Chapter 7.

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"I feel like dying." Luz didn't even want to attend class today. Particularly. Luz looked at Willow who was also having the same class as her. Willow looked at Luz and waved back at her even though they were literally sitting down on the same seat.

"I could just skip class but I'm not allowed to." Willow was surprised by the statement Luz said. "Skip class? How are you not allowed to?" Willow asked as Luz sighed. "I have some things I'm meant to do." Luz sighed as Willow was thinking. "Like going to a funeral?" Luz looked at her in a kind of strange way.

"Wait, what? Funeral? Why did you think of that of all things?" Luz asked as Willow gave off a vibe of 'you don't know?'. "You're  literally wearing a black suit." Willow crossed her arms as Luz laughed. "You sound like a child, Willow. People who wear black suits don't only go for funerals. They also go for occasions and et cetera." Luz laughed as Willow finally understood.

Luz looked at her watch and saw that the class was yet to be over. "Now class, it's time for the practical. Once again, the practical will be about each of your illusions fighting each other, and whoever wins get an extra mark on their test." Mr. Dennis said as he smiled. "Now, let's all go outside." They all stood up and followed Mr. Dennis outside as they got ready.

"It's like a game. Like basketball and other games. There will be finals, semi-finals and all that. Even if you still lost, I will also give you a mark, depending on how well you did. So, I'll be calling out... Willow Park and Kenzie McCartney." Mr. Dennis said as they both walked out. "Hey Willow, should I help you out?" Luz asked as Willow nodded scared because she wasn't the best at Illusions. Like, at all.

"Good luck." Luz gave her a  thumbs up and Willow went out and breathed in and out. "Start!" Mr. Dennis said as Kenzie immediately casted a spell bit Luz whistled and her spell was interrupted. "What!?" Kenzie said as Willow immediately casted a spell which made four illusions of her.

Move right. Luz said into Willow's mind as Willow immediately moved right. "Yes!" Willow said as Kenzie was trying to win the fight. Rule number 1, in a fight, you can't read your opponent's mind unless you will go through a lot of pain. In this case, Luz didn't do so. She had the Eye of Movements. To be explained, it's to see what movement or how someone is going to move or react to something. And this eye is mostly used in fights and sicknesses.

Would it drain Luz's life? Of course not. It was even a part of her after her death. Go up then move left then go down then at this moment, use your illusions to pin her down. Luz said as Willow did so and it went the same way Luz wanted it. At last, Willow pinned her down with her illusions and she was trying to escape but she just couldn't. "I give, I give!" Kenzie screamed as she left her.

"Willow is the winner!" Mr. Dennis screamed as she was given 5 marks. "But for you Kenzie, I won't be giving you any. Because you thought that she wasn't worth fighting. And who thought that she would actually win? It looked like you didn't even give your whole strength in it. Do better." Kenzie stood up and frowned and went back to her normal sit.

5 fights later after Kenzie's and Willow's fight, was Luz's turn. "This fight will now be between... Luz Noceda and Drake Lauren!" Mr. Dennis screamed as Luz was cracking her neck and raised her hand. "Yes Luz?" Luz wanted to ask a question and went ahead with it. "Is this an only illusion-based fight?" Mr. Dennis nodded his head as Luz sighed. "How I wish it was something more." Luz muttered as she got ready.

"Hey! I heard that illusion class are going to have a practical and they are starting right now, and it's Luz's turn!" Someone screamed as all of them went to the windows as they were still having class. Even the teachers watched. Even Amity of all people, watched how she would fight. "Hm. I wonder how this will go." Amity said as she looked at them.

"I know you won't do anything to hurt me, Luz Noce-" Before Drake could even finish his sentence, Luz already casted a spell with two different illusions. It wasn't even her, it was two different people. "Hamstamlizaga" Luz said as the illusions both turned into metal. "What the hell!?" Drake screamed and casted his own spell.

"Restrict - Redivide." Luz said as she broke one of the arms of her illusions and made it into a little shield. "Here, take it. I'm helping you out." Luz threw it at Drake as he caught it. He didn't know what to do, so he gladly accepted the shield and used it to block the attacks from the illusions. "Slash." Luz muttered as one of the illusions slashed his shield, making Drake have half of a shield.

"Shit!" Drake said as she finally decided to attack. Drake's illusions finally held one of Luz's illusions and Luz was surprised. "Isn't that just a twist huh!" Luz clapped and his own illusions disappeared. Funny, this was not even a thing of her magic. As in, this isn't even her full strength. If she did use it, she would have been coughing blood by now and have won the second they started.

"Säkishlaim." Luz said as they both pinned him down. "You naive little boy. You could have ran and attacked me instead because I'm the person controlling my own illusions." Luz flicked his forehead and yawned. Everyone started screaming, even the teachers. Luz looked at them and was surprised. "Wait, people were looking at me? Well, that's nice." Luz yawned once again and Luz went to Mr. Dennis.

"Sir, can I receive my mark-" Mr. Dennis eyes were wide opened. Seeing such a fight with his own bare eyes was just- marvelous. In fact, marvelous is an understatement. There was no word in the English Language that could describe how he saw this fight. "Oh! Sorry dear child. I'll even give you 10 because of this...fight." Mr. Dennis said as she walked away and Mr. Dennis walked to Drake.

"I'll give you at least 4. You tried your very best child, but you can't win against someone like her." Mr. Dennis helped him to stand up and he dusted his trousers and went to sit down.

Some fights later...
Who would have thought it could come to this? Is it necessary? To Luz, it is. She wouldn't want her mother to be disappointed at her, it would lead to some consequences. Very bad and terrible ones. To Willow, she wanted to win this because everyone in Hexside takes marks seriously. Without marks, people will fail. A lot.

It came to this two people. "Now, the end of the fight is with two people. Luz Noceda and Willow Park." Luz got ready and Willow was scared as hell but tried to show confidence. "Willow. Even though you're my friend, I won't hesitate, because I'm not showing you any sign of mercy." Luz yawned as Willow nodded. "Poor child. Wish I could help her." Luz thought in her mind, but she said no.

"Ready?... Start!"

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