Chapter 40.

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James wasn't just ready. When Amity just said "No, please. Tell me more about Luz", he feared. He didn't want to lie and he didn't want to tell her the truth. The twist was that, only James knew Luz more than herself. The other guards that protected the Place Of Memories before they had left knew meaning that Luz was.... (Write out what you think in the comment!)

"James?" Everywhere was still dark, as it was raining heavily. "Oh, sorry Amity. I'll tell you." James said to her and sighed. "What's the point. I'll lie to her more than how i'll tell her the truth." James thought and started talking. He told her how she had been isolated as a kid and till this very day (this is both false and true), how she had a brother before Alejandro but a vampire killed him (false), how she almost killed herself out of depression (false), how she had almost died fighting someone (true), when she had a friend very close to her and would usually talk to him in a specific bar (true; that person is Michael) and many other things.

"Wow, I never knew that Luz had gone through a lot of things." Amity was very guilty but little did she know that James felt worse for lying to her like this. Is it bad to lie to his best friend's crush? James was too tired. He wants to tell Luz so bad but now is not the time. It was too tiring to hold everything in his mind but what can he do. He has to wait for the right time.

Some hours had passed and they eventually woke Luz up. "Ughhhh, is it 7:00 yet?" James gave Luz her medicine and Luz took it. Luz started having energy progressively. She stood up and looked at both of them. "James, I'll be doing some paperwork right now. Can you help me out?" James nodded and he stood up. "Amity, do you want to join me?" She nodded and followed her to the room.

Luz opened it and sat down and started looking at the pile of paperwork. "Bruh, which type of parent gives their own child this much work?" Luz sighed and thought in her mind. Luz started looking at some things and she was able to solve them out. "Huh, so it's still raining." Luz thought to herself. Everywhere was completely quiet until James started a conversation.

"Luz, what about this?" Lu's immediately collected it and saw it. "Development of Hexside and more equipments to satisfy and help the education of students." Luz rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well, this is a good request for stupid vampires that might admit themselves into Hexside." James started laughing. "Ah, do you remember Michael?" James said. "He's my best friend, why would I forget him?" Luz said. "Also Amity. How's Willow and Gus doing? I haven't talked to them in a long time." Luz asked.

"Oh, they're actually doing alright. I was chatting with them before I actually left to enter your house." Luz nodded and looked at both of them. Some hours later, they had finally finished all the paperwork and the rain had cleared up. "We're already done and the rain has already cleared up. Wanna go outside?" They both nodded immediately and Luz giggled and stood up and they followed Luz to her car.

"Last person to the car is a revolting being!" James said and Amity and James ran to the car. Luz was behind them and didn't even bother to run because there's something called "magic." Luz teleported to the car and was already sitting down and carried out the car keys. Amity entered first and James entered last. "You're the one who said the game, and you lost the game." Luz said while James kept on breathing heavily. "You! You cheated!" James said as Luz was confused. "Oh, but you didn't say what method we should use. Besides, if I were to run against all of you, I wouldn't take time." Luz laughed.

"Well, why don't we try it?" Amity was completely shocked. "Uh, am I going to join you-" Luz cut her short and looked at James. "I don't think you should join Amity. This is a fight between James and I." Luz looked serious despite the fact it was only running. They all came out from the car and Amity was just seriously surprised. "What are these teenagers thinking???"

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