

His words were reassuring.

"How about you? How are you feeling?" You were a bit concerned, he was still burning hot.

"I just need to charge and cool off.."

"We could go to the roof?" You suggested, it would be cooler outside then in his room.

He nodded, liking you idea and set you aside. He helped you put on your pants and grabbed you a blanket.

"Stand up quick darlin?" He opened his arms and as you stood up he wrapped the blanket around you.

He then gently lifted you into his arms and exited his room.

He hoped he wouldn't run into anyone as he made a pit stop at a couple of vending machines. He set you down, kicking and shaking them.

What? He didn't have money, but he knew you'd need food. Food is fuel.

And honestly you didn't really feel like questioning his actions or offering your own money.

He managed to get a few snacks and drinks from the machine and stuffed them into his chest cavity. Then he picked you back up and resumed his journey to the roof.

Sunshine and Freddy watches the two of you from the cameras. Good thing the animatronics rooms didn't have them, clearly Monty had fucked you senseless. The two of you were both a mess and they could see that even from the monitors.

"Well then... good for them" Sunshine shook her head.

Freddy silently cheered on his Friend.

Thankfully, without interupption, reached the roof and set you down in the middle of the roof. Away from the edge of the building. The cold air felt like heaven to him.

He sat beside you and took out all the snacks and drinks he had grabbed.

He opened a bottle of water and handed it to you, "drink this Darlin."

You did as told and gratefully chugged the water. You'd never loved the flavorless beverage more than you did now. You hadn't realized how parched you were.

You ended up finishing off the bottle.

Now you felt sick. Good job.

"Damn yn" Monty chuckled, "here eat some of these."

He handed you some peanut butter crackers. You didn't feel hungry but you still ate them.

You were silent though, this worried Monty.

"...I know this is like my third time asking but are you okay yn?"

You yawned "yes just sleepy."

You gazed out into the night sky.

Monty looked down at his lap, "you...y-you aren't regretting anything are you? Was I too rough? Did I hurt or scare you?" He'd never showed any insecurities or anxiety before.

But he had lost a bit of control at some points.

You turned to him and smiled, "Montgomery chill babe. I don't regret any of it, I'm just exhausted" you giggled, "I really enjoyed it. I'm happy and content. But I'm also drained and sore" you blushed.

Monty smiled, still a little anxious that he did something wrong.

But he'd trust you words.

"Lay down and rest then silly."

"Mm. But I still got work to do."

"Can you even walk?" He raised a brow at you.

Probably not your legs felt heavy, but you didn't really have a choice.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll sleep after work. But I do still have a job to do babe."

Hmm, you called him babe twice now. He liked that.

"Alright Hot cheeto, not as submissive anymore i see."

"Nah that's only for special occasions," you smirked and leaned against him.

"Fine, but just relax a little longer. You still have like three hours and it won't take you that long anyways."

"Yes sir." You muttered.

Monty would pull you closer but he was still trying to cool down.

Perhaps too much wire play was not a good idea?

"Hey Monty?"


"Could...could you sing for me?"

An odd request, "any specific song?"

"No... surprise me. I like your voice though..." His voice was soothing and tou wanted him to sing for you.

"Hmm... okay Darlin."

Monty though for second trying to think of a song. He searched through the internet looking through the many songs he had saved to possibly sing for you that first time.

He found one that he liked.

He began to sing, his voice soft and comforting "Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars..."

he licked his lips, "'Cause you light up the path
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, oo-oo, oo-oo
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you..."

He nuzzled you kissing the top of your head, "'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars...
I wanna die in your arms, oh, oh
'Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark".

Monty felt flooded with emotion as he sang to you...

"'I'm gonna give you my heart, oh
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, oo-oo, oo-oo
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in sky full of stars"

He really...

"I think I see you
I think I see you
'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars"


"Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view
Yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh"

Liked you. Maybe it was deeper than that though...

He wished he was human in this moment. He wanted to have a life with you, a normal human life. One where he could grow old with you, maybe have a family?

Those were only dreams though.

Monty sighed. His shoulders slumped.

"Thank you..." you kissed him.

He kissed you back, "You're welcome Darlin.."

Don't Wanna Be Another Sad Story (Montgomery Gator X Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat