Just Coworkers?

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You had just arrived to work, Maries mom told you that Monty was down in Parts and Service and that getting g him fixed should be the first thing you get done.

You were aware that this would most likely be the case, but your stomach still tied up in knots over seeing him again.

You had been at home all day mulling heavily over things after what happened in Montys golf course.

Maybe you were overthinking this. Surely you could still talk and joke around with him without actually being friends. Your just... coworkers technically. And coworkers aren't always friends, they just keep eachother company at work and help each other out.

You just had to be more careful on how far things went. Make it clear to him that you aren't friends. Or well just stay at a distance.

You didn't really know.

But you wouldn't completely shut the guy out. You two were just coworkers.

And that's not the same as friends.

He was stupid and annoying but you enjoyed your sarcastic banters and bullying.

You'd have to apologize though for earlier.

You made your way to the mainstage lift.

"Hello love" you paused and spun around.

Damn these animatronics needed a bell or something. They keep appearing behind you and scaring the shit out of you.

"Oh... hi Sam," whyd he call you love?

"I haven't seen you since I woke up, how are you?" He asked.

You really had to strain your neck to look up at him, "I'm fine. You?"

"I am wonderful! I wanted to thank you for bringing me to life. I really enjoy being here."

"Er I mean I was just doing my job. But you're welcome buddy" you felt a little uncomfortable.

There was nothing wrong with Sam. You'd just never spoken to him till now.

"Could I perhaps accompany you for your shift? I would like to get to know you" he tilted his head questioning.

"I mean...uhm yeah sure I guess. But first I gotta go fix up Monty. Meet me at your room okay?"

"Of course love. Good luck" he closed his eyes and smiled at you, his tongue sticking out before he stomped away.

You went up the stage and pushed the button for the lift to descend. You walked through the hallway and made it to the big red doors that lead into the parts and service room.

You could see Monty on the chair in the cylinder. He looked like he was shut off or maybe just resting because his eyes were closed. His chest and stomach were still gaping open his missing pieces probably been thrown away. Other than that he just had a lot of dents and scratches and his Mohawk could use a little brushing.

This may take a while though because you realized you didn't know where to get parts from.

Should you call your boss?

Nah You'd figure it out. You didn't really want help.

Mentally preparing yourself you pushed open the doors and walked into the room.

Monty still made no sign of being conscious, maybe you'd be alone for this. Which was fine, you felt bad still and still were uneasy. But you pushed it away and went up to the computer running a diagnostic of his systems and doing a check of what parts of him will need fixing that you couldn't see directly.

Obviously he'd need new casing, a few buff outs of his dents and a new layer of paint.

But with a few clicks you learned the machin in the cylinder could paint him for you.

With a list of what you'd need to do to fix the dude, you unlocked the cylinder and went inside. As the door shut behind you Montys eyes slowly shifted open and landed on you

"Ay...if it isn't my favorite person, hot cheeto! Are you ok? I was worried about ya earlier..." he sounded tired but you could still sense his concern.

You looked at him, thoughts circling your head. He was just a robot. An A.I. sure they all acted pretty human but...was anything he felt or thought real? If you were his friend would it even be real? Or just programming?

"Hey Gatorade... im fine. I'm sorry I ran out like that. Just freaked out over nothing..." you didn't want to get into details so you hoped he wouldn't push for and explanation.

"Hmm.. as long as you're okay. I was worried I may have done or said something to upset you..." he sounded exhausted.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. Are you doing alright? You sound tired."

You got started on fixing the wires you had missed. Monty didn't move, just let you do your work.

"Mmm... I dunno. I'm still in pain, but I think my battery isn't charging. So... yeah I'm feeling a bit tired."

Hearing him talk about things no human would say made you wonder, would it really hurt to be friends with him? With a robot? Especially if it wasn't a true friendship? He's just programmed to be like this. Right?

Or maybe you really just wanted to stop being closed off and let someone in. Maybe telling yourself it wasn't real would make this wall you put up easier to let down.

And even though he was just a robot you two seemed to click pretty nicely, Your energy matching one another. So even if it would be fake, the friendship you could hold with him would be amazing. It would be nice to have... something, before you died.

Him being a robot... just programming... maybe you wouldn't have to feel as bad then.

With curious eyes Monty watched you fix him up. He couldn't put his finger on it, the pull you had on him. It wasn't attraction or love or anything of the sort, but he genuinely enjoyed talking to you. The moment he met you he felt this pull, this energy from you, that captured his attention.

He couldn't really understand what it was. He was just drawn to you and wanted to be around you. To know you.

"Yn... tell me about yourself.." His voice was soft, his battery power making him sleepy.

"...what? Why?" You asked.

"Mm'curious" he slurred.

"...well I dunno. There's not a lot to say. My existence has been pretty dull" you laughed dryly.

"Well, tell me what you can then."

"...uhm.. okay. I guess my favorite color is f/c. I really like f/f. I live with my brother and he's the absolute best. Literally saved my life..." whats left of it anyways "and my parents are total wastes of space. Music is everything, I'm really into mechanics and tech obviously... space is cool. Art is something I suck at but enjoy. That's kinda all I can think of... I mean what do you wanna know?"

"You sound...like a very intresting person. Why the disdain...for your parents though..." the gator looked like he was fighting off sleep just to talk to you.

"Uhm. They're drug addicts. And when they had me they didn't really treat me the way a parent should. My brother is the only reason I was able to get away from there..."

"Thats... unfortunate hot cheeto..but.. im glad you..are safe."

His eyes closed. His battery reaching zero leaving him unable to stay awake.

You smiled and continued you work. You replaced his broken parts, fixed the worse, gave him new casings, and fixed the wires that helped power reach his battery. He should be good now.

You just had to somehow get him to a charging station.

Don't Wanna Be Another Sad Story (Montgomery Gator X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now