Chapter 39

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"Let me know if you need anything," Abby said, dropping me off at my house.

"Okay," I said sadly. "Thanks.

"I hope he's okay."

"Me, too." I got out of the car, and hurried inside. "Sméagol!" I called.

No answer.


Still no answer.

"Now, I was really worried. I sprinted up the stairs, and prayed that Sméagol was in his room. I opened the door, and heaved a sigh of relief when I saw him sitting up in his bed. He was hunched forward with his face in his hands. I slowly approached him. "Hey," I said.

"Oh, hi, Precious," he said glumly.

"Can I sit with you?"

"Of course." He scooted over a bit to make room for me.

I sat next to him, and looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Sméagol? I'm... I'm really sorry about what happened in the park."

"It's alright, Precious. That lady is right. Sméagol was horrible to nice hobbitses."

"She wasn't right. She clearly didn't pay any attention to your story. She has no clue what you went through. None of the stuff that happened was your fault. It was all Sauron's fault. He's the sick fuck who created the ring, and the ring took immediate power over you. You didn't have a choice. As soon as it was fished out of the river, it took hold of you right away, and it wouldn't let go until it was destroyed. Sméagol..." I scooted closer to him. "I really believe that, if you had a choice, you would've taken the ring from Frodo, and thrown it into the fire yourself.

"I never would've taken it from Déagol, not the way I did, Precious," Sméagol sniffled.

"I know you wouldn't, because you're a good, caring, loving person. Everything that happened was all on Sauron, not you, and now, Sauron is gone forever. You're free now."

"No, Sméagol is not free. Everyone still thinks Sméagol is a murderer."

"Yeah, because they're stupid, ignorant fucks, and by the way, after you left, I tore that woman a new asshole."

Sméagol looked at me, surprised. "It stood up for Sméagol?"

"Of course, I did. Sméagol, when I was being bullied in school, nobody stood up for me. People just watched, and even sided with the bullies." I began to cry. "It hurt so bad, because it felt like I deserved everything that was happening to me. When I saw it happen to you, it killed me, and I couldn't be a bystander. I had to speak up, and I did. I spoke up for you, because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, ever. You are the sweetest, nicest, kindest, most amazing guy I have ever, ever met, and to see anything bad happening to you, it really hurts me."

"Awwww, my precious." Sméagol put his arm around me. "You really cares about me, doesn't you?"

"Big time."

Sméagol played with my hair. "Bless you." He kissed my forehead. "Bless you, my beautiful friend."

Second Chances: An Unexpected AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora