Chapter 3.

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"Did you want me to suck your blood in the first place?" Luz smirked and crossed her arms. Amity rolled her eyes and shifted away from Luz. "If you fall for me or hate me Amity, just don't die. People care for you." Luz gave off this pained expression which made Amity want to ask what happened but Luz walked away.

"This girl's mystery is just on a whole new level. I don't even understand it anymore." Amity looked at Luz who looked at her. "I can hear you Amity." Luz walked back to her and stared at her but then stopped.

Tony, what am I to do next?
You're to go to the library and read some books for the test you're having when you go home.
The thing was that, Luz had this childhood friend of hers, but he died and his spirit has been with her ever since. People apart from Luz can only see Tony.

It feels like I'm treating you like a slave. Sorry Tony.
Oh, it's no problem! You don't boss me around, you even help me out when I'm in trouble!

Amity was just standing, spacing out looking at the ceiling. The bell screamed and Amity didn't even hear it. "Amity! It's time to go to class!" Luz screamed as Amity finally left her world and came back to real life. "Oh Titan, I hope I'm not late!" Amity ran to her next class, which was English.

"I don't even understand this anymore. She's a new student and she's already making me attend class late? Such a good way to remind someone at the perfect time." Amity thought sarcastically in her mind as she sighed.

"Amity? Amity!" Ms. Daisy called out Amity's name as Amity finally responded to her. "Pay Attention. If you aren't feeling alright, then go to the nurse's office." Amity said as she stood up and went to the nurse's office. Obviously, she can't just go there because she wants to "think" about what's happening. She was still feeling disgusted about the blood on her hand and her hand was even itching her.

"I've already done this before." Luz noted it down as she kept on looking at the teacher. A guy beside Luz was drooling for the teacher because of how beautiful this woman is. "Hey, what's the deal?" Luz tapped him and asked.

"Oh, almost everyone loves her teaching and she's so nice and she-" before he could even finish, Luz stopped him. "Pause. I already understand, no need to continue." Luz gave him a tissue paper to clean his mouth because of the drool.

"I seriously feel like dying." Luz felt like something was dragging her back, like let her to skip school but she can't do that. She's being "held back" by someone, her mother.

Tony, do you think I should skip time?
It'll affect your health Luz. It's better you just suffer at this moment.
You don't have to put it like that, but alright. I won't do it.

"Thank God it's English. At least, it's a subject that's manageable." Amity thought to herself as she was taking notes. "Hmm, Intensifiers? I think I've read this before." Amity looked at the board and realised that she had actually read it before.

"Students, also know that tests for all subjects are starting tomorrow. So read well and pass." Mr. George said as he continued teaching English.

Some hours later...
Class had finally ended for both Luz and Amity. "Jesus, why the hell am I so tired? Did I cough out too much blood?" Luz had thought as she calmed down, breathed in and out.

Luz decided to read her book, as she saw a letter under her table. A love letter. Luz opened it and read it. And it said:

Hi, Luz. I know you definitely might not know me but since you came, your beauty amazed me. Your attitude, your expressions, everything. And I love that about you. Could you please come outside, under the palm tree so that I can express more of my feelings?

Luz didn't want to ignore this message because it would hurt her. And Luz doesn't like hurting people, as she had done that before, things weren't right with Luz. Luz stood up and walked outside and saw a girl standing under the palm tree.

"Were you the one that sent me this love letter?" Luz swinged the latter around as she looked at Luz and nodded. She held Luz's hands and looked at Luz. "Can you please go out with me!?" The girl screamed as Luz was surprised.

"Um... Uh..." Luz didn't know what to say. "If I said no, would you cry?" Luz asked as she frowned at her. "That doesn't mean I'm going to tell you no!" Luz said as she smiled. "But-!" Luz looked at her and sighed. "Why are people like this?" Luz put her own hand on her forehead as she sat down.

"Come on, you sit down too." Luz shifted as the girl sat down with Luz. "What's your name?" Luz asked as she looked at Luz. "Samantha." Luz was surprised as she looked at the floor. "Such a nice name." Luz smiled at her which made her heart to start beating like crazy for Luz.

"Samantha. If I must say, I am and deeply sorry, but I have to turn you down. I'm doing this in the best way so that I won't hurt you. In fact, we can be friends. Best friends, if you want. Just don't be sad, alright?" Luz patted her head as she smiled at Luz.

"Even though I'm sad about you turning me down, I'm still happy you thought and heard my feelings. Thank you." Samantha stood up and dusted her trousers and walked away.

"Well that was simple. Surprisingly." Luz said to herself as she stood up and walked to Samantha. "Why do you even wear suits?" Samantha asked as Luz looked at her in a surprised way. "Do you expect me to wear your school uniform? Oh Samantha, I'm not doing that." Luz said as Samantha started laughing.

"Just don't die, you won't be safe around me." Luz muttered as Samantha was trying to catch what Luz said. "Anyways, what are you having next?" Luz looked at her timetable and saw she was having Plant class next. Samantha's next subject was English. "Anyways Luz, I wanted to-" Luz's phone started ringing and she told Samantha that she should wait, that she'll meet her immediately she's done.

Luz answered the call and it started. "What do you want, Alejandro?" Luz asked as Alejandro sighed. "Luz, better stay away from Amity." Alejandro said over the phone as Luz was surprised. "What do you mean Alejandro? Be more specific so that I can understand." Luz said as Alejandro sighed once again.

"She's a cheater, slut and an attention seeker. She's the definition of bad, Luz. I even heard girls gossiping about Amity taking stuffs like Marijuana and Cocaine in the toilet. Stay away from her, Luz." Alejandro said as Luz sighed and clicked her tongue.

"Oh you silly young naive boy. It's my business to talk to her or not. If she's doing all those things, she'll get her correction when it's time for her to get it. It's none of my business if she's taking cocaine and all those drugs." Luz said as Alejandro clicked his tongue and cut the call.

Luz walked out from where she was to go meet Samantha. Samantha and Luz started talking again and Amity saw both of them.

"Samantha and... Luz?"

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