Chapter 29

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Shen Qingqiu said: "Do you remember a kind of rare, appearing only once every thousand years kind of organism you created?"

"......" Shang Qinghua was speechless: "This range of yours is too broad. Those kinds of things I created number in the eight hundreds if not thousands, okay."

You know it yourself, too!

Shen Qingqiu sighed, and said five words next to his ear.

Shang Qinghua heard it and was frightened. A moment later, the gaze with which he looked at Shen Qingqiu was a lot more profound.

Shen Qingqiu: "......Why are you looking at me?"

"Nothing." Shang Qinghua said: "It's just that I feel like you're a loyal reader of mine after all. You were actually able to dig out from a corner somewhere the creations that I forgot and lost a long time ago. I feel a little moved."

"......" Shen Qingqiu said: "Tomorrow, come with me for a trip down the mountain to its origin to search for it."

Shang Qinghua: "Tomorrow? This......isn't this a little rushed?" He stammered: "Actually, I......can't recall where its designated location is. The entire text spans nearly twenty million words and it's mentioned only in one instance. Let me think it over slowly, then I'll tell you."

Shen Qingqiu said very sincerely: "Then we'll wait until Luo Binghe kills his way back, receives Mo Beijun as a follower, kills me, and kills you. It won't be too late for you to remember then."

Shang Qinghua: "......Okay. I'll definitely remember it by tomorrow!"

Anyway, on An Ding Peak, the Peak Lord didn't necessarily have to care of trivialities like the allocation of rooms or customization of uniforms for the various new disciples.

Shang Qinghua returned and bitterly thought for an entire night, wracking his brains like overturning seas and rivers [1] until finally, in the darkness before dawn, he was illuminated and circled a spot on the map.

Seeing the map, Shen Qingqiu slapped the table and they set off at once down the mountain. Eating and drinking part of the way, playing and having fun part of the way, defending against attacks part of the way, and traveling by carriage part of the way. It should have been very pleasant.

There was one very tiny, unpleasant exception. Shang Qinghua sat in the driver's seat of the carriage and groaned.

"Why is the person paying for all meals and accommodations me? Why is the person sitting here and driving the carriage also me?"

From inside the carriage, Shen Qingqiu said: "Aren't you ashamed of yourself? These funds are given by senior brother Sect Head as a public expense. You only took the money out from the pouch at your waist."

Thinking of how earnestly Yue Qingyuan looked at him just before they left, Shang Qinghua felt heartsore for himself.

What would you call, "Martial brother Shang, I will have to give Qingqiu to your care during the pleasure trip. He has poison in his body, so please look after him."

You're even calling him by name so intimately! [2] It was only that the place he cultivated at when he was little was a bit far away, or he'd really become a toy horse! [3]

Compared to these inner disciples who were carefully cultivated by Peak Lords from the start, the outer disciples who climbed up just had no human rights.

That was why there was really no future in logistics.

As the author, he originally wanted to pit his life to mold Shang Qinghua into an extremely base person, but Great G.o.d Airplane Towards the Sky finally realized the pain of his character role.

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