Chapter 3

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After we finished eating, we went back to his place to watch one of Celtic Woman's concert DVDs. We snuggled up on the couch under a soft, knitted blanket, and lost ourselves in the beautiful music. I nuzzled up in his arms, and rubbed my hands over his sleeves, grinning and giggling like a little girl.

"What are you doing?" he teased.

"Your sweater is so soft and fluffy," I said in a silly voice.

Logan laughed softly as he cuddled me. "You're so cute."

I sunk deeper into the softness of his sweater. "I feel like I'm being hugged by a giant teddy bear."

Logan wrapped the blanket around me, and held me closer, caressing my backside. "Well, I feel like I'm huggin' a beautiful princess." He kissed my cheek.

I giggled as I lay very still in his arms, surrounded by the softness of his sweater and the blanket. I was in sensory heaven. What made it even more magical was the music and the person holding me. It was a special moment, and I didn't want it to end. I looked up at his beautiful face. It looked so warm and kind. So much love radiated from him. I felt so blessed. This beautiful, wonderful, sweet man was holding me in his arms, and I felt so loved and wanted, something I never felt in past relationships. "I love you," I sighed happily.

Logan smiled warmly. "I love you, too, Sweetheart." He ran his fingers through my hair. I usually hated when people messed with my hair, but I liked when he played with it. It felt so good, almost tickling my scalp. "Your hair is so long," he remarked. "It's beautiful." As he played with my hair, he softly sang along with the current song playing––Celtic Woman's breath-taking rendition of "My Heart Will Go On."

I wiped a few tears from my eyes. His voice was so warm and lovely. I smiled at him as I listened to him sing. I eventually fell asleep in the comfort of his arms.

I woke up a couple hours later, and looked around. I was in his room, in his bed, but I didn't see him there. Then, I heard the toilet flush in his bathroom, and the sink turn on. Okay, I thought. I guess he just had to poop. I laughed to myself as he opened the door, and tiptoed back in.

"Oh," he said happily, "you're awake."

"Oh, really?" I teased. "I thought I was still asleep. I guess that explains why I had my eyes open."

Logan laughed. "Alright, smartass."

"Better than being a dumbass."

Logan jokingly glared at me. "Watch it," he teased.

"Oh, please. I'm not scared of you."

"Well, you should be."

"Why? Watcha gonna do, huh?"

Logan grabbed the knitted blanket, jumped on the bed, and started tickling me with it.

I burst out laughing.

"That'll teach you!" Logan laughed.

"Oh, shit!" I shrieked, "I'm about to piss your bed!"

Logan stopped immediately, still laughing. "Well, get your butt into the bathroom, woman. I don't want no piss in my bed."

I got up from the bed, and hurried into the bathroom, still laughing to myself. I came out a couple minutes later, and saw Logan removing his clothes. I suddenly felt very turned on. I walked up to him, and kissed him passionately as we sat down on the bed together. We made out for a little while. In past relationships, I never liked making out. I often found myself only wanting a brief kiss or a peck. If the guy wanted more, I would grin and bear it to please him, even though I was practically suffocating under the mounds of spit and stinky breath. With Logan, it was different. His kisses were warm, soft, and dry, and his breath didn't smell like the sewers. Not only that, but kissing him was so amazing and hot that I didn't want to stop.

While we kissed, he gently moved his hands from my cheeks down to my breasts. Then, he slowly made his way down to the bottom of my dress. He lifted up my skirt as a hint to me. I helped him lift it, until we both lifted my dress over my head, revealing nothing but a black bra and matching panties. He lifted my bra over my head, and laid me down on the bed, removing my panties, and throwing them across the room. I snickered as I saw them getting caught in the blinds. He crawled into bed, and pulled me close, kissing me passionately, and directing his kisses downward towards my chest. Then, I spread my legs, allowing him room, and we went to town.

We were both out of breath and very satisfied when it was over, I lay still, catching my breath as he moved towards me, lying down, and wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too," I responded.

Then, we both turned our gaze towards the window, and burst out laughing when we saw my black underwear still hanging from the blinds.

Second Chances: An Unexpected AngelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz