Chapter 9

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The next day, I met up with Abby for lunch at Callahan's.

"So, when are you gonna play it for him?" she asked.

"Well, he's coming over Friday for dinner and a movie night," I said. "Maybe I'll play it then. It'll give me time to practice it a little more."

"Aww, that's an awesome idea."

I sighed, almost wanting to cry. "You should've heard him during rehearsal last night, Abby. His solo for the concert, it was so beautiful. I've heard that song before, but never the way he sang it."

"What song?"

"It's called 'If I Can't Love Her' from Beauty and the Beast, the Broadway musical version."

"Oh, I love that song."

"Me, too, but Logan made me love it even more."

"I can't wait to hear it. When's the concert?"

"The end of May."

"Awesome. I love your choir concerts."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I love choral music."

"You should join."

"I don't think I'm good enough. You guys are amazing."

"So are you. You're plenty good enough."

"Awww, you don't have to be so nice. I know I suck."

"No, you don't," I said with a smirk on my face. "Abby, one thing about me, I don't suck up to people. When I compliment someone, I mean what I say. Plus, I'm a huge musical snob, and I can tell when someone can sing and when they suck. You don't suck, and anyone who tells you that is a stupid farthead."

Abby snickered. "Stupid farthead. You're funny, Cheyenne."

"Yeah, I'm so immature."

"Me, too," Abby laughed softly. "That's why we're such good friends."

I smiled. Then, I changed the subject back to choir. "I can't wait until you get to hear Hayley's solo, too. Holy shit, she can hit those notes."

"See, that's what I'm talking about. I can't hit those high notes like you and her can."

"So? That doesn't mean you suck. We need more altos anyway."

"Do I need to audition?"


"I'll think about it."

"Okie dokie."

Abby giggled. "You're too cute."

I grinned. "Thanks."

After lunch, Abby drove me back home, and I invited her to come in for a few minutes before she had to go back to work. She followed me into the music room, and listened as I sang and played the song for her.

"So, what did you think?" I asked when I finished. I heard sniffling. I looked over, and saw Abby wiping her face.

"That was so beautiful, Cheyenne," Abby wept. "Holy shit."

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah. That song really captures your love for him."

"Do you think he'll like it?"

"Are you kidding?" Abby sniffled. "He's gonna love it!"

I smiled awkwardly. "Wow, thanks, Abby."

If you can, you need to get his reaction on camera."

"I plan on recording the whole performance, and putting it on YouTube."

"Good. You should."

"Thanks, Abby."

"You're welcome. Well, Cheyenne, I gotta head back to work now, but I had so much fun hanging with you."

"Me, too, and I'm glad you liked the song."

"Girl, I freaking loved it." Abby gave me a hug before she turned to head out. "I'll see you later!" she called.

"Okay, bye!"


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