Chapter 34 - This Sadist

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Oh shit!

In a flash, Shen Qingqiu's brain seemed to heat up until it was boiling hot.

This was exactly like that part in the movies when the midnight bell starts tolling ominously!

He grabbed his folding fan, turned around, and nimbly escaped through the wooden window.

That gooseflesh-inducing disguise from earlier in the day was finally ripped off. Luo Binghe's true nature was exposed, and he's now come to settle accounts with Shen Qingqiu!

His escape was completely driven by his subconscious mind. Years of habit made him act gracefully and elegantly even though he was running away. After landing fluidly, he used the sole of his foot to spring up and his body flew off like a wild goose.

Like a cold wind, Luo BingHe's voice was clear and penetrating. His tone bore the semblance of a smile, transmitting directly to Shen Qingqui's ear as he said2 : "During the day Shizun converses with Gongyi Xiao tenderly and intimately. Then in the evening, he lights lamps and trims candles as he waits for Liu Shishu3 with sincere affection until very late into the night. But when this disciple appears, two people are so estranged?"

****! Every time you finish speaking a sentence, the distance between us is halved! This speed is unscientific!

Shen Qingqiu took a deep breath. He thought to himself that no matter what, he should first find a helping hand, so he used the energy from his Dantian to amplify his voice: "Liu Qingge!"

Luo Binghe's voice came again, but this time it was not so gentle. He said with a sneer in his voice: "Liu Shishu is busy fighting. I am afraid he is not at leisure to come. Shizun, if you have orders, why don't you tell me?"

I dare not accept your offer!

Shen Qingqiu knew that Liu Qingge had been dragged into a fight by Luo Binghe so he couldn't count on him. Thus, he poured his entire body's spiritual energy into his legs, expecting a burst of speed.

But he was so desperate that he had forgotten one thing: the poison in his body had just flared up!

It was too late for him to react. For a moment, all the blood in Shen Qingqiu's body seemed to stop flowing and his body suddenly sank down.

In the next moment, his throat was grabbed and his back slammed into a cold stone wall, making his spine hurt and his head swim.

Luo Binghe was very close.

Shen Qingqiu was slammed against the wall by one hand. The impact on the back of his head made him dizzy and it took a long time for him to regain his sight.

The moonlight shone down on him, making Luo Binghe's outline appear more and more like that of a jade ice sculpture, peerlessly beautiful.

He leaned very close and whispered softly, "Separated for many years, yet upon meeting each other under the golden evening wind and amongst the pure white early morning dew...4 Shizun only calls other people's names. This disciple is a little sad."

Though he said he was sad, his lips were curled up in a smile and the expression in his eyes was murderous. Anyone could see that his words were clearly a lie!

Shen Qingqiu felt as though his throat had been caught by an iron hoop. His throat was being choked and it was difficult to even breathe, let alone speak.

Contrary to what one might expect, with some effort, he could manage to form the finger sign to summon his sword, but because his spiritual power was stagnant due to the poison, it wouldn't be of any use. Even with the perfect finger sign, the Xiu Ya Sword wouldn't move.

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