Chapter 58.

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"Edric, should we go check on Amity?" Emira said, laying down on her bed. "Its already late. The hospital most have already layed down their barrier, and we're not very strong with magic to the extent we can destroy a barrier. Besides, that would be breaking a law." Edric said, which Emira fully agreed on and they both went to sleep.


"Hey Amity. Did you miss me?" Luz smiled at Amity and she was shocked. "Hey, you still look as cute as ever!" Luz laughed and started patting her head. Amity held her hand and Luz looked at her. Luz saw tears coming out of her eyes. "Oh no. What have I done!?" Luz thought. "Did I do anything? Tell me what I did. Should I bring you some tissues to blow your nose? Should I leave? I'm probably disturbing you." Luz was about to leave in sadness but Amity still held her hand.

She ran to Luz and hugged her that both of them landed on the floor. "Luz..." Luz was very surprised and scoffed. "I'm glad to see that you're doing alright, Amity." Luz patted her head as she gratefully allowed Amity to cry to her heart's content after seeing her loved one. "Come on, stand up. We can't stay on the floor forever." Both Amity and Luz stood up and they sat down on Amity's bed. She cleaned her tears and sighed.

"I missed you a lot, Luz." Amity sniffed and looked at her. "I missed you too. I told you to wait for me, I didn't want to disappoint you." Amity nodded. "Ever since you died, I've just been emotionless." Amity frowned. "It's fine. As you can see, I'm Luz Noceda, in the blood and flesh!" Luz exclaimed as Amity laughed. "and I'll always be." She muttered under her breath. "Anyway, tell me. What happened to you these years since I was gone? I do deserve to know the well-being of the person I love the most." Luz smiled and Amity blushed.

"W-why bring up that topic!?" Amity stuttered. "Oh, if I can remember clearly, you told me "I love you" when I was vanishing. I felt the same too. Does that mean you've found someone else and had forgotten about me?" Luz said to Amity who pouted and looked the other way. "Of course I haven't. These days, I've literally been crying because of you. Never leave me like that again." Amity commanded her and Luz laughed.

"Yes ma'am!" Luz kept on laughing and cleaned a tear of laughter. "But did you actually meet someone else?" Luz looked at Amity straight in the eyes. "Because your feelings are the same as mine that day you confessed to me." Luz looked at her seriously and smiled. "But what do I know. I've been gone for exactly 12 years. You must have met another person that caught your eye and your heart." Luz frowned. "Why do you think I would meet someone else?" Amity asked Luz.

"I'm Amity Blight. I never change my words. When I say something, I really mean it." Amity rolled her eyes and Luz caressed her cheeks. "If I did this to you..." Luz went closer to Amity and kissed her on the lips in a light way. "Would you think I meant that?" Luz smiled at her while Amity felt like melting. "I- u-uh..." Amity was turning red like a tomato and Luz started laughing.

"I really love you a lot, Amity." Luz snapped her fingers lightly for Amity not to hear but the big circle that Lucas made vanished. "Oh? Seems like something is about to happen..." John said in a very mysterious way, knowing very well what would happen.

"You idiot. Like I don't feel the same." Luz laughed as she pulled Amity to another kiss. It was so gentle and so nice. Amity's heart felt so warm again after so long. Luz felt so happy and her heart was so happy to see someone as beautiful as Amity in front of her eyes and this marvelous thing happened in a bright, light and dark night.

Amity moved back and Luz looked at Amity. "Speechless, aren't you?" Luz laughed once again as Amity looked the other way and started blushing. "Well, isn't it late. I have to go." Luz carried her mask and stood up and was about to leave but Amity held her cloth. "Can you... Can you stay?" Luz was shocked for Amity to say something like this and scoffed. "I will." Luz dropped her mask on a table at the corner and sat down.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Luz asked Amity. "I'm not actually tired, surprisingly." Amity said to Luz who was amazed. "Huh... Looks like Advanced Heal Infinity worked." Amity was confused. "What's that?" Amity asked Luz. "Oh, since I came back to life, I got a new magic skill that allows me to create magic skills. My assistant with creating a new spell is named Samuel. He's also the person that helps me control this band that James gave me." She pointed at the band. (If you don't remember Samuel, Samuel is the "Google Assistant" of Luz's band and was also the one that controlled Luz's car and basically everything else, now, also including the creation of magic skills).

"I saw on the news that you had an unknown disease." Amity was confused. "I had an unknown disease?" Luz nodded. "Immediately I saw it, I rushed to the hospital and healed you." Luz said to Amity. "But wait, how were you able to deactivate the magic barrier?" Amity asked Luz who smirked. "I'm a powerful vampire! If I can create barriers, why can't I destroy one? It really seemed like any of the personnel didn't know advanced magic." Luz laughed and Amity looked at her.

"I checked the sickness and it was honestly a sickness that could be cured. That hospital isn't a dependable one. The medicine that could cure it is even in the Boiling Isles and it's very common." Amity rolled her eyes and sighed in disappointment. "Yeah, where's James?" Luz snapped her fingers and James suddenly appeared.

"Is this you, James?" Amity looked at him and he nodded. Amity immediately hugged him but shifted back. "But why didn't you tell Luz earlier about the bad things that had happened to her in the human world?" Luz was stunned by the question and James looked at her. "Well, I basically understand you. As long as things between you and Luz are fine now." They both sighed in relief.

"Well? James, could you tell Amity everything?" James looked at Luz. "Telling her would waste my saliva so I'll just put everything in her brain." Amity was confused and James out his finger at the side of her head and it immediately entered. "Huh?" Amity started shifting to many places.

"Wait... James is your guardian of the Place of Memories and guardians are supposed to protect that place incase of any bad persons that wants to invade it? You also had other guardians that told you to pick one of then to go back to their world and then you chose James and told them to follow you to James's world? Silvia is the witch that helped us in the war between vampires and witches but still became the Queen Of Vampires for a reason?" Amity's head started shaking.

"Whoa, Amity calm down. You're correct anyway. Now, let me introduce you to those guardians." Luz snapped her fingers and they all appeared. "Lucas, Joseph, John, Chloe, Mary, Hope, James and hey, also Jack!" Luz said, hugging Jack. "I completely forgot about you. Sorry." Jack nodded, giving a sign that he completely understood. "So, Amity. This is all of them. Charles, also, was made out of rock... Or was it metal? I've forgotten." Amity lied down and her eyes was wide opened.

"I need to sleep."

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