I roared with laughter at his statement, causing him to giggle and squeak even more. Oh, God, it was so adorable and sweet, his laughter and squealing. He sounded like a sweet, innocent child with a pure, loving heart. It always tugged at my heartstrings whenever I heard it.

Sméagol headed out the door, still carrying me in his arms. He carefully closed it behind him. He started walking, until we reached the field where we first met. He found a large stump, and sat down on it, cradling me in his arms. He held me close, and I nuzzled up against his chest. He softly stroked my hair. "Awwww, you're so beautiful," he said so sweetly. "You knows that, Precious?" He looked into my eyes. "Awww, Sméagol wish Cheyenne could see how special she is." He kissed my cheek and giggled softly. "Look at those little cheekses. So adorable they are, like a baby's face it is."

I blushed and grinned like an idiot.

"Awwww, look at that beautiful smile," he said in a cutesy voice, "those precious little dimpleses." He giggled and gently pinched my cheeks. "Awwww, so cute you are!"

I giggled.

He squealed happily. "Awwww, that little giggle, so adorable it is!"

I giggled even more, rubbing the sleeve of his fluffy onesie.

He gave me the cutest smile. "What's it doing, Precious?" he said in a cutesy voice.

"Your onesie is so soft and fluffy," I said. "It feels like a sweater."

Sméagol giggled again.

"Then again, you're a fluffy sweater."

Sméagol smiled, confused. "Sméagol is a fluffy sweater?"

I snickered. "Yeah. I'm comparing you to one, and if you actually were a sweater, you'd be the world's softest, fluffiest, cuddliest sweater."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Sméagol cooed with a sweet, loving giggle, throwing his arms around me. "Here. Get up for a moment, Sweetie." I did so as he scooted back a few inches, and spread his legs out a bit. "Here, Sweetie," he said, gesturing to the open space. "Sit here."

I timidly sat between his legs, not wanting to hurt him, so I sat on the edge of the stump.

"Scoot back, Baby," he said reassuringly. "Come closer."

"I... I don't wanna hurt you," I said hesitantly.

"Awww, you won't, Precious. You won't. Come, sit closer to Sméagol."

I scooted back a tad. "Um... further?" I asked hesitantly.

"Awwww, come here.' Sméagol wrapped his arms around my body, and scooted me closer to him, until I was sitting right against him. "Baby, it's alright. It's not hurting Sméagol, no. Not at all, my love. No, it feels wonderful. Now, Sméagol be your sweater." With that, he wrapped his arms around me again, holding me tightly against his chest, and he closed his legs in a bit tighter. "There you go, Precious. How does that feel?"

I rested my head on his chest. "Amazing," I responded, "like a warm, fluffy sweater cocoon."

Sméagol sighed happily.

"Are you sure I'm not hurting you, though? Like, I'm not crushing your nuts?"

He giggled, and I felt the vibration of his laughter in his tummy and his chest. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "Awwww, no, Precious, not hurting me at all, no. Sméagol is very comfy. Never been so comfy."


"Mmhmm. Very happy Sméagol is, yes, holding beautiful Cheyenne."

"Spooning," I said.

Second Chances: An Unexpected AngelWhere stories live. Discover now