Extending Hours

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With Monty by your side you headed up to the security office to get one of the tablets, and you didnt knock. So walking in your boss and Freddy making out was a bit of a shock to you.

"Oh yn!" Your boss scrambled quickly away from Freddy, "er look I can-"

"Yo chill. I already know. Your buddy here isn't exactly the secretive type" you pointed back at Monty who stood behind you snickering.

"Hey! I am too secretive!" He retorted crossing his arms.

You pulled a Gatorade move, and pushed down his shades that you now wore and looked at him "yah. Okay buddy."

Monty blinked. What the hell? That was cute...

He glared at you, "whatever..."

Pushing the shades back up you turned back to your boss. She had a faint smile on her face as she watched you and Monty bicker.

"Anyways yall can get back to your love making. But I need a tablet first" you were gonna grab it yourself but Freddy handed it to you instead.

You thanked him.

"Oh also..." you looked at your boss once more, "I was wondering if I could have a longer shift?"

She looked between you and Monty.

"Any specific reason you want more hours?"

"For the uhm.. money of course?" You said it in more of a question.

A little shy to admit that you really just wanted to hangout with the big oaf behind you.

Chuckling your boss nodded "you know what? I think that would be great because then there is another job I could give you."

"Oh? What is it?" You didn't particularly want another job but hopefully it was easy.

"Like twice a week I need you to go down to the daycare and just check on Sun and Moon drop. But uh... just be careful. I literally didn't know they existed until after I became a manager but Moondrop is... quirky. But all you have to do is check on them and make sure everything is running smoothly down there."

"Uhm. Okay?"

"Yep and you'll just leave at 6am since that's when we open and the longest I can keep you here unless you want a day shift."

"Nah 11:30 to 6am is fine."

"Alright. Keep up the good work yn" she gave you a little wave.

You turned to Monty and pushed him out of the room. "Jeez I'm goin Hot Cheeto, chill" he put his hands up defensively, smiling lightly.

"Well go faster, we got work to do."

You could see Monty roll his eyes.

And you were Thinking to yourself; that you liked being able to see them. They were really cool looking and fit his design well.

Monty followed your lead as you began to scan botts, the two of you quickly easing into your normal routine of bullying eachother.

That is until you were interupted...

"Hello Love! And hello Monty!" The two of you were both startled as the big animatronic burst out of his attraction.

You hadn't even noticed you to were near his hide and seek room. Monty was more bothered by the fact that he called you love, his red eyes narrowing at Sam.

"Oh hi Sam!" You greeted the Snake.

"Sup" Monty did a little head nod towards him.

Sam fumbled with his hands, "I was wondering if I could join you two?"

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