Decisions Decisions

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"What do you mean 'Sam happened'?" You stared up at Monty who sat beside you on his now shredded up couch.

"He lured me down to parts and service. Had some sort of mental breakdown and Attacked me," Monty shifted leaning back on the sofa. "unfortunately he won because I was stupid  and didn't think he would be able to use any smarts... He trapped me on the chair in the cylinder and tore me apart, as you can see..." he motioned towards his damaged upper body.

"Why would he attack you though...?" Sure you had your suspicions of Sam already, but he hasn't been outwardly evil. Least not to you...

"Mm... because of you..."

"What do you mean because of me?"

"I'm not entirely sure how to explain it... he claims to like you but I think it's more of an obsession just from the way he speaks... he told me I was in the way, that I kept you from him and so he needed to get rid of me. He tried to kill me... my systems shut me down as a defense... so I don't even know what day it is. My communications and internet access are disabled."

You were... really pissed to put it bluntly. Samauel could of just... talked to you. But instead he hurt and tried to decommission Monty. He was completely unhinged clearly, and you wish you knew more about him to make a fair judgment. But... you weren't really sure how to react now that you knew Sam wasn't even Sam.

But... how much of it was just Williams doing and how much was just Sam...

If you fixed him, would the obsession for you still be there?

"Well... you've been gone for like two days... everyone's been worried sick about you..."

Monty smiled, "Well thats because I'm just that awesome."

You smiled at him. What a goofball.

" how long have you know about Sam's uhm... feelings towards me?"

Monty scratched at his throat. Talking really hurt, "Since after the crash at the raceway. That by the way, was Curtesy of Sam. He was trying to run me off the track but instead he got us both. But his actions were still not okay. Though at first i thought he just didnt like me, i wasnt aware until after that he disliked me because he liked you."

You grabbed Montys hand, "well... You're probably not gonna wanna hear this, I'm sure you despise Sam and wanna kick his ass... but, I have put together a theory that... Sam isn't well... Sam. I think... I think if William is truly back, I think he did something to Sam.."

Monty snarled. You were right, he didn't wanna hear this. Sam shouldn't have Any defenses for his behavior

"But!" You shouted before he could rebuttle, "Before you say anything! I think I can fix him. Or... or I can shut him down permanently. But... personally I think he deserves a chance. If William is responsible for this then Sam hasn't had any free will this entire time.."

Monty wanted to disagree. To refuse and tell you not to go near Samauel unless it was to decommission him but... his own past made him feel the slightest bit of empathy for the other animatronic.

He's been in that situation before himself... when Gregory got stuck here and vanny was controlling them for William. So Sam had some points his way but then...

"Why would Afton make Sam obsessed with you?" That part didn't make sense.

"I don't think he did intentionally. I think, what William did was mess with his personality chip and programming and it causing an internal system clash. So it's making him act out in very... irrational and childish ways... I don't think he actually wants me... I think he just wants help but he doesn't recognize his own feelings." You stood up, "I mean.. when I confronted Sam he got really upset and freaked out saying he wasn't apart of him is aware but it's being muffled out."

"And tell me darlin, where did you collect all this information from?" He leaned closer to you, curious to how you'd gathered all this in just two days.

"I'm big brained when I wanna be." You shrugged, "plus I found a peice of fabric in Sam's stomach hatch and it had blood on it. Then, and I dunno why no one's noticed, but his badge literally has W.A. on it. So I just... talked to him and asked him questions."

"So... then what? Williams been using Sam to get kids for him...? Meaning... Sam's been responsible for the kidnappings?"

Monty was disgusted at the thought. Sure maybe you were right and Sam was just a pawn for Williams evil but... still. He's been kidnapping kids.

"Yes. I believe so. But if he's telling the truth, he has no recollection of his actions when he's getting kids."

Monty thought for a moment. He was conflicted. He didn't want to let Sam get away with his behavior but... he couldn't deny that of William fucked with the animatronics programming than... he couldn't fully be held accountable for the way he was. Monty knew thay first hand.

"Well darlin... if you think you can help him and that he deserves a chance to redeem himself and whatnot... or if you think he should be shut down... I'll fully support your decision" Monty shifted, rather painfully to pull you closer to him cuddling you "but... for now. I want to be close to you. I'm so happy you are willing to give this a shot..." he purred into you ear nuzzling his muzzle into the crook of your neck.

You giggled, "shouldn't we ya know... go fix you?"

"Not yet. Let me enjoy this.." he held onto you tighter. He's missed you, "oh but... darlin? What changed your mind? Surely your not better already?"

"I'm not. But... so far so good. And... Freddy actually. I talked to him and.. he made some valid points. I had to think about it a bit more... being with you... it wont be a normal relationship but.. I've decided I don't care if you don't. I... really like you Monty."

He chuckled, "I'll have to give Freddy a big ol bear hug later. And I don't care, I just wanna be able to make you happy. Maybe make you cum, ya know who knows. Well cross that bridge when we get there." He joked.

Even basically running on life support he was still a flirtatious little shit.

You coughed and blushed, "you had me at first... damn you..."

"It's fun when you get all flustered. But.. I was joking. Mostly."

You flicked his nose. "Bad gator."

"Hmm is it bad when I do this?" He leaned over and kissed you, but then he pulled away, one hand grabbing your thigh as he licked up the length of you neck.

You squealed and tried to pull away but he kept a tight hold on you and barked out a laugh.

"I dunno what that noise was darlin but it was cute as fuck" he nuzzled you again.

"That was so gross..." and hot.

look you were not experienced in shit like this so you weren't sure why you found that hot.

But you were now dating an alligator animatronic. Surely there were a few kinks you didnt know you had...

It'd be an adventure, you had no doubt that all Montys teasing were not from lack of knowledge.

He probably knew exactly what to do to make you feel... good.

But enough of that.

"Oh you liked it. Don't lie," he chuckled.

"Alright! Mr Gomery it's time to fix you!" You pulled away and he pouted.


Don't Wanna Be Another Sad Story (Montgomery Gator X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now