Chapter 15.

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"Hey, doesn't she mean Amity, as in Amity Blight?" People started gossiping and whispering about the latest news. "It's probably her. There's no other Amity in this school." Amity walked away and went to her class. Amity's face was red and her body was has hot as a kettle that just finished boiling water.

Amity was just speechless, not even understanding what happened. "Why did Luz even do this?" Amity muttered as sat close to her. "Because he's not someone to talk to, like the bully he is." Luz said as she yawned and put her head on the table.

Some Minutes Before...
"So, what am I having next?" Luz checked and saw that she was having Abomination class. "Abomination class huh?" Luz sighed as James caught up with her. "So you just walked away like it was nothing? Talk about being smooth and furious at the same time." James laughed as Luz looked at him. "You should be having illusion class, right? You know the classroom?" James gave Luz a thumbs up and went closer to Luz to whisper something in her ears.

"Immediately it's 12:00, I'll vanish and go back to the Place Of Memories." James walked and entered his class as Luz walked to her own class too.

"How are you even here!?" Luz was surprised by the question, especially coming out from Amity's mouth. "Amity. Have you ever heard of a timetable?" Amity finally remembered as Luz went back to her normal position. "But why did you actually do that? Is it that you care for me?" Luz eyes was opened by the question as she immediately looked at her.

"So I should allowed him to go on? Because I would have killed him, at that time, at that moment." Luz eyes turned black as Amity shifted back and Luz continued to feel sleepy and went back to her position, but was facing Amity. "Ah, today's Magic Day." Luz said as she rose her head up in remembrance.

Someone tapped Luz and pointed at the door, and someone was calling for Luz. Luz stood up and went to the person. "Do you need anything?" Luz asked as the person pointed to the Principal's Office. "He said that you should announce something that's written on a paper on his table." Luz went to the Principal's Office and entered it and saw the paper.

Principal Bump, like the old person he is, was sleeping because of the work he had done last night. Luz carried the microphone and tested it. "Ehem, Students of Hexside. Today is Magic Day, as you all know. The 2 things we were supposed to do will be cancelled because of some matters. The gathering was cancelled because majority of the parents did not accept it for some reasons that cannot be said. The excursion was supposed to take place in a particular place all Hexside students have gone to since the beginning of this school, but because of what happened last year, the CEO of the place refused it. So we will only focus on the tournament. Everyone should go outside on the field. The remaining explanations will be done by the teachers." Luz said as immediately she stepped out, she heard footsteps.

Everyone was gathering, people were rushing to go outside and go to the field to start the tournament. Luz sighed as she saw James walking out of his classroom. "Are you going to participate, James?" Luz catches up to him and asked the question. "Yeah, I'm going to participate. Are you also going too?" Luz nodded as they both walked outside to the field.

"If you want to participate, come and write your names here! And read the sign above you before you think of participating!" A teacher shouted as they did so. "This is more like voting instead of participating but somehow different." James laughed as Luz laughed too. James turned back and saw the long line of people. "Hmm... Ah, Amity's participating!" James pointed at Amity as Luz nodded.

"Maybe she doesn't want her reputation as Little Miss Perfect to he ruined." Luz said as it finally reached her turn to write her name. "Oh, what a smooth handwriting you have!" James said as Luz appreciated the compliment.

Some Hours Later...
The game was like this. In the whole of Hexside, there was Class 1-A and Class 1-B. And in those classes, there would be numerous classrooms, with each subject having to serve. There are also laboratories, offices and others too. In Class 1-A, there are 50 students, In Class 1-B, there are 54 students. "When is it going to be my turn?" Luz looked at James who was being impatient.

"Just calm down. They might even call you now." James breathed in and out and Luz looked at him. "Oh hey, you're up next!" Luz said as James stood and she gave him a thumbs up. James went to the main field and looked at his opponent. "who are you?" The person smirked as James was confused.  "Barry. And remember it now because you're going to be defeated-!"

Barry went straight for the attack but suddenly, he stopped running. His heart started beating fast and he fell down. "Is that a point?" The teachers were afraid to even answer such a question like that but someone eventually gave James a thumbs up. James blinked and the person stood up and James walked away and went back to his normal position, sitting beside Luz.

"Talk about being invincible." Luz smirked as James beat his chest with pride. "Hey, you're next!" James pointed as Luz sighed. "Who am I up against with?" Luz looked at James who was surprised.

"Huh. Your loved one. Amity Blight. This was most likely to happen." Luz sighed and stood up and went to the main field. "I seriously want to get this over with. I'm tired." Luz yawned as Amity looked at her. "You're just doing this because you think you're stronger than me." Amity smirked as Luz didn't even care less.

Amity casted an abomination and the abomination ran towards Luz and in a flash, it was gone. "What!?" Luz sighed and took one step and was in front of Amity. "You silly girl." Luz giggled and gave her a flick on the forehead which made her fall down completely in defeat. Luz walked away and sat down and slept on James lap.

"Are you really that tired?" James asked as Luz nodded and told him to shush because she needed to sleep.

Some Hours Later...
"Hey Luz, wake up." Luz stretched and was full with energy. "It's our turn." Luz raised a brow because she didn't understand he said. "Yes. We're both going against each other." Luz was happy and immediately went to the main field, dragging James's hand.

"Luz, I don't think we can do it here. Can't we go to a safer place?" James said as Luz understood. "Hey, can we get a more safer place? James said that this place is too uncomfortable for him." Everyone easily agreed like it was nothing and a teacher guided them there.

Minutes Later...
"Ohh, this is gonna be a good fight! I bet on Luz!" Someone said as Luz and James were looking at them. "Betting? We're horses now or something?" James laughed at what Luz said as she sighed. James and Luz got ready and waited for the right time to attack. Before that, Luz had put a barrier for all the students to prevent any injuries or dislocations and such.

"Well then James. Let's get this started." Luz cracked her knuckles as he rose his hand. "Nope. I forfeit." Luz was shocked along with everyone for the sudden defeat. "What?" Luz said as James nodded. "I forfeit. You obviously have the eye of movement so how can I win?" James said quietly as Luz also agreed with him but wasn't fully convinced.

"Let's just battle, please!" Luz begged as James sighed and nodded. "Yes!" Before Luz knew it, James was in front of him and Luz casted a spell. "Illusion huh?" James said as he said something that made the abomination vanish. Luz quickly used the eye of movement to see what he would do next. "Inṣhakra." Luz said as she combined both fire and earth together and fired it at him.

"Ah!" James screamed as he was trying to get off the fire from his hand. Luz ran to him and pushed him down with just 1% of her strength as he fell down. "You always need a distraction to win." People started screaming as Luz finally won.


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