They all shook their heads, "Nothing, Eren!" They laughed.

"Well, yeah, but that's not the reason~!" Mana giggled, shaking her head just as Mahad did.

Yami looked at Yugi and Yugi looked back at him with a shrug. They both looked at Mana and Mahad.

"Then what?" They both said at the same time, their voices in complete unison.

Mahad and Mana raised their right hands, showing a new accessory that they both got. A ring. They were identical.

Yami and Yugi both jumped back as if they were blown away. They smiled and Yami hugged them both in a huge bear hug.

"Why didn't you tell me that you two were engaged earlier???" He asked, laughing.

"I only asked her this morning!" Mahad said, chuckling and separating from them, "You know, while you were dealing with that chick who was hit by that train."

Yugi looked at Yami, who nodded back at him sullenly.

"Yeah, well I would have wanted to see that more than what I saw on the operating table." Yami muttered, "She's comatose now. We have no idea when she's gonna wake up..."

Yugi patted his shoulder and grinned reassuringly. Yami looked at him.

"You did what you had to. Now, she has to make the choice to come back or give in to the inevitable." He told him, "You've done what you could do."

Yami looked at him and smiled, hugging him too.

"Come here, aibou." He chuckled slightly, hugging him in a tight, loving embrace, "It feels like forever since the last time I held you this close."

"Forever and a day..." Yugi giggled, highly aware that they hugged like this the night before.

Yami finally separated, going a bit red with blush and he looked at Mana and Mahad.

"Crongrats, guys~!" He cheered again.

"So, are you two gonna do anything to celebrate this?" Yugi asked.

Mana and Mahad exchanged glances before looking back at them. Mana leaned into their ears, whispering in a very low voice so that no one could hear.

"We're going to eat out at Michio Mokota's new restaurant." She squealed, "You know, the newest one down town?"

"Ooooooh, that one?" Yugi beamed, "I heard they have some good pocky flavored ice cream!"

"Pocky flavored ice cream?!" Yami looked at him with wide and wonder-filled eyes, "Okay, aibou. We're eating there. Me and you. Soon. Very soon."

Yugi laughed, patting his head.

"Okay, Mou Hitori No Boku." He smiled, "We're gonna go to that restaurant, but only if you're a good little doctor."

"I'ma be a good little doctor~!" Yami smiled in return, his voice resembling that of a child, making Yugi grin wider, "I pwomise!"

"Good~!" Yugi beamed, when suddenly, his pager went off. He fished it out of his pocket and sighed. Looked like he was late for a check up.

"Well, I better be off." Yugi said, looking at them and turning.

Yami grabbed his hand and turned him back around to face him, Yugi's eyes widening when he did so.

"U-Um...yes?" Yugi smiled slightly once more.

"Are you forgetting something?" Yami smiled, locking he and Yugi's lips together for a brief three seconds before letting go and watching a red faced Yugi walk away, halfway dazed from what just happened.

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