Monty Golf

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To your genuine surprise, Monty really did take you to play golf. Didn't he promise what he had in mind would be fun? Golf didn't exactly you only ever heard of old men and dads playing it. Or rich people.

"Are we actually going to play golf?" You asked him as the two of you walked leisurely along a path in his golf course.

"Mm, we might" he glanced down at you, "why do you not like golf?"

"Er... I mean technically I've never played it, but it doesn't seem all that fun" you admitted.

"It's all about perspective Hot cheeto."

"Alright Gatorade. Then prove to me it can be fun" you challenged.

Hearing your nickname for him, Monty smiled, "Gatorade?"

This time it was you who smirked, "yup. If I have to have a nickname then so do you."

"Fair enough. But also, challenge accepted. Let's play some golf!" He grinned and did a little excited tail wag.

And play you did. What happened is he made it a really interesting competition, one that made you really want to win.

If you didn't you'd have to go up on the little stage of his and sing.

If you did win he'd have to give you his shades for your entire next shift.

You desperately didn't want to sing.

And he made it so that there was more to getting the ball in the hole. There were strips of tape where if the ball went over you either lost or gained points.

And even though you furiously tried to win, you still genuinely enjoyed the game. His little cheers for himself and you were amusing, as well as the sarcastic comments you made towards eachother.

"Alrighty Hot cheeto. Last round. I'm genuinely surprised you've managed to tie my score" he chuckled and took his shot.

He got it in the hole first try.

Oh god.

You were definitely gonma lose...

You were about to take the hit when..

"Wait yn" he muttered.

You looked at Monty and his eyes were focused on something. He was watching something in the distance. His eyes narrowed and he growled, feeling annoyed.

"Dammit... Wait here ok? I gotta go take care of something..." he sighed and dropped his club.

He didn't give you time to respond either before he rushed off.

But you did as he said and you waited. And waited. But after 15 minutes you grew a little anxious.

Did he ditch you? Did something happen?

You set down your club and went in the direction he had gone. You didn't see any sign of him through the few people around though.

After some wandering you heard clanging and yelling from above, then another large crash and a bunch of balls came tumbling down from the rafts above. People scrambled out of the golf course but you just stepped off somewhere to avoid getting hit. There was another loud bang, before a few snickering kids came rushing out of a door that said staff only and they buzzed past you.

What the hell? What happened uo there? Was Monty up there?

You worked here so hopefully you wouldn't get in trouble for going through that door.

You made your way up some steps amd found yourself on the rails above the golf course. There were targets, and giant alligators you could ride around in as well as some toy guns. it looked like there was another game up here apparently.

Don't Wanna Be Another Sad Story (Montgomery Gator X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang