Chapter 21

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The next day, after lunch, I logged into Facebook again to look at Logan's profile. Why haven't I unfriended him, you ask? I couldn't bring myself to. I was still too attached, and I couldn't let go. A little part of me wanted to let him go, but I was too in love with him to do so. We were together for over a year, and we were best friends beforehand. We'd been through so much together, and the memories were still so powerful. They still haunted me, and even just the thought of cutting him out of my life devastated me.

I scrolled through his recent posts, and saw that he had posted pictures with another girl. She was so beautiful, and from what I could tell in the pictures, she seemed so sweet and kind. I had no ill feelings toward her. A lot of people would badmouth anyone their ex could possibly be getting into a relationship with, but I honestly didn't see the point. She wasn't doing anything wrong, and besides, she's a human being with feelings.

I looked through the pictures, and also came across a picture of a giant heart. The caption read, "Truly blessed to have such a beautiful friend like you, Katie Kingery, in my life." My heart was so torn. On the one hand, he referred to her as his friend, but on the other, he never made posts like this, unless he liked someone as more than just a friend.

Then, I checked my messages, and low and behold was a message from none other than Logan himself. I clicked on it, and holy shit, my heart jumped when I saw that it was a very long paragraph. My computer read it out to me, as it was way too long for me to read to myself. Way too much information to process.

"Cheyenne, I really have to tell you this, and I am being serious when I say that, don't get me wrong, and don't think that I hate you or anything like that. But, I truly have feelings for this other girl. I want to take things slow with her, get to know her better in life. I want to be your friend, and I want you to be happy. But, in my heart, I realize that I can't be with you, and I am not the one for you. I want you to try and understand that I am not doing this to be mean. I will always be your friend. I will always be here for you when you need me to be. I will always be a fan of you, but I need you to understand that I can't be with you. I have too many feelings for this other girl. I don't want you to think low of me for being this way. I want you to believe me as I believe you. and if you still wanna hang out with me, you can, But, I cannot be intimate with you. I am going to take things slow with this young lady. I want you to be happy, and I realize, deep down, I am just not the one for you. You're an incredible friend. Let me put this more simply to you. I am not riding you off. I am talking to this other girl. I want to see how it goes with her. If it goes good, then it all works out. If not, then I could consider you down the road. I wanna see how it goes with her. I am still open to you in the future."

And, with that, my heart shattered into a million pieces. But, why did I care so much? We weren't even together anymore, so why does it matter if he has a new girlfriend? Maybe it's the fact that he broke up with me, because he "wasn't ready for a relationship." Then, less than two months later, he suddenly gets into a new relationship with a girl he barely knows. How do I know he barely knows her? Because, I've known him for two years. I've met all his friends, and she wasn't one of them. So, if he wasn't ready for a relationship like he said, why was he with this new girl he barely knew? Maybe he just didn't want to be with me anymore. Maybe he never wanted to be with me in the first place. But, wait. If he didn't want to be with me anymore, why did he say he would consider being with me in the future? Oh, that's right. I'm his second option. No, that's not it. No... false hope. That's what it is. He's giving me false hope to try and soften the blow. Why do I think it's false hope? Well, if he really wanted to be with me at all, he would be... and he wouldn't have left me.

Well, he better not hurt this new girl like he hurt me. He better be good to her, and he better not break his major promises to her like he did with me. What promise am I talking about? He promised me he wouldn't leave me. He knew my history with relationships, both platonic and romantic. He knew I had abandonment and trust issues. Why did he make that promise, though, if he didn't intend to keep it?

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