Chapter 38

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However, the more Sméagol got out, the more places we took him, and unfortunately, there were some judgemental people. Sometimes, at the grocery stores, the mall, and restaurants, we would catch a few people staring at him, whispering to each other about him, and we knew they were saying some not-so-nice things about him. We did the best we could to ignore it, even Sméagol. He was nothing but polite and nice to everyone he met, but some people thought he was still Gollum. Some people thought he was still pining for the ring, and thought he would actually hurt somebody. What these wussbags failed to realize was that the ring was gone, destroyed, and Sméagol was no longer looking for it. Whatever, because we knew that if we tried to tell them that, they wouldn't listen. It would be a waste of time, so we let them flap their judgemental lips. Really nothing we could do to shut them up, as long as they didn't actually try to bully, harass, or hurt him.

However, it secretly bothered me. I didn't say anything to him or Hayley about how I was feeling, but it hurt me that someone as kind and caring as Sméagol was being judged so harshly by ignorant people who obviously didn't pay attention to his story while watching the movies and reading the books. I guess it also bothered me, because I knew what it was like to be judged unfairly. It hit home for me, especially since nobody stood up for me when it happened. I knew I couldn't stop people from running their mouths to their idiot friends, but at the very least, I could shoot them a dirty look, which is exactly what I did.

One afternoon, Sméagol and I decided to meet up with Abby for a picnic lunch in the park. We stopped at Subway along the way, and each bought meatball subs, Doritos, cookies, and drinks. We sat at a picnic table near the playground, and watched the kids play while we talked.

"How's your sandwich, Sméagol?" Abby asked.

"Oh, delicious," Sméagol replied. "Sméagol loves meatball subses."

I giggled. "I love the way you talk, Sméagol, the way you say 'subses' instead of 'subs,' the way you word things, and the way you talk in third person. It's so cute and... refreshing, you know?"

Abby giggled and nodded in agreement.

Sméagol smiled sweetly.

Just then, I accidentally let out a loud belch. I turned very red from embarrassment. "Excuse me!"

Sméagol and Abby burst out laughing, which made me laugh, too.

"That was awesome!" Abby laughed. "Although, I think you may have frightened the kids."

Sméagol and I laughed even harder.

"Well, I'm pretty good at traumatizing people," I joked.

We all lost ourselves in long, loud laughter, until we were greeted by a cute little girl.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Oh, Cheyenne just let out a huge burp," Abby replied pointing to me.

The little girl laughed. "That's funny!" Then, she ran back to the swingset.

Sméagol smiled so sweetly at the little girl. "Awwww, so precious she is."

"Yeah, she's adorable," Abby agreed. "I love kids so much. I wanna be a mommy someday."

"Sméagol wants to gives her lots of hugses and kisses."

I smiled at Sméagol's unbelievably kind heart. "She would be the luckiest kid in the world to get hugs and kisses from you."

"Awwww, Precious." Sméagol hugged me.

I smiled as I nuzzled up in his embrace.

"You think you might wanna be a daddy someday?" Abby asked Sméagol.

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