Rivals and Daycare Fun

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Monty watched as you took Sam into the cylinder. leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, he kept his eyes on the two of you.

He didn't trust Sam. He accused Monty of being dangerous for you, but he literally put everyone in danger with his little stunt earlier.

You got to work on Sam's wires, his damage wasn't as bad as Montys bad been. Just a few scratches and dents. His wires were all fine except a few that had been pulled out of their sockets. Fixing him up didn't take long, you did have to give him a new paint job too though.

He would not shut up though, he kept asking if you were okay and asked a bunch of other things like how your day went. Sometimes Sam was too polite.

Eventually he was good to go and left the cylinder. Before he made it past Monty, the gator reluctantly stopped Sam.


"Yes Monty?" Sam glared at him.

"Can we talk... later" Monty forced the words out.

Sam narrowed his eyes, "why..?"

"Because we need to talk. You literally dislike me for no reason and are trying to harm me... its ridiculous. We should be able to talk about it like adults rather than be childish like you were earlier... you put everyone in danger..." Monty was trying his best not to yell at Sam, he didn't want you to overhear them as you were cleaning stuff off.

"Oh there's no need to talk about it Monty. Because it's simple... you like yn. I like yn. Except... you don't deserve her, you're dangerous. She will be mine and you? I'll get rid of you somehow." Sam smiled sticking out his tongue before walking away, roughly hitting Monty with his shoulder.

Was he delusional? Sam was being more of a danger than Monty..

And was he really acting like this because they both liked you? That was incredibly childish... it wasn't up to Sam who you liked. It was up to you.. shit if you chose Sam over Monty, he'd back off. He'd accept and respect your decision... even if it hurt. But why did it have to be taken so out of line?

Well... if he wanted to fight over it than fine. Clearly there was something wrong with his programming if he viewed Monty as dangerous but his own little stunts were perfectly fine.

"Ready to go to the daycare Gatorade?" You walked up to Monty.

He looked a little startled, having been in deep thought.

"Sure thing Darlin."

The two of you made way to the daycare. You were excited to see Sun and Moon again. Monty didn't particularly care, he had nothing against them but he didn't really interact with them a whole lot. They never left the daycare and it wasn't really a vibe for Monty to sit in the daycare.

As soon as Monty pushed open the big doors for you, you wasted no time announcing your presence.

"Sunny! Moon! Get your butts!" You paused, a little confused look on your face, "butt?! Out here!"

Monty chuckled, you were adorable.

Sundrop seemed to drop out of nowhere, "Hello friends!!"

"Oh Jesus you scared me Sunny" you said stepping back into Monty a bit.

It took so much effort not to wrap his arms around you.

He huffed and stepped away.

"Oh I'm sorry yn!" He smiled a little amused.

"You're good, I'm here to check on you guys, and then after I check the computer stuff Monty and I can hangout with you again."

"Yipee..." Monty sighed.

At least it was safer here than in the raceway...

"Ooo wonderful! Here I'll turn off the light so you can check Moondrop first!" He flicked off the light.

Out came Moondrop, looking bored and grumpy.

"Hello Moon!" You greeted.

"Hello yn..." he sneered.

He still didn't like you yet. And definitely didn't like Monty.

"Ready for your checkup buddy?" You asked him.

"Sure... Hurry up though! I don't wanna be here..."

You frowned. You'd have to talk to Sunny about dedicating the next visit to having Moondrop out. You'd get him to like you, you were determined about that.

"Uhm okay Moondrop" you got to checking over him and when you gave him the ok he quickly turned the light back on.

You checked over Sundrop when he was back and then you checked everything on the computer, Monty sitting in the spinning chair again. While Sunny ran off to prepare for your guys next activity.

When the computer stuff was done you forced Monty out of his chair and searched for Sundrop.

When you found him he was in an empty area surrounded by pillows, blankets and boxes. Where he got so many was a mystery to you and Monty.

"Pillow fort!" Sunny shouted tossing the two of you pillows.

You grinned, "oh hell ya! Come on Gatorade!"

The look of misery on Montys gave could not be forced away, as he unenthusiastically helped the two of you build a pillow fort. Oh the things he did for you... and he wouldn't hesitate to do more.

If only you realized that.

The tree of you built the biggest pillow fort, and once it was finished all three of you sat inside it telling funny or scary stories. Well you and Sunny did, Monty refused claiming he had no creativity for such thing.

Even though he could easily look one up.

Sundrop had also grabbed you guys a bunch of drinks and snacks.

It was a good time and you loved every second of it.

Sunny was... therapeutic in a way. Bringing out your inner damaged child, and letting her be the child you never could be. Monty could see it too, the mental age regression in your behavior everytime you were with Sundrop.

He didn't mind, seeing you so happy and delighted was blissful. Plus even though hed never admit it, he did have some fun during these little activities.

Once all the snacks and drinks were gone and it was 4:30am, you called it a night.

You offered to help clean up the fort but Sundrop insisted he would take care of it and so you and Monty left back to his room.

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