Chapter 22.

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In the Afternoon...
"Ughh, why didn't you wake me up James?" Luz asked James who was sitting at the corner of the room playing Roblox. "Also, why do I feel dry?" Luz looked at her furry self and looked at James.

"Amity washed me up. I told her to do that so you can just take a bath easily." James was more focused on his phone than how focused he was talking to Luz. "Huh." Luz transformed back to her original form and yawned. James left the game and dropped his phone. Luz entered the bathroom and went to go wash up herself.

Immediately she wore her clothes and wore out, James appeared right in front of her. "hey!" Luz moved back and hit her head. "Oh Luz, I'm sorry." James helped her and casted heal. "It's no problem. What even made you appear right in front of my face?" Luz asked. "Why don't we go out with Willow and Gus? Just the four of us. You've been spending so much time with Amity that you completely forgot about their existence." Luz was shocked and pouted for what James said.

"I didn't forget about their existence! I just didn't remember them." James raised a brow and started laughing. "Please- when was the last time you talked to them? Wasn't it on the first day of school!?" James started laughing harder and harder as Luz brought out her phone. "Well, you're right. I'll call them." Luz called Willow first and Willow picked.

"Who's this?" Willow asked. "Your crush." Luz was joking with Willow as Luz rolled her eyes and started laughing behind. "You sound nothing like my crush." Willow said. "Awn, so you even have a crush?" Luz started teasing Willow which made her end the call. "It isn't hard to just ask someone if they want to go out, Luz." James rolled his eyes and snatched Luz's phone from her hand.

"Hey! Apologize!" James started dialling the number and looked at her. "I'm sorry." James told Luz and the number picked again. "Seriously, who's this!?" Willow said on the phone. "Oh Willow, I'm so sorry! If you don't me, I'm James. I'm Luz and Alejandro's cousin." Willow calmed down as James continued to talk. James was definitely faking his attitude and Luz is the only person that can tell. I mean, who else doesn't know James more than Luz?

"The person on the phone was Luz. She just likes to tease a lot of people, that's why. She actually wanted to ask you if four of us could go out and spend some time. You, Luz, Gus and I." James explained clearly to Willow. "Could you pass the phone to Luz?" Luz was shaking her hands, saying no but James forcefully put her phone on her hand. "Willow! How are you doing this lovely Sunday?" Luz asked as if everything was normal. "You could just asked in the first place. Also, the fact that I have a crush, please can you keep it a secret? I don't want any rumours to start spreading around." Luz clearly understood what Willow said and smiled. "Sure, no problem. I'll text you the address right now on where we should meet up." Luz cut the call and sighed.

Luz started dialing Gus's number and he picked. "Who's this?" Gus asked. "Hey Gus! This is Luz. I was just calling to ask if you wanted to go out with me today." Gus screamed and dropped his phone. "Gus? Hello?" Luz called out. "I'll text you the address!" Luz screamed and ended the call.

Luz looked up and saw James who was ready. Luz texted both of them the address and carried her phone and wore her wristband. "Aren't you going to change?" James asked. "In this cool and relaxing weather as I'm wearing this shirt and sweatpants? No sir." Luz put her phone in her pockets and yawned. "Seriously, do you have that bad of a sleeping schedule?" James asked as Luz rolled her eyes.

"If I can honestly sleep for 5 days straight without getting interrupted, this can stop happening to me." Luz looked at James who looked at Luz with a straight face. "I just realised that I haven't ate breakfast and lunch." Luz said out loud as James looked at her. "You can just eat outside though." James said.

"You're right. Well, let's go." James vanished and Luz went outside her room. Luz went downstairs and she saw no one. "Huh, no one's here." James appeared and looked around. "No one's here." James said the same thing that Luz said. "Oh, maybe it's because of the cold weather." Luz activated her foresight and she everyone in the house sleeping and covered themselves in big clothes.

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