Chapter 25.

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"Good morning, Boiling Isles! Time to start a terrible day by staying at home for a week and only holding books." Luz dropped her phone and went to go brush her teeth and have her bath. Luz had already worn her clothes and she went downstairs to go prepare breakfast for herself.

"Good morning, Master Luz. Wait, let me help you with that-" Luz looked at him and told him to pause. "It's alright, I'll do it myself." Luz said. "Also, what happened to Kate?" Luz asked. "She's actually sick and is on her bed right now. She even want to work but I told her not to." Luz wondered and shaked her head. "I hope she gets better." Luz said as she continued making her breakfast.

As Luz was drinking a cup of tea, she saw Alejandro coming downstairs, with his bag and all he had usually carried to go to school. "Lucky you." Luz said quietly as Alejandro looked around, wondering what that person had said. "It's not like I even want to go to school for the education, I just seriously want to play around." Luz thought in her mind and sighed.

Luz went to the family library and carried a whole bunch of books consisting of magic, strength, magic spells, e.t.c. Luz had started with strength first because obviously, she wouldn't want her "energy" to be drained just immediately in the morning. Luz went outside and carried all the books with her.

"So, if I transform to this and cast a magic spell on my hand, I'll be able to destroy the floor? Isn't that just more of magic more than strength? Welp, it's what the book said." Luz did exactly what the book said and it actually turned out to be true. Luz had used some magic to make a clone of her to fight against herself. "I didn't know I was that... weak. This is like literally beating up someone that's trying to defend themselves but is extremely weak." Luz kept launching attacks on the clone she had made and she eventually stopped and the clone vanished.

"Now... Oh! Let me try this." Luz dropped the book and had total concentration. She squeezed her hand the tightest she could, breathed in and out and started giving a particular pose. Her left leg was out while her right left was at the back. Both of her hands were on the floor and she breathed in and out once again. The same way people usually press buttons was the same way Luz destroyed that particular area.

She had put her hand on the floor and pressed it to the extent that rocks scattered everywhere, her hand was even under the floor and it made a very loud sound. Luz sighed and looked at her hand. "Huh, no bruises or blood coming out. Lucky me!" Luz continued to look at the book and saw something. "I've not actually been able to practice strength when I transform to other living beings." Luz transformed to a bat and punched a tree.

Instead of it to have exploded, as usual for Luz, it cut into pieces. "Well, I haven't seen something like that before." Luz continued to do things like that until she was finally true with the strength section. Now, it was time for the Magic section.

Luz opened the book and started reading it. "First Topic: Using Magic to create objects. You have to find an object, e.g wood, metal, rocks, e.t.c but it is very much preferable to use wood or metal since it is very easy to learn unlike rocks. For wood, carry a stick you can find or any wood object." Luz looked around and saw a stick.

"Now, carry the wood and imagine what it would look like. At the same time, use the fire spell for it to be made perfectly. Be warned: using the fire spell a particular part of your body burn, so be extremely careful." Luz did so and imagined a simple chair. She had also used the fire spell and she saw it. It had turned out the same way she had imagined it but she immediately dropped it on the floor because of how hot it was.

"Now, using metal. In this particular one, you can already carry a finished product made out of metal, rusted metal or metal itself." Luz dropped the book and went inside to collect two rusted needles. Luz squeezed them together and continued reading the book. "Now, do the same thing as you did for wood but if you're using rusted metal, do the fire spell first and then imagine it. If you're using a finished product made out of metal, melt it with your fire spell then pour it on the floor. The remaining metal on your hand should be imagined to a very sharp pin and put it on the metal on the floor. Imagine it and you get your object. You can also put magic on what you make by saying 'Create Magic'. "

Luz carried the rusted needle she had combined and did the same thing that was said on the book. "Create Magic". Luz said and put all the elements on what she was making. She put fire, water, thunder, earth and air. Luz looked at it and it looked like a well-made sword. It looked like a legend made the sword. It was shiny, bright and was golden.

"This was only made out of rusted needles!" Luz exclaimed and rushed inside. "Abel!" Abel rushed downstairs immediately and looked at Luz. "Yes, master Luz?" Abel said. "I bet you can't make this!" Luz showed him and Abel was amazed. "Actually, I can make something like this, but definitely not this exactly." Luz was surprised and carried another rusted needle.

He held Abel's hand and rushed outside. "Try it!" Luz gave Abel the rusted needle and he did the same thing but this time, he didn't add any magic to it. "Here." He gave it to Luz and she looked at it. It was silver, shiny and beautiful looking. "Wow!" Luz exclaimed and she gave the sword back to Abel.

"Can we have a sword fight?" Abel was surprised by the sudden question and then nodded. "Maybe I'll give the sword that Abel made to Alejandro." Luz thought and made her pose. "Are you ready?" Abel put one of his hands at his back and Luz nodded. They started fighting and even a normal human couldn't see their own fight. Luz had used the magic on the sword and it was very useful. Abel, on the other side, was only swinging the sword without any magic. It's not like Abel didn't know how to use magic, he knows how to use it perfectly but he just decided to not use it.

James was just watching at the corner and none of them noticed. Luz casted both a Thunder-Earth spell and it was able to attack Abel. Luz put the sword on his neck and Abel sighed. "It's exactly as you think. Master Luz, you won this match." Luz moved back and sighed. "Also, the thing is that, if someone should ever tell you to have a sword fight with them, don't use magic. It's called a sword fight for a reason, Master Luz." Abel stood up and dusted his trousers.

Abel gave Luz the sword and Luz took it. Abel walked away and Luz sighed. "Wasn't that a nice fight." James started clapping and Luz saw James. "Oh, you were even here." James frowned and looked at Luz who kept on reading her book. "You're not surprised that I literally just came out of nowhere?" Luz rolled her eyes and closed the book she was reading.

"You do it almost everyday, James." James nodded and started talking to Luz. A particular somebody started walking outside to go meet Luz. "Luz. I saw your sword fight with Abel and- who is that?" Her mother said as James immediately changed his identity and looked at Luz's mother. "I'm your brother!" Luz's mother went forward and looked at James.

"I killed my own brother." Luz's mother whispered in James's ear and James immediately snapped his fingers and she fell down. "Why did you do that and how- !?!?" Luz looked at James and held his neck.

"Did I not ever tell you? I was always stronger than your mother." Luz paused and looked at James. "Which kind of change of events is this? It doesn't make sense, does it?" James asked Luz in a calm way, as if nothing had happened.

"James, you owe me an explanation."

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