Chapter 28

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When the dishwasher was on, and everything was put away, we led Sméagol up the stairs to the bathroom to show him how to take a shower. We showed him how to use shampoo, how to clean his body, since it had been so long since he had taken any kind of bath, and we showed him how the shower worked. We made sure the water was a good temperature for him. Then, when he knew what to do, we left the bathroom to give him some privacy.

While we waited, we both raided our closets, and laid out some clothes to show him. Obviously, since our clothes were for girls, we weren't going to dress him in them. Plus, they would probably not fit him properly. We just wanted to give him examples of some clothes and fabrics he might like. As we laid out the clothes on Hayley's bed, we heard Sméagol humming a happy tune in the shower. We smiled at each other.

"Wow," I said, "he has a beautiful singing voice."

"He sure does," said Hayley.

Sméagol's singing was different from the movies. In the movies, he didn't really try to sing an actual tune, or sing on key. This time, he was singing every note on key, and in his higher register. His singing voice was very soft and pure sounding with a very rapid yet smooth vibrato that was very similar to Hayley's. Hayley had a very fast but pure and smooth-sounding vibrato that made her unbelievably sweet voice sound even sweeter, and the fast vibrato had the same effect on Sméagol's already very sweet voice. Listening to him sing, my heart fluttered, and I almost wanted to cry.

When Sméagol finished up in the shower, he dried himself off. Then, he wrapped a towel around his waist as he opened the door. "Sméagol's all clean now!" he sang in a very high, soft voice.

Hayley and I laughed softly.

"You smell so good," said Hayley.

Sméagol smiled. "Thank you, Precious." He followed us into Hayley's room, and we showed him the different kinds of clothing.

"This is a sweater," I said.

"It's beautiful," said Sméagol.


Sméagol ran his fingers across the sweater. "Oooh, it's so soft. Sméagol loves sweaterses."

Hayley showed Sméagol some sweat pants. He also liked the material. Then, she opened her closet to see if there was anything else he might like. He peaked in, and reached out his hand, touching one of her onesies.

"What's this, Precious?" he asked.

"Oh, that's a onesie," she replied. "I like to wear these around the house, and I wear them every night when I go to sleep. They're so comfortable."

"Oh, can Sméagol see?"

"Of course." Hayley pulled out one of her onesies, and showed it to Sméagol. "See?"

"Oh, so pretty it is. What's this?" He pointed to the zipper.

"That's a zipper." Hayley showed him how the zipper worked.

Sméagol giggled in delight. "Oh, Sméagol loves the sound it makes."

Hayley giggled. "Me, too, and I love the way it feels against my skin. I like to zip it up and down when I'm wearing it sometimes. It tickles so much, and it makes me giggle." She giggled again thinking about it. Then, she turned the onesie around, and showed Sméagol the back.

Sméagol squealed in delight! "It has a tail!"

They both giggled.

"Well, I will definitely get you some onesies. You wanna put on my bath robe while I go buy you some clothes?"

"Yes, please. Towel feels too wet. Not comfy at all."

"Okay." Hayley went in her closet, and pulled out her green bath robe. She handed it to Sméagol. "It zips up in the front, by the way."

Sméagol smiled as he slipped his arms into the robe. Hayley showed him how to connect the zipper, and he zipped it all the way up, giggling with such delight.

"How does that feel?" asked Hayley.

"Very, very comfy, Precious. Sméagol loves the zipper."

Hayley smiled. "So, you want me to get you some onesies with tails, sweat pants, and sweaters?"

Sméagol nodded.

"You might wanna get him some short-sleeved shirts, too," I suggested.

"Oh, yes," Sméagol agreed. "Very warm it is outside."

"Do you want any clothes with zippers?" asked Hayley.

"Yes!" Sméagol squealed. "Everything! Sméagol wants zipperses on everything, please!"

Hayley giggled. "I'll see what I can find, Sweetie." She gave him a hug. "Okay, I'll be back in a couple hours. Take care of my baby sister, okay?"

Sméagol put his arm around me. "Oh, Sméagol take very good care of beautiful Cheyenne."

"Awww, I know you will. Okay, be back in a little while."

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