You Cant Get Rid Of Me

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Monty raised a brow and cocked his head confused, "what?"

"Ahah.. uhm maybe that was a little to blunt" you laughed nervously and grabbed a strand of your hair twirling it in your fingers, "look Monty... since i moved here, I was trying really hard not to make friends with anyone... Its been that way for me for a while now. Because... because I have cancer" you took a shaky breath,  "I'm literally fucking dying. I don't want to get close to anyone or have them be close to me because I don't wanna hurt anyone when I die.. and it'll make me accepting my fate easier if im just.. detached and alone. But..." you trailed off looking away from Monty.

You were choking on your own words, worried that by the end of this he wouldn't be your friend.

"But what?" He urged.

"But... even though it's only been a few days, and believe me ive tried really hard to convince myself i hate you... i cant. Its just a lie. I've honesty really enjoyed our time together. For once I don't want to shut someone out. I dont want to shut you out... i want to keep this friendship we've started... but at the same time I wanted to leave the decision up to you. What I'm getting at here is i wanted to know if... if you'd want to remain my friend knowing that eventually... I'll be gone."

Monty was silent. But you refused to look at him, preparing yourself for his answer.

Why would he want to be your friend if you were gonna die?

This was stupid... you should of just told him to fuck off...

Monty observed you carefully. The news was a bit of a shock to him. He wasn't sure what to think or feel. He wasn't familiar with human illnesses but doing a quick search, he'd found that Cancer was a very deadly issue for humans. One that had treatment but no actual cure.

He frowned, this news saddening him a lot. But your question was absolutely stupid.

"Starshine...look at me" he commanded, keeping his voice soft.

Biting your lip you looked at him, he could see the fear in your e/c eyes. The fear of him rejecting you, the fear of dying. It made his chest hurt.

"Starshine I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you are getting treatment and that your expectations of dying aren't met. I truly hope you recover but... regardless of what happens, I will be by your side till the end. You can't get rid of me. I'm like a leech. Or that fly that buzzes in your face and just never goes away. Ya know?" He smiled and playfully stuck out his tongue, "you shouldn't live the rest of your life in isolation. You should enjoy the time you have and let people love you and love them back. Know matter your fate. So I'm gonna make sure you have someone thatll always be there for ya. Sick or not were friends." he ruffled your hair.

You couldn't help it. His words hit you hard and tears spilled. He looked shocked and like he wasn't sure what to do, but after a brief moment of panicking he pulled you into a hug.

You held onto him tightly and he soothingly rubbed your back.

"Yn you're okay..." he whispered to you.

"I...I don't want to die Monty... its...its not fair." You sobbed.

"I know. I remember what you told me about your parents. You deserve more... don't give up hope okay? There's still a chance treatment will work. Assuming your getting treatment that is..."

"I am.."

"Good. Don't give up. You're a hot cheeto, you got a lot of fight, heat and spice in ya. That's why I call you Hot Cheeto" he laughed lightly hoping to cheer you up a bit.

You did a little sob/laugh, and pulled away.

"I guess it's just easier to prepare for the worst.." you admitted.

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