Chapter 18

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Speaking of Logan, soon, it was time for our choir concert, and I was dreading part of it, the part where I had to listen to his solo, and act like I was completely fine while singing background vocals for him.

I constantly looked at Sméagol's picture while I got ready for the concert. I did my makeup, slipped into my choir dress––a long, black dress with short sleeves, and did my hair. I didn't spray myself with perfume this time, because we weren't supposed to wear perfume during the concert in case some people had allergies to scents and perfumes. Understandable.

"I am dreading this," I said to myself, picking up the picture of Sméagol. "Damn it, I wish you were real," I said, almost in tears. I looked at his face, and I imagined him speaking to me.

"It'll be alright, Precious," I imagined him saying. "Sméagol's here."

That lifted my spirits a little as I grabbed my purse, and walked out the door with Hayley.

A few minutes before the concert, I looked at Sméagol's picture again, and imagined him saying "It'll be alright, Precious. Sméagol's here." Then, I looked up, and sighed heavily.

"Please help me, God," I prayed. "I am dreading this. Please help me."

No, I wasn't dreading the whole concert. Most of it, I was looking forward to. It was just that one damn solo I was dreading.

I continued staring at Sméagol's picture, and praying to God to help me through it, until Hayley came to guide me to my spot on stage. I quickly put the picture in my purse, and Hayley locked it in the closet with everyone else's personal belongings. Then, I took hold of her arm, and she led me out to the stage.

A minute later, the rest of the choir came out on stage, quickly finding their spots. The audience applauded as Lucy and the piano accompanist came out as well.

The music began to play, and we all began to sing. Everyone else had their black binders with their music in front of them, but I didn't. As I stated before, I can't read sheet music, so I learn by ear. I memorize the songs.

Soon, it was time for Logan's solo. My heart dropped as the pianist began to play the song. Then, Logan began to sing, and I tried to hold it together as I sang the backup with the rest of the choir. It wasn't a super long song, maybe three or four minutes, but for me, it felt like an eternity. He sang it so beautifully, and it was all too much for me. His voice brought back all the beautiful memories from our relationship, which only brought me back to the horrible pain I felt the night he broke up with me.

I was so relieved when the song ended, even though that didn't mean I could finally break down sobbing, but at least that was the last time I ever had to listen to his beautiful voice, unless he tried out for solos in the future. It also helped to know that the concert was almost over. There were only a few more songs to sing, and then, I was free to let it all out. Until then, I tried desperately to hide my sorrow, and sing the rest of the songs as best I could.

After the concert ended, Hayley led me back to the choir room to retrieve our belongings. We then left the choir room, only to run into Lucy in the hallway.

"You did a great job, Sweetie," she said to me. "I could tell you were struggling, but you still nailed it."

Thanks," I said, trying desperately not to cry.

She hugged me. Then, she headed for the lobby to talk to the other choir members and the audience members.

Hayley looked at me, and I immediately broke down sobbing. She pulled me into a big hug. "She's right. You did an amazing job, Sweetie. Despite what you were feeling, you didn't give up. You didn't quit. You kept going, and you sang so beautifully. I'm so proud of you, Sweetheart. So proud of you."

I didn't say anything. I just nuzzled up in her arms as I continued sobbing.

"Shhh, it's okay, Sweetheart." She stroked my hair, and kissed my forehead. "I'm here. It's gonna be okay."

Little did either of us know that Logan was standing a few feet away, listening to our conversation. His eyes filled with tears, and he ran off before either of us saw him. Honestly, I'm glad I didn't see him, because I was already feeling bad enough. I didn't need any more drama.

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