Shut down

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"Hello Monty" Samauel Greeted as he approached the gator, a goal set in motion.

Monty was sat at the edge of the stage and looked up from cleaning his bass, "what do you want..." he narrowed his eyes at Sam.

Sam didn't willingly talk to Monty. So he was already suspicious of the Snakes approach.

Sam thought for a minute. How could he get Monty to follow him...

"Yn showed up early tonight... she asked me to get you. She said she'd be in Parts and service..." a complete lie. You had not shown up yet.

Monty stared at him, he wondered if Sam was being truthful. How would you have gotten down to parts n service without taking the lift he currently sat on?

"She seemed like she was really bothered by something, we should probably hurry..." Sam added hoping to convince Monty.

There were other ways down there... but you Normally took the lift.

But what if Sam was telling the truth? He couldn't just not go... what if something was wrong?

Monty sighed and set aside his bass, "Alright. Let's go..."

Sam grinned. Perfect. The hardest part was done. Although, it turned to be rather easy.

The two reptilian animatronics took the lift down. Monty had a bad feeling about this. This wasn't right.

Sam was plotting something surely...

In silence they went through the hallway and entered the parts and Service room. It didn't take long for Monty to scan the room and notice that, there was no sign of you down here. Monty snarled and spun around to face Sam.

"The fuck is this Samauel..." he glared up at the slightly bigger animitroncic.

Sam took a step towards Monty, a predatory glint in his eyes. "I dont like you Monty. You're dangerous and you keep yn from me... im gonna put that to a stop..." he kept stepping towards Monty till they were just inches apart.

Monty wouldn't cower though. He wasn't afraid if Sam.

"Dude..." monty growled between clenched teeth, "are you fucking psychotic? I'm not keeping yn from anyone..."

"Don't Lie to me Montgomery! You're dangerous and evil... yn is...good. you don't deserve to be around her. She should be with me... someone who can keep her safe... not you." Sam's eyes were wide, the red glint behind his slit pupils brighter than ever.

He could no longer fight off the virus, he ran off pure emotion and instinct now.

It made it appear as if he truly was crazy. Delusional, something was clearly wrong with his programming.

"I think it's up to yn who she is with Sam.." Monty took a step back.

He was growing weary now.

Sam twitched, Montys small show of hesitation triggering the predator within him and without a thought he lunged at the gator.

Monty managed to quickly dodge out of the way.

"What the fuck Sam!?" Monty took a fighting stance and glared at Sam from behind his shades.

"Shes Mine, Montgomery! I need her and you won't let me have her... so I must force you out of the way!" With a roar he lunged at Monty once more.

Monty blocked, then retaliated by taking a swing at the snakes face.

He was done playing games with the stupid snake. If he wanted a fight, a fight is what he'd get. No more holding back.

Even if it was to the death.

His fist connected With Sam's Face, hard too, it even pushed his jaw out of place. It gave Monty a satisfying feeling...

oh how he's wanted to do this for a while now...

Monty was a lot faster, stronger and more experienced in fighting, easily able to maneuver around Sam and cause significant damage, growling and baring his teeth the whole time.

But Sam already expected this, he knew Monty was a powerful animatronic. so he did his best to block and dodge, all the while drawing Monty closer and closer into the cylinder, every now and then throwing his own punches. But his main focus was letting Monty use his energy up and keeping him distracted long enough to make his move.

Monty unfortunately was blinded by his rage that he didnt realize what Sam was doing. For days Sam had been egging Monty on and finally he'd snapped. He wanted to fuck Sam up, he was still angered by the racetrack event and then the stage, and everything else that led up to this. He was over Sams bullshit and he struck first. So now he wasn't gonna let this go.

Through their punches and movements Sam managed to get Monty next to the cylinder, the door opening up for them.


In a matter of seconds, Sam dodged an attack and then jumped at Monty pushing him into the cylinder. He tackled him and they landed in the chair, Sam pinning down Monty and he went wild.

Slashing, scratching, punching at Montys face, throat, and chest tearing and denting into metal..

Monty tried to push Sam off but he couldn't, The attack was so ruthless he pulled out wires, sparks flying and Montys systems flashing in his eyes warning him of danger and damage.

Monty panicked. He wasn't scared before, but there was no mercy in Sam's eyes. He wanted Monty dead. Monty was losing and he couldn't get the fucking guy off. His systems flashed in red and blue, warning him of shut down.

Oh no...

He didn't want this, he may not wake up unless someone find him. But if Sam was smart he'd likely hide Montys body.

But he couldn't stop the inevitable fate, his eyes grew heavy and he could barely move.

"Sam...stop.." he tried to get the Snake to listen.

But Sam wouldn't stop.

Not until...

Monty finally powered off. His last thoughts, being of you.

Sam sat over Montys lifeless for, breathing heavily. He grinned sadistically.


He was gone.

Sam laughed.

Oh, he sure was happy.

Now he could get to you easily, without Monty getting in the way.

He stood up and picked up Monty carrying him into the utility tunnels, he wasn't sure how he knew about these tunnels but he walked through it like he's been there hundreds of times.

He had zero hesitation in his destination, a hidden room, where he dropped Monty off.

Once that was done, he went back up.

Acting like nothing had even happened.

Don't Wanna Be Another Sad Story (Montgomery Gator X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now