Shitty plans

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You and Monty stood beside Sam as his systems turned back on, his eyes began to glow again and he blinked a few times before turning his focus to you. Without warning he pulled you into a hug.

"Thank you yn..." he mumbled.

"Uhm, you're welcome Sam." Did it actually work? Is he normal now?

"It was so frustrating... trying to push away the darkness. No matter how hard I fought against it, everything I did was futile. I'm so grateful you took the time to notice and help me... instead of just shutting me down permanently..." he finally released you from his hug and looked up at you.

"Well... I only started looking into it when..." you trailed off.

Perhaps you shouldn't tell him?

"When you found the fabric in my hatch. I remember. Actually... I remember everything now... and yn I am so terribly sorry.." Sam turned away, guilt visible in his eyes.

"Like? Everything?" You asked.

"Yes, I remember Afton possessing me and stabbing you. I remember how badly i treated Monty... and I remember the kids..." His shoulders slumped.

He wished that was something he could forget. He wasn't sure if the kids were even alive anymore.

"It wasn't entirely your fault Sam..." you put a hand on his shoulder.

"No. But I wish I had fought more... resisted him..." he sighed "but, I know that you guys have been searching for him this entire time. I know who he is, I know what his plans are..."

"Then we should talk to y/b/n and figure out what to do... right Monty?"

He nodded, "yes that's probably the best course of action."

Monty wondered of Sam truly was 'fixed'. He kept a close eye on the cobra.

"Understood but first," Sam turned to Monty, "Monty I apologize for my terrible behavior towards you, please understand it was not... me. But I'm sure that's not enough, so i give you a free pass to kick my ass at least once."

Monty cocked his head and raised a brow, "I suppose I can't hold a grudge if it wasn't really you. But it'll be a while before I like or even trust you."

"Completely understandable. I will work hard to gain your friendship." Sam held out his hand to Monty.

Begrudgingly Monty shook the snakes hand in truce.

Walking up to the security office you noticed Sam was more laid back in his walk. Less stiff and awkward. He seemed more comfortable. You felt happy you were able to help him.

You wondered if Sam still liked you, but he didn't seem like it. If anything he just looked relieved.

Even though the door was open, you gave a little knock to indicate your presence to Freddy and your boss.

"Oh hi...guys?" She hadn't expected the three of you.

"Sup sunshine!" Monty greeted.

"Hello boss lady." Was Sam's greeting.

"Ya hi boss, we got some shit to talk about." You walked into the room, Sam followed and Monty took his usual position of leaning against the doorframe.


"We should probably get Roxy and Chica too," you looked to Freddy silently signaling for him to message them.

He nodded, "they're on their way. What is this about?"

"William obviously" you watched Monty move to let Roxy and Chica in.

"What about william?" Roxy asked first already snarling at the mention of him.

Chica even crossed her arms hearing his name.

"Well... okay so I'm just gonna get straight to the point. Sam was hacked by Afton."

"Well we already know that..." y/b/n began but you helped up your hand to stop her.

"No, I don't mean when he stabbed me. I mean his personality chip was being overrun by something from Afton. I fixed him, he's back to normal now, but... Afton has been using Sam to do his dirty work and get children..." you glanced at Sam who had his head bowed.

"It's true... I could never control myself or remember when it happened. But after yn fixed me, I remember everything. Boss lady, afton is possessing your boss. The company owner. And he's been abducting and... killing kids" Sam looked at everyone in the room, "plenty of times i overheard him with another person, speaking of his plans, He's gonna plant everything on your boss and burn this place down. With all of us in it to insure this place never moves forward or reopens."

"I don't get it... why did he try so hard to get away only to come back?" Y/b/n stood up and started pacing, "he's not gonna succeed. We will stop him. We have to.."

"How though. He's literally a spirit" you pointed out, feeling a bit doubtful of your boss.

you were now beside Monty who had his arms wrapped around your waist and rested his head on yours.

"Why not just kill the owner?" Roxy questioned.

Freddy sighed, "He'd just possess someone else."

How do you kill a spirit? Was the question that wavered over the silence that now rested in the room.

"Should we get like... a priest or something?" You asked, breaking the silence.

"A priest?" Sunshine raised a brow, "I mean... its an option I suppose. But I've never believed in that personally" she shrugged.

You scoffed, "I didn't believe in spirits or self aware robots yet here we are.."

She smirked, "Valid point I suppose. How do we go about bringing a priest here and afton here at the same time?"

"Well, I could get the priest. You could get your boss here couldn't you? I mean if he's trying to hide his identity then he'll show up right?"

She nodded, "I'd assume so..."

"We could do it after hours. Just give me a few days to find a priest who will willingly help I guess..."

It was a shitty plan let's be honest. But what else could you guys do? He's basically immune to any normal way of killing him.

"Alright. Let's try to be fast about this... we have no clue when he'll strike..." Freddy instructed taking on his leaderly position along with Sunshine.

"In the meantime, is anyone up for pizza?" You asked, you kinda wanted tome with all of them.

A little gathering.

To your surprise everyone agreed and all seven of you went down and made a bunch of food. The distraction from the impeding doom was nice.

Monty kept snuggling you.

Sam was much one at ease and flirting a shit ton with Roxy and Chica.

Sunshine and Freddy kept on steady conversation with you and Monty. Asking about treatments and whatnot.

It was a nice little time together.

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