Chapter 8.

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As usual and what some of you might have expected, Willow attacked first. Luz casted just only one illusion and Willow was surprised. "One!?" Willow thought in her mind. "Mr. Dennis. Is it against the rules for just the illusion to fight?" Luz asked as Mr. Dennis looked at her. "Oh no. It isn't against the rules. I did say the fight was only based on illusion fighting." Mr. Dennis crossed his arms, looking at how this match will play out.

Luz kept on swinging her hands, controlling her illusion, as Willow was trying to control it. Luz yawned as Willow was annoyed. "How could she just he relaxing as if this is nothing!?" Willow thought in her mind as Luz smirked. "Oh Willow. Do you think I'm really relaxing? I have you at the palm of my hand." Luz said as Willow's illusions pinned her down.

"Oh, what a victory! But not yet." Luz swinged her hand and she immediately stood up. "What!?" Willow said as even Luz herself, was surprised. "I personally feel that this fight isn't fair. Should I just end it once and for all?" Luz asked Willow as Willow was just confused. She didn't know what to say, at all. She was just... speechless. "Looks like a yes." Luz's illusion pinned her down as Willow accepted defeat.

"Luz Noceda now receives extra 10 marks, multiplying that, it is 100. Congratulations, you're the highest." Mr. Dennis said as he shaked Luz's hand, congratulating her. Luz looked at Willow, who was just confused. Her eyes were dark, leaving no sign of emotion. Luz sighed and Willow went back to normal. "Wait, what? What just happened?" Willow looked around and Luz squatted to look at Willow.

"You lost Willow." Luz looked at Willow who frowned. "Oh." Willow said as a tear fell from her eye. "That's why I also told Mr. Dennis that he should add extra 15 marks, multiplying it, that should be 75. So, you're the second highest." Willow hugged Luz tightly, even Luz herself couldn't breathe. "Thank you Luz!" Willow started crying as Luz was screaming for help, as everyone was laughing, even Mr. Dennis. "I appreciate it but please- let me go." Luz was trying to breathe as Willow immediately stopped hugging her and Luz started breathing in and out continuously.

"Looks like you even won this match, huh." Luz smiled as Willow started laughing. Immediately the class ended, Mr.  Dennis clapped his hands. "Now, that's the end of the class, you guys can go home." Mr. Dennis smiled as everybody's mouth was wide opened apart from Luz. "Wait, you guys seriously didn't hear? People taking illusion class for today are to go home immediately everyone is done with the practical." Everyone started screaming in victory, as everyone was hugging each other.

Luz scoffed as Amity ran to them. "I also saw the fight between you and Luz. I didn't see clearly so, who won?" Amity asked as Willow pointed at Luz who was talking to other people. "Of course." Amity rolled her eyes as Willow looked at her. "But Luz is actually a nice person. Unlike others, they would make fun of me and laugh at me for them winning and me losing. But Luz is different. She saw how much I tired and told Mr. Dennis that he should give me 15 marks along with my 5 marks, making it 75. And this is the first time I've actually been in the top 3 of illusion practicals." Willow smiled as Amity was surprised.

"What if Luz isn't a bad person after all?" Amity thought in her mind as she started to trust her a little bit. Luz walked into the classroom and sighed. She sat down and put her head on the table and touched her chest to check how fast her heart was beating. "Perfect. It's not beating too fast like before." Luz said as someone came in.

"What's not beating too fast like before?" Amity asked as Luz stood up and was shocked. "Oh, nothing!" Luz said as Amity went closer. "I can't lie to you. It would just cause more consequences. It's my heart." Luz sighed as Amity was surprised. "Your... heart?" Amity said as Luz nodded and sat down.

"Ever since I was little, I had this kind of sickness. Or is it even a sickness to be exact? It's not explainable." Luz lied and was saying the truth at the same time but Amity sadly believed, 100%. "That's so sad. Is that how the coughing of blood started?" Amity asked as Luz breathed. "Something like that." Luz said as Amity sat down with her.

"I heard that you asked Mr. Dennis to add 15 marks to Willow's mark to get 75." Luz nodded as Amity was surprised. "I can't believe someone like you would do something like that." Amity said as Luz was surprised by the sudden sentence. "I'm not supposed to be nice? By now, I wouldn't even be with you. I should have been at home, alone and lonely, writing tests." Amity laughed as Luz raised a brow.

"But seriously, what's funny?" Amity cleaned a tear as Luz was still confused. "you would be alone and lonely, writing tests?" Amity asked as Luz nodded. "I'm very sure your parents ground you and tell you to read your books." Luz crossed her arms as Amity nodded. "We're in the same category, but completely different." Amity didn't understand as Luz stood up and carried her bag.

"I think by anything, you shouldn't even be talking to me because of the consequences." Luz muttered and walked away. Luz walked outside and saw Alejandro waiting beside the car. "You know i've been waiting, right?" Alejandro said as Luz bowed in a funny way. "Sorry, sir Alejandro. I will get the car ready immediately." Luz laughed as Alejandro was proud.

"Come on, enter." Alejandro entered as someone unexpectedly came. "What?" Luz looked back and saw someone she wouldn't even expect to do this. No word in the English language could describe this moment for Luz.

"Mind if I follow you guys?"

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