Fixing King Samuel Cobra

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Eventually you had to cease cuddling, and leave the comfort of Montys room. On your journey to get the tablet you had been ambushed by Roxy and Chica. Both giving you big hugs.

"You're a badass just like y/b/n!" Roxy had said. To which you had giggled.

"Were so glad you're okay!" Chica had squealed. More giggling.

You had thanked them both and told then you were happy to see them.

Then when you reached the security office even your boss gave you a hug, "you really gave us all a big scare, but its reassuring to see you're okay" she patted you lightly on the back before pulling away.

Freddy even said that everyone had missed you. You didn't think you'd built this much of a bond with all of them. You spent most of your time with Monty afterall. But they all seemed to enjoy you as a person so that was pretty cool.

Monty had stayed silent the whole time, watching everything transpire with his arms crossed.

After all of that though you managed to actually get to work and were now scanning robots. You noticed though, halfway through the bots, you hadn't seen Sam.

"Hey Gatorade, where's Sam?" You looked up at Monty.

He shrugged, "he's around somewhere..."

"Hm. I still gotta fix him."

"Are you sure your in any condition to do so? You've been a bit dopey' He chuckled.

"Yeah of course. Plus it's not fair to Sam to leave him like that. After this let's go find him."

Sure you were dopey as Monty pointed out. But you would still be able to handle fixing Samauel. All you had to do was go through his personality chip.

"Okay I guess. But, just so you know, Sam has zero recollection of what happened. He doesn't know William possessed him and... stabbed you" Monty clenched his jaw.

"Oh... shouldn't you guys have told him?" You raised an eyebrow scanning another bot.

"Sunshine said not to. He might not be able to handle it."

"Maybe... but I guess we can't go against the boss lady's demand."

Finally you finished off the last of the bots, returned the tablet and were now searching for Sam. Your first stop being his room.

You hated to admit it, but searching for Sam again made you incredibly anxious and you started fidgeting with your belt. You know it wasn't really Sam who hurt you, but you couldn't shake away the fear.

Perhaps it was a coping mechanism but you kinda tried to block off the experience. Searching for Sam and getting anxious being the only sign that getting stabbed had traumatized you.

Though Monty was keenly aware of your emotional shift, he stopped and grabbed your waist spinning you to face him, "darlin... yn, are you okay?"

You looked up at him, doe eyed. "Uhm... just, just a bit nervous.." you looked away.

Gently he pulled you into a hug, "I don't really like Sam but I get the feeling he'd never hurt you. You're okay and I'm not gonna let you get hurt again. I'm also here if you need to talk about it...I..Im here" he rubbed your back soothingly.

You hugged him back and buried your face into his chest. It was cold, but tou felt safe with Monty.

When he pulled away you leaned up and planted a kiss on his lips. He happily kissed you back.

Once the two of you pulled apart he held your hand and led you to Sam's room. He knocked on the door for you. There was a scuffle in the room but the door didn't open.

"Samauel open up! Yn is here!" Monty called through the door rolling his eyes.

In seconds the door slid open, "Hello love!" He completely ignored Monty.

"Hi s-sam." You forced a smile.

You felt a little bad for being afraid of him, but your brain acquainted him with danger.

"I'm so glad your back! You've been gone for awhile. Y/b/n had said you were hurt but wouldn't tell me how...." he frowned.

"Ya, I had to get a little recovery but I'm back now. And I'd like to get started on fixing you, if that's okay?"

'That's wonderful! Lead the way!"

Sam, Monty and yourself made way to the mainstage and took the lift down to parts and service. Monty took a spot leaning against the wall his arms crossed and from behind his shades he kept his eyes on you. You set everything up on the computer and had Sam lay down in the chair.

" Sam buddy, y-youre gonna be asleep for a bit... im gonna take out your personality chip and check it. But I promise I'll bring you back okay?"

Sam seemed a little nervous. The thought of being shut down scaring him but he nodded and trusted you nonetheless. So you shakily reached under his claw and pushed the button that would release the chip and you pulled it out.

Sam went still, the glow in eyes fading. You relaxed a bit.

Leaving the cylinder you went up to the computer and sat on the chair. You observed the chip carefully. One side was black with purple lines and the other looked like a normal green and gold circuit board.

"Monty... do most chips look like this?"

Monty pushed himself off the wall and approached you leaning over you to look at the chip.

"Not that I can recall..."

You turned it over, the black part looked layered from the rest of it. Fuck it, you used your nails ro pry off the black part, it made a little hissing noise before bursting into flames and you dropped it onto the ground. Luckily, Sam's chip wasn't damaged.

You looked at Monty who was glaring at the chip.

"Looks like you may have been right about Sam and Afton having something to do with his behavior Darlin..."

"Yeah... That's cause I'm always right."

He scoffed, "is that so?"

"Yup!" You smirked at him before turning away and plugging his chip into the computer.

"Mhm. I'll remember that.." he chuckled.

Monty stood beside you as you searched through the files of Sam's chip. Unlike the first time you went through it, you could see files thay weren't there before. All of them called A.F.

Going through each of them you could see recordings and glitches and personality traits that Sam shouldn't have. For a good few hours you went through his chip and got rid of what wasn't supposed to be there.

Once you were sure everything was good you took the chip out and plugged it back into Sam.

Now, you waited for him to Wake up.

(Sorry for the wait guys. Been busy trying to move.

Idk... I feel kinda depressed about it ngl.

Like im happy, it's exciting but being alone I just feel a little anxious and depressed. I'm glad I have my cat though. Hopefully this feeling is temporary.

Also side rant, I did some research like a few hours ago, I don't think it's true thay Alligators have two dicks. All I found was that Alligators are always erect. Which would explain why montys so flirty. But only snakes and lizards have two penises... so Sammy boy... he packin. Jkjk lol but no I don't think Alligators have two penises. Whoever started that is wrong. But it's too late for me to change it so oh well.)

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