Chapter 16

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I scooted over to make room for Abby. She sat on one side, and Hayley on the other as we talked about the movies.

"So," said Hayley, "now that you've seen it, who's your favorite character?"

"Sméagol," I replied, "both sides of him."

"You liked Gollum, too?" said Abby.


"I do, too," said Hayley.

"Despite all the shit he did," I said, "I just can't see him as a villain or someone evil."

Hayley nodded in agreement.

"What do you see him as?" asked Abby.

"I know that Sméagol was good," I said, "but I honestly saw some good in Gollum, too. Like, when he was comforting Sméagol in Faramir's cave. I mean, he was wrong about Frodo betraying him, but... he had a sweet side to him."

Abby and Hayley thought for a moment.

"Yeah," Abby said, "I can see what you mean."

"I think that, for Gollum," said Hayley, "he never, ever experienced any love or kindness in his life. All he knew was darkness and solitude and that stupid ring. Nobody was ever there for him. Nobody ever extended a hand to him. Sméagol knew what love was, but Gollum..."

"Maybe if someone showed him love," added Abby, "it would've helped him a great deal."

"And, his other problem, he was so addicted to the ring that he didn't believe he had any purpose without it, no reason to exist. Most people think he only existed, because of the ring. I don't think so. I think, if he had people to show him love, and that he does have purpose without it, he could've survived without it, both him and Sméagol."

"And, maybe he and Sméagol could've been friends," I added.

"Wouldn't that be an awesome story?" Abby remarked. "Gollum and Sméagol after the ring, how they both cope, and if Frodo could've been there for both of them, shown them love and friendship and kindness."

I laughed awkwardly. "Wow, we're talking about him as if he were real."

"Nothing wrong with that," said Hayley. "He's a special character who has a big impact on us."

"What would you say to him if he were real?" asked Abby. "If you were ever lucky enough to meet him, what would you tell him?"

"Pretty much everything you guys said," I replied. "I would tell him that I see good in him, that he does have purpose without the ring, and that he deserves to be loved."

"You know," said Hayley, "I would say the same things to him."

"Ditto," Abby agreed. "And, I would tell him that the ring is only causing more pain, not making it go away."

"What would you say to Sméagol?" asked Hayley.

"That he does have friends," I said, "and people do like him. I would say that to Gollum, too."

"I think that would have a huge impact on both of them," said Abby. "Words of love and kindness can go a long way, even in the darkest of times."

"Especially in the darkest times," added Hayley.

"What did you think of Sam?" Abby asked me.

"He was so sweet," I said, "and even though he was really harsh with Gollum and Sméagol... I guess I can understand where he's coming from. I mean, Frodo's his best friend, and he was just protective of him, just like you guys are to me."

Hayley and Abby smiled warmly at me.

"And, I don't think he could really understand what Frodo and Sméagol were going through," added Hayley, "because he never experienced it for himself. He only carried the ring for a few minutes. He didn't really understand that it took immediate control over Sméagol as soon as Déagol fished it out of the river. Poor Sméagol didn't even have a choice. Only Frodo could understand him, because he had to be so close to that dark power. His desire for it didn't take over him nearly as quickly as it did Sméagol, but... I guess I'm saying that, unless you've been through it, you don't really understand. That's why Sam was so scared of Sméagol, and so hard on him. He didn't realize that none of it was Sméagol's fault."

"I totally agree," I said, "but I think that he's a reasonable enough guy that, if someone were to tell him everything you just said, he would listen, and he would help Sméagol, too."

"I think he would, too," said Abby. "He has such a big heart." Then, she changed the subject back to Gollum. "So, what did you think of Gollum's... death?"

"Oh, shit," I groaned. "That broke my heart. I mean, I was glad the ring was gone, but... I didn't want Gollum and Sméagol to go down with it."

"Poor thing was bawling her eyes out when Gollum fell in the lava," Hayley said sweetly.

"Awww, that made me cry, too," said Abby, "and what made it even more heartbreaking, I think in his last few seconds of life, he finally realized the error in his ways, that this piece of junk wasn't worth dying for, nor was it worth killing anyone over. It was that 'what have I done' moment right when taking your last breath. So heartbreaking."

"Yeah," Hayley agreed, "I could see the regret written all over his face."

"I wish he got his happy ending," I sniffled.

"Awww, Honey," Hayley said sweetly, "you really liked him, didn't you?"

"Yeah. He's freaking awesome."

"Out of the two of them, which personality do you like better?" asked Abby.

"I don't know," I said, thinking about my answer. "I like them both, but... I guess I can relate more to Sméagol, since I've been through similar stuff. I mean, not to his extreme, but... I know how it feels to have people turn on you and judge you over stuff you have no control over." I paused for a moment. "And... I know what abuse feels like," I said with a very serious look on my face. I was referring to when Sauron tortured Sméagol to find out where the ring was.

Hayley's heart broke as soon as I mentioned abuse. She knew exactly what I was talking about, besides Sméagol being tortured. She hugged me. "Oh, Sweetie," she said sadly.

"But, you know, I don't mean that I like Gollum less," I added.

"I know," said Abby. "You love 'em both, but you connected with Sméagol on a deeper level."


"I know what you mean," said Hayley. "I adore them both, but I guess my heart aches more for Gollum, since he never, ever got the love and kindness he needed. I almost wish I could've jumped through the screen, and given him a big hug."

Abby and I smiled.

"Hayley, you are such a sweetheart," said Abby. "Probably the sweetest person in the world. Gollum would fall in love with you right away."

Hayley tilted her head, smiling warmly and giggling. "Awwww."

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