Cuddles Get A Little Spicy: Part 1 (Smut)

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Aight this is an actual Smut chapter. Probably the last one unless it's requested in the one shot book.

You can skip the chapter as usual it won't apply to the actual story.)

You'd happily been cuddling with Monty for a while, however he seemed to be getting a little antsy though. Why might you think that? Well, The tip of his tail moved and twitched in an aggresive motion, and has been for over five minutes.

You finally decided to speak up, "Monty you ok? You seem agitated or something..." You turned your head to look back at him.

He smirked, "Nah, just... thinking."

"About what?" You were genuinely curious.

"I'd rather not say. I'm not sure if your ready or comfortable with what I'm thinking about" he avoided eye contact with you now.

"Oh just tell me" you rolled your eyes and sat up.

Monty sat up with you, "...Fine. I was thinking..." Monty was interuppted by his own fans going off, indicating he was nervous. "erm. Of what itd be like to be doing... things with you."

You kinda already had an idea of what he meant. But being you, you just had to push, "what things?"

Montys tail flicked, he was nervous at first but you could sense his whole aura had changed in a matter of seconds. It is Monty afterall though, and Since when is Monty ever shy over these topics? Rarely ever, we all know it just wasn't his style to be shy.

He leaned in close to you planting a deep kiss on your lips, biting your lip lightly as he pulled away "what things you ask? Well... I was just thinking of what it'd be like to hear you breathlessly moaning my name as I either eat you out or finger you." He chuckled, "i mean I probably sound a bit perverted but, I did say eventually I'd make you cum and I meant it. Of course I don't wanna rush you into anything. Its just the thought of pleasuring you and doing such intimate things with you it just, excites me... I even have something else we could use to spice things up. But like I said, no pressure. I want you to be comfortable" He booped your nose before leaning back on the couch.

Even though your ass should be more than used to his bluntness and overall straightforward personality, you still found your face getting increasingly warm and more than likely utterly red as fuck.

"O-oh" was all you managed to stutter.

You silently sat their, motionless and thought about his words. You werent sure how you felt about his confession. You've never actually done anything 'intimate' before, to be blunt you were a virgin, the most you've done is kiss someone. You were educated and knew about these things obviously. You just, weren't experienced.

Thinking over it though, you were already eighteen and still a virgin. You had two possible deaths, either cancer or Afton... so like would it really hurt to... have some fun and take things with Monty a little further?

You had no doubt Monty would make it enjoyable for you, I mean the man barely had to do anything and he had you flustered over the smallest things.

But were you ready for that?

Were you ready for such an intimate aspect in the relationship? Especially so early in said relationship? You hadnt been together that long.

Monty had said there was no rush...

But you really liked Monty, he was cute, goofy, respectful... maybe it didn't have to be a big deal that you guys hadn't been together that long if you were both comfortable.

You looked at Monty, he had his head leaned back and his eyes closed. his breathing was steady and his tail was relaxed now, no longer moving.

His shades, the red Mohawk, his red eyes.... damn. If anyone knew you thought this Animatronic was hot as fuck you'd be called a freak.

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