Chapter 10.

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"It's your place of memories." Someone appeared to Luz as Luz was surprised. "Place of Memories?" Luz asked as the person nodded. "Who are you?" Luz asked as the person stared at her. "My name is... James." Luz sighed and removed her blazer and lied down.

"Tired?" James asked as Luz nodded. "I understand." James lied down with Luz, looking at a plain white ceiling. "If I could, I would have asked you about this 'Place of Memories' but I'm just too tired. Is it wrong for someone to just be, I don't know... Free?" James looked at her and Luz looked at him back.

"It's not wrong Luz. Even Tony understands." Luz was surprised on how James knew Tony. "You know Tony?" James nodded and sighed. "It's actually kind of sad, how people can just mess you up and all that. It's kinda just sad." Luz nodded as she sighed too. "Yeah, it is. You basically know everything about me, so I might as well be free with you." James laughed as Luz looked at him.

"Am I a comedian or something?" James cleaned a tear and Luz raised a brow. "Let me explain something to you. I'm the person protecting your memories from being erased, burnt, destroyed or broken. By anything, if your memories should face this things, your body will rot like metal and you will die again. And this time, no one will be there to resurrect you." Luz's eyes widened as James nodded his head.

"It's not time for me to tell you everything yet. You aren't ready."  Luz raised a brow as James sighed. "Just... enjoy this moment you have." Luz looked at him and shaked her head. "And try to help Amity. If you don't know, her trust for you is like an atom. Obviously, you do you but I am honestly giving you this advice, help her and she'll help you too. Your outing can make both of you to trust each other and make your 'friendship' to go somewhere." Luz stood up and looked at James.

"Also, keep the wristband with you. Always." James looked at her seriously and Luz nodded her head. "Now, how can I go back?" James pointed at a door as Luz walked to the door. "Thanks for the advice, James." Luz left as James waved at her.

Luz then woke up and saw that it was already morning. "Huh. So fast." Luz looked at her hand, which still had the wrist band. She wanted to investigate on this thing more, so she pressed it and something popped up. It was like a type of advanced technology and before she knew it, she tapped something else and the shape of it changed. She changed it to glasses and she put it on.

"This is pretty nice." Luz said as she looked at it. "And even the lens can give you almost everything on a phone? Saying this is amazing is an understatement." Luz stood up and looked at it through her mirror. Hey, now I can interact with you. James said as Luz was even shocked.

"I think today is just getting better every second." James laughed as Luz dropped it. Luz went to brush her teeth and have her bath and dressed up. She wore a white shirt with black Adidas sweatpants and Nike shoes. Your fashion sense is just something else to be honest. Luz smiled and told him thank you.

Luz wore the glasses and went downstairs. "Good morning Alejandro." Alejandro's mouth opened as he saw Luz. "You look like someone who just finished a horror movie. What's up?" Alejandro held Luz's shoulder and was moving her left and right. "Are you alright!? Did you even tell mother you were getting glasses!?" Luz felt dizzy and looked at him.

"Mother is a good person. I don't think she would go as far as-" before Luz could finish her sentence, she felt a very strong presence and didn't dare to look back. "Good morning Mother." Alejandro and Luz said at the same time. "Good morning to both of you too. Luz, I heard you talking about glasses?" Luz's mother asked as she looked at her.

"Actually yes! It was actually something that belonged to me a very long time ago and I didn't even remember it. It's when I searched through my bag that I saw it." Luz gave her mother the glasses and she looked at it. "Hm. You can take it." Luz's mother gave it back to her as Alejandro was surprised and Luz's mother walked away.

"So?" Luz went to take the cereal box and started pouring cereal into a plate. "I seriously do not know how that was able to actually work out successfully." Luz poured some yogurt in her cereal and started eating it. (Yes. You can put yogurt in your cereal, and I searched Google, but if you want more information, I advise you to search more on Google about it before you test it out yourselves.)

"It's a matter of just using proper English tone and convincing. On fact, by anything, it's just being normal and not lying to her because she can immediately find out if you are lying to her or not." Alejandro sighed as Luz immediately finished her breakfast and washed her plates. "Let's go to school." Luz carried her glasses and wore it and went to school.

Luz then used her car and went to school with Alejandro. Immediately she came out, people started rushing over to Alejandro and Luz. "OMG! Your fight with Willow was the best!"  "Good morning Alejandro! How did you wake up? Tell me everything!"  "Please marry me!"
Not even sickness can be compared to fan girls. There are just... not alright in Luz's perspective.

"Omgggg, Luz is wearing glasses! She looks so handsome!" Someone screamed as they went closer to Luz. "Please. We both need some space. Do you mind shifting back?" Everyone immediately shifted back and Luz with Alejandro had started walking. "What are you having first?" Alejandro looked at his timetable and saw it was History.

Luz removed her glasses and put at the back of her hand and changed it to a yo-yo and started playing with it. "What do you have?" Alejandro didn't notice at all as Luz dragged out her timetable and checked that she has Plant Class. "Again? Are you for real?" Luz said as the principal stared talking through a speaker.

"Good day students. This announcement is to all of you here. Tomorrow is Magic Day. For the people who don't know what Magic Day is, it is the day when people gather together to talk about magic, go on excursions to see and learn more about magic, and there will be a tournament for every student and for the top 5, each of them gets a special reward. More of t it will be explained by your teachers tomorrow morning."

"Wait, Magic Day?"

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